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World War II Unit Test

Part 1: Multiple Choice [1 points each, 25 points total]

1. World War II began on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded which country?

a / Poland / c / Greece
b / Czechoslovakia / d / France

2. On December 7, 1941, the United States was drawn into World War II when the Japanese attacked where?

a / Philippines / c / Hawaii
b / Indonesia / d / Alaska

3. Which country was not part of the Axis powers?

a / Japan / c / Spain
b / Italy / d / Germany

4. Vichy was the name of the collaborationist government in which country?

a / France / c / Poland
b / Italy / d / China

5. The Munich conference dealt with German demands for territory in which country?

a / Poland / c / Greece
b / Czechoslovakia / d / Norway

6. Which nation was invaded by Germany in June 1941, breaking the non-aggression pact between the two nations?

a / Italy / c / France
b / Soviet Union / d / Belgium

7. The Battle of the Bulge was the last major German offensive outside of Germany. In what country did this battle occur?

a / Belgium / c / France
b / Netherlands / d / Poland

8. The term “appeasement” is most closely associated with this man

a / Churchill / c / Roosevelt
b / Mussolini / d / Chamberlain

9. Which of the following events came first?

a / Nazi defeat at Stalingrad / c / Allied Invasion of North Africa
b / Allied Invasion of Normandy / d / Battle of the Bulge

10. The term “anschluss” refers to the annexation and occupation of which country by the Nazis

a / Netherlands / c / Austria
b / Czechoslovakia / d / Denmark

11. This nation lost more people during World War II than any other

a / France / c / Soviet Union
b / Japan / d / Germany

12. Approximately how many Jews were exterminated during the Holocaust?

a / 6 million / c / 2 million
b / 8 million / d / 12 million

13. Which of the following is not true about the homefront?

a / Rationing was common / c / Japanese-Americans entered the work force in large numbers
b / Women entered the work force in large numbers / d / Race riots erupted throughout the country

14. One of the most famous race riots during World War II occurred in which city?

a / Detroit / c / New York
b / Chicago / d / San Francisco

15. Which of the following was true about African Americans during World War II?

a / Massive numbers of Blacks moved to the north and west in search of jobs / c / Black soldiers were segregated and given more menial jobs than white counterparts in armed forces
b / Racism led blacks to riot in cities across the country / d / All of the above

16. Erwin Rommel was the German commander where?

a / France / c / North Africa
b / Italy / d / Russia

17. This man was Supreme Allied commander in Europe and would later become President of the United States

a / Harry Truman / c / Douglas MacArthur
b / Dwight Eisenhower / d / John F. Kennedy

18. This was the first place that American forces invaded in the European theater

a / North Africa / c / France
b / Italy / d / None of the above

19. The first atomic bomb was dropped on which Japanese city?

a / Hiroshima / c / Nagasaki
b / Osaka / d / Kyoto

20. Which of the following is the name of the American nuclear weapons program during World War II

a / Manhattan Project / c / Chicago Project
b / New Mexico Project / d / New Orleans Project

21. What was America’s strategy during World War II

a / Focus on defeating Germany first / c / Focus on beating Italy first
b / Focus on beating Japan first / d / None of the above

22. The invasion of Normandy was the largest naval invasion in world history. How many allied troops were involved in this invasion?

a / 7 million / c / 3 million
b / 5 million / d / 1 million

23. The first atomic bomb was tested in the desert of which state?

a / Arizona / c / Nevada
b / California / d / New Mexico

24. This was the bloodiest battle in the Pacific Theater

a / Guadalcanal / c / Coral Sea
b / Iwo Jima / d / Okinawa

25. This was the bloodiest battle in all of World War II

a / Okinawa / c / El Alamein
b / Stalingrad / d / Anzio

Part 2: Matching [2 points each, 16 points total]

Match the correct term in the first column with the correct definition in the second column. Either draw arrows connecting term with the definition or write the correct number next to the term in column one.

1. Island Hopping / A. Fascist leader of Italy
2. Blitzkrieg / B. Fascist leader of Germany
3. Hirohito / C. Important Native American soldiers during WWII
4. Final Solution / D. US strategy in the Pacific
5. Wind talkers / E. First Black military pilots in US armed forces
6. Tuskegee Airmen / F. German military strategy during World War II
7. Mussolini / G. Japanese leader during WWII
8. Hitler / H. German policy for elimination of Jews

Part 3: Maps [2 points each, 24 points total]

On the above map, 5 important locations have been marked. The names of the locations have been listed below.

·  Anzio

·  El Alamein

·  Normandy

·  Stalingrad

·  Bastogne

On the above map, 7 important locations have been marked. Label each of them. The names of the 7 locations are provided below.

·  Okinawa

·  Iwo Jima

·  Pearl Harbor

·  Nagasaki

·  Midway

·  Guadalcanal

·  Hiroshima

Part 4: Identification Terms [5 points each, 35 points total]

For the following terms, you will identify the terms and describe why they are significant.

Battle of Midway

Lend Lease Act

Battle for Britain

El Alemain

Tuskegee Airmen


Munich Conference