1st CHORLEYWOOD SCOUT GROUP July 2010 Newsletter
Closure of Beavers
I am very sorry to have to report that Chorleywood’s scoutexecutive took the decision at their meeting last week to close the Beaver colonyfrom the end of this school term. This was not a decision taken lightly but unfortunately in spite of appeals by the current leader, Jane Byng, no one has come forward to take over from her when she leaves in July.
Jane has a two year program in place. She has very kindly offered this to thenew leadership team. She is not leaving the group as she will be helping with cubsso she is happy to offer advice to the new leaders. Why don’t a group of three or four of you get together and share the role. You will find it very rewarding and you will make a group of children very happy. Please do get in touch with Jane (Tel 01923 284906)if you can help. We would love to reopen the colony in September but we cannot do it without your support. There is a waiting list to join and perhaps it is worth remembering that children of leaders do get priority and move to the top of the list.
I would like to thank Jane for her work with the scout group. She has followed in a long tradition of running a successful Beaver colony in Chorleywood. Beavers are the foundation of scouting so it is really very sad that this will come to an end.
Scout troop meetings
You will be aware that 1st Chorleywood is currently running three scout troops. Unfortunately due to the lack of leaders this cannot be sustained and from September this will come down to two troops, one on a Thursday night and the other on Fridays. Parents of scouts and older cubs will shortly be receiving a letter from the District Commissioner offering them a choice of evenings. It is very important that you reply to this letter as soon as possible as places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Leaders and adult help
Yes there is a common theme running through this letter.We are very short of scout leaders and it is affecting the future of scouting in Chorleywood. So if any you would like to know more about becoming a leader please speak to your child’s section leader. However there are other ways in which, as an adult, you can support the group. Children undertake a wide range of activities as they work for their badges. Chorleywood is full of talented people. We can number artists, authors, sportsmen and women, musicians and scientists among our parents. Would any of you be prepared to offer a few hours a year to help children work for their badges? These include writer, equestrian,sports enthusiast, entertainer,cyclist and even circus skills to name but a few. Look on the ScoutBase web site for a full list of activity badges. Please contact Guy Allen 01923 283386for more information and to offer help.
Summer activitiesAll sections are looking forward to a busy few weeks. Beavers and Scouts are hoping to continue their winning ways this weekend when they take part in the DistrictBeaver Sports Day and the Scout District Nimrod Competition. Cubs, scouts and explorersall have camps either this termor during the summer holidays. I would like to thank on your behalf all the leaders for making this possible and I look forward to receiving their reports for the newsletter.
Village Day Saturday July 10thOur final fund raising event of the year will be on Village Day. The smell of our hot bacon rolls wafting across the common has become a special feature of this annual event. A request for help has been emailed out so you can either reply to this email or ring me on 01923 283745 to offer assistance. We need helpwith setting up from 11 am, cooking and serving the bacon rolls during the day and clearing up at approximately 4 o’clock
100 Club winners(Message from Martin Day)
The winners of the 100 Club draw for June areVal & Mark Jones.Linda & Roland Bridges won the bi-annual £50 draw, made at the AGM.
The 100 Club helps raise the additional funds that are vital to keep scouting going in Chorleywood – and it could pay for itself in the first month alone!!
For details and to join, click on this link for the application form: this form to join the 100 Club.doc
WorldScout JamboreeOur two scouts, Eleanor and Katharine are busy raising funds for theirtrip to Sweden for the 2011 World Scout Jamboree. Don’t forget that you help them by using the easyFundraising website each time you shop on the internet.
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