Pursuant to Article 34, paragraph 1, item 18 of the Law on the Election of Members of the Parliament („RS Official Gazette”, numbers 35/00, 57/03 – decision of the Constitutional Court, 72/03 – other law, 18/04, 85/05 – other law, 101/05 – other law, 104/09 – other law – decision of the Constitutional Court, and 36/11), the
Republic Electoral Commission adopted at the session held on 4 March 2016 the
1. The deadlines for performing the electoral activities in the procedure of conducting the election of members of the Parliament have been set by:
– The Decision Calling the Election of Members of the Parliament („RS Official Gazette”, number21/16),
– The Law on the Election of Members of the Parliament,
– The Law on a Single Electoral Roll („RS Official Gazette”, numbers 104/09 and 99/11),
– The Instruction for Conducting the Election of Members of the Parliament, called for 24 April 2016, 02 Number: 013-24/16of 4 March2016.
2. The Decision on Calling the Elections of Members of the Parliament entered into force as of the date of its publication, on 4 March 2016.
The elections of members of the Parliament were called on 24 April 2016.
The Decision stipulates that the deadlines for performing the electoral activities shall start to run from the date of entry into force of this Decision.
3. According to the provisions from point 1 of this Term Schedule, the deadlines are the following:
No. / Activity / Deadline1. Unique Standards and Forms
1.1. / Determining unique standards, laying down the forms and rules for the conduct of electoral activities, and putting them at disposal of the public
(Article 34,paragraph 3 and Article 43, paragraph 2 of the Law on the Election of Members of the Parliament – LEMP) / no later than 9 March at 24:00 hours
2. Authorities and Bodies for Conducting the Elections
2.1. / Adoption of the Decision Appointing the representative of the submitter of the list of candidates to expanded composition of the Republic Electoral Commission
(Article 39, paragraphs 2 and 3 of LEMP) / within 24 hours from the moment of receiving the proposal of the submitter of the list of candidates, and by no later than 19 April at 24:00hours
2.2. / Submission of the proposal for members of the working bodies
(Article9,paragraph 2 of the Instruction) / no later than 18 March
2.3. / Setting-up of working bodies
(Article 6,paragraph 1 of the Instruction) / no later than21 March
2.4. / Submission to the Republic Electoral Commission of the list of Parliamentarian group members authorized for proposing members to make up permanent composition of electoral committees
(Article 18,paragraph 3 of the Instruction) / no later than 5 April
2.5. / Submission to the working body of the parliamentary groups’ proposal for members of permanent composition of electoral committees
(Article 18,paragraph 1 of the Instruction) / no later than 8April
2.6. / Submission to the Republic Electoral Commission of consolidated proposals for members of electoral committees’ permanent composition by the working body
(Article 19,paragraph 1 of the Instruction) / no later than 10 April
2.7. / Submission to the Republic Electoral Commission of the proposals for members of electoral committee’s permanent composition within the Correctional facility for enforcement of custodial sanctions, and abroad
(Article 20,paragraph 3 of the Instruction) / no later than 10 April
2.8. / Creation of permanent composition of the electoral committees
(Article 36,paragraph 3 of LEMP, and Article 11, paragraph 2 of the Instruction) / no later than 13 April at 24:00 hours
2.9. / Submission to the Republic Electoral Commission of the list of authorized persons of the submitters of lists of candidates for proposing members of electoral committees’ expanded composition
(Article 24, paragraph 3 of the Instruction) / no later than13 April
2.10. / Submission to the working body and/or theRepublic Electoral Commission of the proposal for appointing members of electoral committees’ expanded composition
(Article 24,paragraph 1 and Article 25 of the Instruction) / no later than 18 April at 10:00hours
2.11. / Submission to the Republic Electoral Commission by the working body of consolidated proposals for appointing members of the electoral committees’ expanded composition
(Article 26,paragraph 1 of the Instruction) / no later than 18 Aprilat 17:00 hours
2.12. / Adoption of the Decision appointing members of the electoral committees’ expanded composition
(Article 39,paragraphs 2 and 3 ofLEMP, andArticle 26, paragraph 2 of the Instruction) / no later than 19 April at 24:00 hours
2.13. / Replacement of a member or alternate member of the electoral committee in permanent composition, in the case of absence or being prevented
