·  Reviewed: November 2014

·  Next Review: Nov 2017

Collective worship at Rushbury aims to:

1.  provide the opportunity for pupils to worship God, to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore their own beliefs

2.  encourage participation and response, whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to and joining in the worship offered

3.  develop community spirit, promote a common ethos and shared values and reinforce positive attitudes.

Definition of Worship

Christian worship is concerned with bringing praise, prayer, thanksgiving and adoration to God. It is Christians’ loving responses, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship with Him, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit. (Taken from the Hereford Diocesan Board of Education – Guidelines for Collective Worship in Church Schools).

As a church school, our act of worship will aim to be in accordance with the principles and practices of the Church of England i.e. reliably Christian.

Aims of Collective Worship

To be a special time with a distinctly spiritual atmosphere that is conductive to worship and an awareness of God’s presence

To provide opportunity, time and encouragement for reflection

To provide the opportunity to reflect upon, and celebrate, the values and worth of the school community

To learn about and reflect upon Christian teaching and festivals

To explore how others worship God and why

Assembly and Collective Worship take place as follows:

Monday 9.10 -9.30 a.m. Led by the Mrs Pye, headteacher

Tuesday Led by a teacher

Wednesday 1.00 – 1.20 p.m. ‘Open the Book Assembly’, Led by Reverend Nancy Cleaton,

2.45 p.m Hymn/Singing Practice led by Mr Bennett

Thursday 1.00 – 1.20 p.m. Led by a Key Stage 2 pupil

Friday 9.10 – 9.30 a.m. Sharing Assembly led by all staff

Occasional Class assemblies – see rota.

For the most part, acts of Collective Worship take place in the Sycamores (Trust Room) but, on occasions, they may be held in St. Peter’s Church or outside.


Special Services are held at Harvest, Christmas, Christingle and Easter. These are usually held in St. Peter’s Church and parents, carers and members of the local community are invited. For the Harvest service, children are joined by the local community to walk across the fields to St Edith’s at Eaton. These services are an expression of the development of well-established and functioning links with the Apedale Parishes.

A Leavers’ Service is held at the end of the summer term, prepared and led by Y6 Leavers in conjunction with the Rev. Nancy Cleaton, Rev. Virginia Clements and the headteacher. After all services, the congregation is invited back to the Sycamores for refreshments.

Pupils often take part in special Sunday services such as Mothering Sunday and Christmas.


Music is used to encourage an atmosphere of calm and reflection before Collective Worship and to maintain that atmosphere as pupils leave. Pupils and staff choose the music of the week and are asked to say something about the music chosen. Pupils are encouraged to play instruments as part of Collective Worship or Assembly.

A table is arranged with a cross and candle together with any other objects or artefacts which are relevant to the theme or will aid quiet thought. This is close to the school prayer.

Older pupils arrange the seating, music and hymn books/OHP.


Words are projected by OHP to allow a wider range of hymns and songs to be used. The main hymns and songs are chosen from ‘Come and Praise’ and ‘Values Education’.


The school has adopted ‘Values Education’ for its themes. The scheme explores one value per month. This gives lots of opportunity for the children to reflect on the ‘value’, follow up assemblies with class-based activities, bring ideas from home, and consolidate their learning. Themes are discussed at staff meetings so that all teaching staff are involved. Resource books for assemblies are kept in the Sycamores. The monthly theme allows time to celebrate special days and events throughout the year.

Simple displays, often the pupils’ work, are put on the worship notice board, in the Sycamores, to reflect the themes.

At the beginning of each academic year, Key Stage 2 pupils are asked to plan and lead a whole school assembly on a specific theme. The previous two years’ themes have been: ‘People Who Have Made a Difference’ and ‘’Wonders of the World’. The pupil also chooses the hymn and a prayer.

In addition, there is a ‘Special Days and Festivals’ four-year rota that links with planned ‘places of worship’ visits and the important dates of different faiths. These assemblies are prepared in class and presented by the class. This gives Key Stage 1 pupils the opportunity to lead assemblies and worship.


The pupils’ assemblies are kept in a file, on display in the Sycamores. Each ‘value’ is displayed in large letters at the front of the Sycamores, then kept for referral throughout the year. An assembly memory board is displayed in the Sycamores. Teachers display symbols from assemblies onto the board. This prompts discussion and reminds children about previous assemblies and worship.


Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship. Any parent who wishes to do this should contact the headteacher.

