EMRP METCO Project Stakeholder FeedbackNovember 2012

EMRP METCO Project Stakeholder FeedbackNovember 2012

As part of the European Metrology Research Programme METCO (Metrology of ElectroThermalCOupling for new functional materials technology) project we are asking for stakeholder input to help defineand focus the metrology development that the project will undertake. Your input as a project stakeholder is vital to maximise the impact and benefits of the project. Below are a series of questions that help us capture your views and help us prioritise the work that we carry out for your benefit. Not all the sections will be relevant to your business, but please fill in those that apply to you. Many thanks for agreeing to be a stakeholder to our project.We are very grateful for your input and support.

There is section at the end to capture comments and feedback not otherwise addressed by the questions below.

Background Details

Nature of interest in piezoelectric / electrocaloric materials / e.g. ceramic manufacturer, device manufacturer, end user, academic. Please state market sector(s)
Piezoelectric / electrocaloric applications / e.g. specific applications, materials or products

General Questions

Temperature Range / Which temperature ranges are important for your applications?
Frequency / Which frequency ranges are important for your applications?
Voltage / Electric Field / What range of electric fields are applied in your products?
Materials Form / What form(s) are you piezoelectric / electrocaloric materials e.g. ceramic, multilayer, thick film ( 5um to 100 um), thin film (10 nm – 5000 nm), single crystal, composite?
Materials Type / What type of materials do you currently use e.g. PZT, PVDF etc.?
Materials Dimensions / What is the size range you are interested in? Does sample size matter for testing and measurement?
Environmental Considerations / Are Pb free / Pb reduced, non-polluting, or refrigerant-free technologies important for your company?
Measurement Requirements / Do you have any specific measurement requirements?

High Temperature Piezoelectrics Questions

(Skip this if you’re not interested in high temperature piezoelectrics)

Piezoelectric Mode / Do you use piezoelectrics as actuators, sensors, or both?
Piezoelectric Direction / Do you require measurements of 33 (longitudinal) or 31 (transverse) piezoelectric properties? If other please state.
Piezoelectric quantities / Which piezoelectric coefficients or figures of merit are important e.g. d33, g33 etc., Tc, total strain? Please list in order of importance.
Thermal expansion / Do you need to know the thermal expansion of the piezoelectric material?
High Temperature Materials / Which of these potential high-temperature piezo-electric materials is of most interest to you? Please highlight those of interest.
  • BiFeO3 - (K,Bi)TiO3 – PbTiO3 – a relatively new lead light, high strain (0.8%) actuator material with an operating temperature of 320°C.
  • Doped BiFeO3 – PbTiO3 – a well understood, commercially available material. Although at the lower end of sensitivity (d33 < 120 pC/N) it offers stable coefficients over temperature.
  • Doped BiScO3 – PbTiO3 – The piezoelectric coefficient of BSPT combined with its high TC make it an obvious choice in either polycrystalline or single crystal form. However the expense and lack of supply security for Sc may prohibit its use in large scale production.
  • Doped BIPT – With a good electrical resistivity compared to other polycrystalline materials, high operating temperature and appreciable stability at temperature, this material is a good choice, but suffers from a d33 less than 100 pC/N.
  • Other…please state

Electrocaloric Questions

(Skip this if you’re not interested in electrocalorics)

Which of the following development trends are important for your company? / No relevance / Some interest / Important
Increasing the electrocaloric effect (temperature change and entropy variation) of the materials (by e.g. doping, interfaces, microstructure) at room temperature /  /  / 
Increasing the operation temperature of the electrocaloric materials and devices /  /  / 
Miniaturisation of electrocaloric devices /  /  / 
Developing improved methods for characterisation and metrology for materials and electrocaloric devices /  /  / 
New and improved modelling tools /  /  / 
Developing materials and designs for heat transfer switches
What are the important ranges of electrocaloric devices cooling power and efficiency for your company?
List in importance of the properties of electrocaloric materials: / Importance (1= low importance, 5= high importance)
Electrocaloric temperature change / 
Electrocaloric heat / 
Thermophysical properties (thermal conductivity and heat capacity) / 
Other / 

Any other comments?

Any other input, comments or feedback about your measurement requirements or our project that has not been covered above.