Psychology/Sociology: 2013-2014

Welcome: Welcome to my classroom! I am looking forward to an exciting and successful school year, but first I need to cover some basics:

Teacher/Intern: Mrs. Ray/Mr. Thompson Room: 200 Period: 2
Telephone: 596-5258 ext. 278: Leave a voice mail.

VCLS Log-In:
Web Page:

Or: click on the VCHS Tab at the Top; Click Teacher Pages in the left column; Click on Mrs. Ray; View Psychology/Sociology Page

Text/Resources: Instructional Notes, Handouts, Internet Research, and Journal Articles

Reminders: Remind 101: Text @psychso to (442) 333-4463

Course Information: The purposes of this class are as follows:

·  To introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals.

·  To complete an elective requirement needed for graduation.

·  To prepare for the AP Psychology Test (May 2014) (optional).

·  To develop necessary skills for the application of social studies in everyday life.

Class Rules:

1.  Come to class on time with needed supplies and materials.

2.  Respect everyone (including yourself) in the room.

3.  Follow and participate in the classroom/school procedures.

4.  Complete all work to the best of your ability in a timely manner.

5.  Be accountable for your work and behavior.

Class Consequences:
1st offense: warning (unless it is a more serious offense)
2nd offense: conference with teacher/parents contacted
3rd offense: referral to the office/detention assigned

Class Format: Class will consist of a combination of lectures, discussions, Powerpoints, handouts, videos, individual projects, and group projects. Although some time will be budgeted during the class period for completion of periodic assignments, most assignments will require additional time to complete outside of the allotted classroom time. All assignments will have a due date issued when assigned and will be turned in at the beginning of the class period. Late work will be accepted with a 10% deduction on assigned points per day. Each article review, essay, or project may be corrected and resubmitted once. Students have the option of one retake on any section quiz within three days and chapter tests within a week. You will have the option of keeping the higher of the two scores. Caution: All tested material will be the same, but the questions will be different. There will be no retakes on the Summative Assessments. Any acts of Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero (0) and will be referred to the office.


·  Grades will be updated online weekly on Progress Book and posted in the classroom.

·  “Busy work” will not be given in this class.

·  All assignments will be assigned a point value. Each assignment will be entered into the grade book as a part of Total Points for each category.

·  Grades for each nine weeks are divided into categories and are assigned a percentage of the overall total grade:

Ø  Article Reviews, Essays, Projects: 20%

Ø  Section Quizzes: 20%

Ø  Chapter Tests: 30%

Ø  Summative Assessments (9 weeks Tests): 30%


·  Students will need an admit slip (from the office or another teacher) if they are absent from or tardy to my class for any reason. This should be presented when entering the classroom. If one is not presented, the absence will be considered unexcused.

·  Students are permitted to make up work if they are absent from school; however, if a student misses a day of a test and has an unexcused absence the score will not be recorded until an excused absence slip is presented.

·  All makeup work is due within one week of absences. All work will remain a zero in the grade book until made up even if the absence is excused.

·  It is the responsibility of the student to request, complete, and return all makeup work.

Class Responsibilities:

o  Arrive to class on time. Unexcused tardies will result in a reduction of points, and you will not be allowed to make up the work missed. In addition, four (4) tardies and each subsequent tardy will result in a lunch/after school detention assigned.

o  Bring a writing utensil, paper, planner, and ID every day. To leave the classroom, you must have a complete planner with your name on the front; this means no turn-out pages. Suspicious planners will be confiscated and detention may be assigned.

o  Although a Psychology/Sociology Binder is not required, you are responsible for keeping track of your own classroom materials. Classroom materials will be posted online as well as given in class.

o  Be prepared to work when the tardy bell rings.

o  Pay attention in class, complete class assignments, and study for tests.

o  Be prepared to think critically and participate in mature discussions.

o  Use class time for psychology/sociology assignments and is not to be used for bathroom trips, sleeping, socialization, grooming, or completing assignments for another class.

Perfumed lotions, hand sanitizers, or sprays are NOT Permitted to be used in the classroom due to my allergies and asthma.

o  Limit of 1 bathroom pass per student per week from my class.

o  Sit quietly and return all borrowed items to their proper place when finished with assignments.

o  Remain seated until dismissed by the teacher when bell rings.

Tentative Class Outline:

Based on the Textbook: Psychology, 6th Edition, Davis and Palladino (Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2010)

1st Nine Weeks:

Chapter 1: Psychology, Research, and You

o  Becoming a Psychology Detective

o  Research Methods in Psychology

o  The Origins of Modern Psychology

o  Present Day Psychology

o  Psychological Specialties

o  Careers in Psychology

Chapter 13: Therapy

o  Therapy Through the Ages

o  Psychologically Based Therapies

o  The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy

o  Biomedical Therapies

Chapter 14: Health Psychology

o  Health Psychology: An Overview

o  Stress and Illness

o  Lifestyle Influence on Disease Risk

o  Coping with Stress

Chapter 15: Social Psychology: The Individual in Society

o  Social Psychology and Culture

o  Attitudes

o  Interpersonal Relations

o  Social Influences on Behavior

o  The Individual as Part of a Social Group

2nd Nine Weeks:

Chapter 2: Behavioral Neuroscience

o  Biology and Behavior

o  The Nervous System

o  The Endocrine System

o  Neurons: Basic Cells of the Nervous System

o  The Brain: A Closer Look

Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception

o  Sensation, Perception, and Psychophysics

o  Sensory Systems

o  Perception

o  Paranormal Phenomena

Chapter 4: States of Consciousness

o  What is Consciousness?

o  The Rhythms of Life

o  The Study of Sleep

o  Hypnosis

o  Altering Consciousness with Drugs

Chapter 5: Learning

o  What is Learning?

o  Classical Conditioning

o  Operant Conditioning

o  Cognitive and Social Perspectives

3rd Nine Weeks:

Chapter 6: What is Motivation?

o  Theories of Motivation

o  Specific Motives

o  The What and the Why of Emotions

o  The Physiological Components

o  The Expressive Components of Emotion

o  The Cognitive Components of Emotion

Chapter 7: Memory

o  Models of Memory

o  Other Approaches to Memory

o  Techniques for Improving Memory

o  The Physiological Basis of Learning and Memory

Chapter 8: Thinking, Language, Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence

o  Thinking

o  Language

o  Intelligence

o  Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 11: Personality

o  Analyzing Personality

o  Trait Approaches

o  Biological Factors in Personality

o  The Psychodynamic Perspective

o  The Behavioral Perspective

o  The Social-Cognitive Perspective

o  The Humanistic Perspective

4th Nine Weeks:

Chapter 9: Development Across the Lifespan

o  Basic Issues in Developmental Psychology

o  Development from Conception to Birth

o  Development in Infancy

o  Psychosocial Development in Childhood

o  Cognitive Development in Childhood

o  Adolescence

o  Early Adulthood

o  Middle Adulthood

o  Late Adulthood

o  Death, Dying, and Bereavement

Chapter 10: Sex and Gender

o  Sex and Gender: An Introduction

o  Similarities and Differences Between Males and Females

o  Social Issues

Chapter 12: Psychological Disorders

o  Abnormal Behavior

o  Classifying and Counting Psychological Disorders

o  Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders

o  Mood Disorders

o  Schizophrenia

o  Personality Disorders, Sexual Disorders, and Substance Use Disorders

Chapter 16: Industrial, Organizational, and Other Applications of Psychology

o  The “I” and the “O” of Industrial/Organizational Psychology

o  Human-Factors Psychology

o  Other Applications of Psychology in the Real World