(Article 28,paragraph 3 of the Instruction) / no later than 23 April at
20:00 hours
2.14. / Replacement of a memberof the electoral committee in expanded composition, in the case of absence or being prevented
(Article 28,paragraph 4 of the Instruction) / no later than 22 April at 20:00 hours
2.15. / Replacement of a memberof the electoral committee who cannot be part of the electoral committee’s composition within the meaning of Article 29 of the Instruction
(Article 28,paragraph 5 of the Instruction) / no later than 24 April at
3. List of Candidates
3.1. / Submission of thelist of candidates
(Article 44,paragraph 1 ofLEMP, and Article 35,paragraph 1 of the Instruction) / by 8April at 24:00 at 24:00 hours
3.2. / Proclamation of the list of candidates
(Article 45 ofLEMP) / within 24 hours from the moment of receiving the list of candidates, if meeting the requirements
3.3. / Withdrawal of the list of candidates
(Article 41,paragraph 1 ofLEMP) / bythe date of determination of the consolidated list of candidates, and/or 12 April at 24:00 hours
3.4. / Determination and publication of the consolidated list of candidates in the „RS Official Gazette”
(Article 47, paragraph 4 ofLEMP, andArticle 44,paragraph 3 of the Instruction) / no later than 13. April at 24:00 hours
3.5. / The right of perusal of the submitted list of candidates
(Article 47,paragraph 4 of LEMP) / within 48 hours from the date of publication of the consolidated list of candidates
4. Polling Places
4.1. / Submission of the proposals of municipal/city administrations and the administration of urban municipalities for determining the polling places
(Article 45,paragraph 2 of the Instruction) / no later than16 March
4.2. / Submission of the proposals of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs for determining the polling places within the correctional facilities and/or abroad
(Article 45,paragraph 3 of the Instruction) / no later than31 March
4.3. / Determination and announcement of the number and addresses of the polling places in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”
(Article 34,paragraph 1, item 7 ofLEMP
andArticle 45,paragraph 4 of the Instruction) / no later than 3 April at 24:00 hours
5. Unique Electoral Roll
5.1. / Display of the electoral roll parts for the regions of local self-government units
(Article 14 of the Law on Unique Electoral Roll – LUER and item 10 of the Instructionfor Enforcement of the Law on Unique Electoral Roll) / by 5 March
5.2. / Request to municipal/city administration for registration in the electoral roll or for change in the electoral roll
(Article 5,paragraph 1 and Article 10,paragraph 1 of LUER) / bythe close of the electoral roll on 8 April at 24:00 hours
5.3. / Request to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government for registration in the electoral roll and/or change in the electoral roll upon the close thereof
(Article 5,paragraph 1 andArticle 10,paragraph 1 of LUER) / by 9 to 20 April at 24:00 hours
5.4. / Right of insight in the requests submitted for changes in the electoral roll by the submitter of the lists of candidates or by a person authorized by the submitter
(Article 21 of the LUER and item 9,paragraph 5 of the Instructionfor Enforcement of the Law on Unique Electoral Roll) / bythe date of declaration of the list of candidates
5.5. / Submission of the request for entering a note in the electoral roll that the voter will in the forthcoming elections vote according to the place of residence in the country / selected polling place
(Article 15 of LUER) / no later than 2 April
5.6. / Submission of the request for entering a note in the electoral roll that the voter will in the forthcoming elections vote abroad
(Article 16,paragraph 1 ofLUER) / no later than 2 April
5.7. / Submission of the data necessary to prepare special extracts from the electoral rolls for the voters serving their military service, or attending a military drill or training in the Army of Serbia units or institutions, and/or the voters subject to correctional sanctions or in detention
(Article 19, paragraph 6 ofLUER) / by 4 April
5.8. / Passing the decision on the close of the electoral roll and determination of the total number of voters
(Article 17,paragraph 1 of LUER) / on 8 April
5.9. / Submission of the decision closing the electoral roll to theRepublic Electoral Commission
(Article 17,paragraph 2 of LUERandArticle 54,paragraph 4 of the Instruction) / no later than 9 Aprilat
24:00 hours
5.10. / Publication of the total number of voters in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”
(Article 18 ofLUERandArticle 55 of the Instruction) / Immediately upon the receipt of the decision closing the electoral roll