Assembly Rota

Month / Year A / Year B / Year C / Year D
Visit to Synagogue / Hindu Shrines
Visit to Greek Orthodox Church- KS 2 only / Visit to Catholic Church – KS 2 only
Link with Imam Sohayb Peerbhai-visits to school and secondary school link / Visit to Sikh Gurdwara
September / Jewish: New Year Festival
Rosh Hashanah / Hindu: Krishna Janamashtami
Birthday of Lord Krishna
October / Jewish: Simhat Torah
Day of rejoicing with the Torah / Muslim: Al-Hijra – Islamic New Year / Sikh: Birthday of Guru Ram Das
November / Hindu: Diwali / Sikh: Diwali
December / Jewish: Chanucah
Festival of Lights
January / Main Focus – Hinduism
Hindu: Makra Sahkranti or Vasant Panchami / Main focus – Islam
Muslim: Birth of the prophet Mohammad / Main Focus – Sikhism
Sikh: Birth of Guru Har Rai / Main focus - Judaism
February / Chinese New Year
March / Hindu: Holi Spring Festival / Jewish: Purim- Feast of Esther
April / Orthodox: Holy Friday / Sikh: Vaisakhi
Birthday of Sikh Nation
May / Lailat al-Isra wal Miraj (Night Journey to Heaven / Jewish: Shavout – Feast of Weeks – Pentacost (1st day)
June / Orthodox: All Saints Day / Muslim: Ramadan
July / Eid-al-Fitr, end of Ramadan / Jewish: Tisha B’Av

Does not include annual Christian Celebrations

Christianity Scheme of work, KS 2

Scheme Detail: Stockport Christians in School Trust 2015

Month / Year A / Year B / Year C / Year D
September / Disciples:
Paul / Forgiveness
The Prodigal Son
The unforgiving servant
The sacrament of reconciliation / The Pilgrim’s Progress
Christian’s dangerous journey
Chjristian’s baggage
The room of Peace
The flight with Apollyon / The Church Year
The Road to Emmaus
Ascension Day
October / Harvest
Giving Thanks
No thanks to poverty / Harvest
A time for thanking God
Jesus’ harvest stories / Harvest
Thanking God for creation
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Justice / Harvest
Thanking God for being dependable
Paul – Guided by the Spirit
The right person for the job
Paul’s journeys
November / Paul and Barnabus
Peter’s denial
Peter on the beach
Jesus Light of the World
Advent / Forgiveness
Gordon Wilson
The Church Worldwide
What is the church?
A Community of Believers
Jesus Light of the World
Advent / The Heavenly City
The Bible
A special book for Christmas
Mary Jones and her Bible
Jesus Light of the World
Advent / Paul’s teaching – faith in Christ
Paul’s teaching – One in Christ
The Church – One in the Spirit?
Jesus Light of the World
December / Christmas
The two meanings of Christmas / Christmas
The two Christmas stories / Christmas
Jesus man and God
Christmas celebrations / Christmas
Immanuel: God with us – 1 & 2
January / Peter at Pentecost
Francis of Assisi
The prayer of St Francis / The Church Worldwide
A community with a mission
World Mission
The worldwide church / The Bible
Mary Li and her Bible
John Adams and the Bounty Bible
The Bible in worship
Church visit / Who is Jesus?
Jesus the Jew
Jesus the son of God
February / Right and Wrong
What is Right and Wrong?
The Ten Commandments / Jesus Light of the World
The Prophets
Jesus Light of the World 1&2 / The Bible 2
One Bible, many books
Proverbs / Jesus the Rabbi
Jesus teaching – The Kingdom of God
March / Easter
Pesach and Easter
The Holy Spirit
Introducing the Holy Spirit
Pentecost / Easter
Jesus and Moses
Easter Eggs
The Holy Spirit
Images of the Holy Spirit
Fruits of the Spirit / Easter
The Last Supper
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
The Bible 2
Gospels / Easter
Jesus the Lamb
The Holy Spirit
Gifts of the Spirit
April / Right and Wrong
Doing Wrong
Right or Wrong? / Jesus Light of the World
You are the light of the world
Christian Prayer
Prayers which work
Prayers which don’t work
Jesus and prayer / Gospels
Christian Values
What makes you happy?
People who are happy.
Needing God
Welcoming / Who is Jesus?
Jesus teaching happiness
Jesus the healer 1 &2
Jesus the son of God 2
May / Christian Love
Jesus and his feelings
To love is to serve
Loving God / Thy Kingdom Come
Our daily Bread
Forgive us our Trespasses / Gentleness and Justice
Standing up for Peace
God and me
God the creator / Jesus the Messiah Jesus the suffering servant
Jesus the saviour
Jesus the Victor
June / Love your enemies
Christian love for God’s creation / Christian Worship
What is worship?
Worship through art
Worship through dance / God the sustainer
God the Saviour
God as Judge
God is Loving / Followers of Jesus
The Ichtus
July / Forgiveness
Jesus and the forgiveness of sins / Worship through music
Worship through poetry
Worship through drama / The Church Year
Dividing up the year
The Church Year / The Calling of the Disciples
Simon becomes Peter