JUNE 1ST, 2015
PRESENT: Kim Koller-Blakeslee, Charlene Gaus, Mindy Methven, Mark Rudloff, John Boatman, Brett Boatman, Beth Rudloff, Denise Schomer, Mindy Mikesic
Meeting started at 7:03 pm called to order by Charlene
APROVAL OF THE MINUTES –Charlene motioned to accept; Mark seconded it.
TREASURER’S REPORT – account balance is $2,671.55 and balanced with the statement
- Act 82 form – can break down by team (Jr High, JV, Varsity)
- Number of players registered on first day of competition
- Must turn in monthly reports backed up by statements
- Athletic Director wants to present information to School District by 7/1 (Business Plan, all documents, fundraisers, spending – camps, senior night, banquet, etc.)
- Any purchase of $250 or more must be approved by Athletic Director – any other purchases besides items to make money (i.e., Sam’s Club purchase for Concession Stand)
- We have a scoreboard for soccer (purchased for softball)
- Logo must be approved by Athletic Director
- Using Big B, Indian Head and Shield are suggested
- Charlene has emailed Jon but hasn’t heard back
- Clearances – those who have non-public time with the players must have clearances
- New PA law requires all coaches to have a coaching certificate – Paid and Unpaid coaches
- BASD is paying for paid coaches
- Doesn’t have to be renewed
- Cash Raffle has been submitted
- John Elnitski (Girls club) emailed Charlene stating that there was $366 leftover from speed camp sponsors and will we return $183?
- How was there money left over?
- Why did the players pay if there was a profit made?
- Have not heard back from John as of the meeting
- Discussed whether to give $183 to Girls to keep things amicable
- We must have a breakdown of this year’s speed camp & if there is a profit, it must be returned making a $0 balance
- Charlene motioned & Mark seconded
- Mary Cronin volunteered to help get sponsors for Cash Raffle
- Katina Pacella & Val Fulton have agreed to take over the Concession Stand
- Suggested that the items that are sold be scaled back
- Requested for both to attend the July meeting to make the final determinations about how the concession stand will be run
- Definitely want a heavy menu for Stadium games
- Got email addresses for some of the 6th grade soon-to-be 7th grade players to add to our mailing list
- Cash Raffle
- For the month of October – selling times will be pre-season til the 1st week of Sept
- ****Still need a help getting sponsors****
- Program Sponsors – need a few volunteers to help
- Waiting on BASD approval
- Email went out today (6/1)
- Website – Mindy is requesting to have control of the website
- Soccer Camp
- Booster Club will pay $50 per player
- Dates – August 10th – 14th
- Leaning towards including Jr High & High School
- Mindy to discuss with Scott about registration setup and “must have deposit”
- Having a July meeting
Mindy motioned to adjourn. Charlene seconded it.