Towns of Richfield and Erin

Friess Lake School


DATE: Wednesday, April 20, 2011

TIME: 5:00 P.M.

LOCATION: Friess Lake School Library

1750 Hwy 164

Hubertus, WI 53033

Upon request, reasonable auxiliary aids and services will be provided for individuals with disabilities. If accommodations are required, please provide 24-hour advance notice by calling (262) 628-2380. The School Board can only discuss items noticed in the formal agenda under the provisions of the Open Meetings Laws.


I.  Compliance with Open Meeting Law [w.s. 19.84(2)]

II.  Roll Call – Verification of Quorum

III.  Pledge of Allegiance

IV.  Open Forum/Community Input

V. Recognition, Appreciation, Awards

VI. Group Reports

A. Report from FLAG

B. Report from the Athletic Committee

C. Student Presentations

VII. Approval of Minutes

A.  February 17, 2011 Regular School Board meeting minutes

B.  February 17, 2011 Executive Session minutes

C.  March 21, 2011 Regular School Board meeting minutes

D.  March 21, 2011 Executive Session minutes

VIII. Financial Reports and Updates

A.  Approval of Financial Reports – March 31, 2011

B.  Continued discussion regarding the Budget Repair Bill and the anticipated 2011-2013 State Budget

C.  Budget Forecast Model

D.  School Fees

IX. Student Achievement Reports and Updates

A.  Enrollment Report

B.  Discussion and possible resolution to approve the 2011-2012 Calendar

C.  Review of the 2011-2014 Information Technology Literacy Plan

D.  Summer School Update

E.  Lego Robotics Proposal

X. Personnel Items

A. Discussion and possible resolution to approve final layoff notices

B. Discussion and possible resolution to accept teacher retirements

C. Teacher Appreciation Week – May 2-6, 2011

D. Service Awards

XI. Board Reports and Updates

A.  General Board Communications

B.  Board Presidents Report – Tom Wolff

C.  Clerk’s Report – Jennifer Setterlun

1. School Board Election Results

XII. Buildings and Grounds Reports

A.  Buildings and Grounds Update

B.  Update on Legal Review of Easement

XIII. Policies

A. Review existing Board Policies

1. Policy 630: School Indebtedness

2. Policy 640: State and Federal Aid Eligibility

3. Policy 641: Entitlement Programs

4. Policy 652: Revenues from Investments

XIV. Future Agenda Items

XV. Adjournment

Posted: Friess Lake School

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H:Denise/042011 Regular School Board Meeting Agenda