5.11. / Submission of certified extracts from the electoral rolls to the Republic Electoral Commission
(Article 19,paragraph 1 ofLUER andArticle 56 of the Instruction) / no later than 10 April at 24:00 hours
5.12. / Receipt in the Republic Electoral Commission of the decision of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government on entry or changes in the electoral roll upon the close of the electoral roll
(Article 20,paragraph 2 ofLUERandArticle 58 of the Instruction) / by 21 April at 24:00 hours
5.13. / Determination and publication in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” of the definitive number of voters in the Republic of Serbia
(Article 20,paragraph 2 of LUERandArticle 59 of the Instruction) / immediately upon entry in extracts from the electoral rolls of the decision on entry in the electoral roll or the decision on changes in the electoral roll upon the close thereof
6. Observers
6.1. / Submission of the notification concerning monitoring of the Republic Electoral Commission and/or electoral committees’ work – foreign observers
(Article 75,paragraph 1 andArticle 76,paragraph 1 of the Instruction) / by 13 April
6.2. / Submission of the application for monitoring theRepublic Electoral Commission and/or electoral committees’ work – domestic observers
(Article 74,paragraph 1 of the Instruction) / by 18 April
7. Implementation of Elections
7.1. / Submission of notification to the voters on the elections date and time
(Article 54,paragraph 1 of LEMP) / no later than 18 April
7.2. / Delivery of election materials to electoral committees abroad by the Republic Electoral Commission’s coordinator
(Article 64,paragraph 1 ofLEMP) / on 18 April
7.3. / Delivery of election materials to working bodes ahead of voting
(Article 63,paragraph 4 of the Instruction) / no later than 20 April at 24:00 hours
7.4. / Delivery of election materials to electoral committees by the working bodies
(Article 62,paragraph 2 of LEMP) / no later than 21 April at 24:00 hours
7.5. / „Pre-election silence” – ban on election campaign
(Article 5,paragraph 3 ofLEMP) / from 21 April at 24:00 hours until the close of the polling places on 24 April at 20:00 hours
7.6. / Opening of polling places and voting
(Article 56,paragraph 1 ofLEMP) / on 24 April from 17:00to 20:00 hours
8. Determination and Publication of Election Results
8.1. / Determination of the election results at the polling place and submission of election materials to the Republic Electoral Commission
(Article 77 ofLEMP) / no later thanon 25 April at 14:00 hours
8.2. / Determination of the election results in the Republic Electoral Commission
(Article 78 ofLEMP) / no later than on 28April
at 20:00 hours
8.3. / Publication of the election resultsin the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”
(Article 86 ofLEMP) / no later thanon 28 April at 20:00hours
8.4. / Insight in election materials on the Republic Electoral Commission premises
(Article 64 ofLEMP) / until 29 April at 24:00 hours
9. Protection of the Electoral Right
9.1. / Submission of objections to the Republic Electoral Commission
(Article 95,paragraphs 1 and 3 ofLEMP) / within 24 hours from the moment the decision was made, action committed or failuremade
9.2. / Passing and submission of the decision concerning the objection
(Article 96,paragraph 1 ofLEMP) / within 48 hours from receiving the objection
9.3. / Complaint to the Administrative Court against the decision of the Republic Electoral Commission based on the objection
(Article 97,paragraphs 1 and 2 ofLEMP) / within 48 hours from receiving the decision
9.4. / Submission of objections along with the documents to the Administrative Court
(Article 97,paragraph 3 of LEMP) / within 24 hours from receiving the complaint
9.5. / Decision-making about the complaint
(Article 97,paragraph 5 ofLEMP) / within 48 hours from receiving the complaint
10. Allotment of Mandates and Issue of MP Elect Certificates
10.1. / Allotment of mandates to candidates from the list of candidates per order on the list of candidates, starting from the first candidate on the list
(Article 84 ofLEMP) / withinten days from the date of publication of total election results
10.2. / Issue of MP-elect certificates
(Article 87 ofLEMP) / immediately upon allotment of the mandate
11. Reporting to the National Assembly
11.1. / Submission of the Report on Conducted Elections to the National Assembly
(Article 34,paragraph 1, item 16 of LEMP) / Immediately upon allotment of the mandate
4. This Term Schedule shall be published in the „Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”.
02 number 013-25/16
InBelgrade, on 4 March 2016