Course Syllabus

Structural Engineering Major

Faculty of Structural Engineering

Transportation Engineering Major

Faculty of Transportation Engineering

University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy

1. Subject, aim, tasks and reasons for investigating and testing ofstructures and bridges.

2. Main stages and preliminary survey of technical documentation.

3. Technical investigation of structures and bridges – stages and particulars.

4. Static test schemes. Static test loads: types, requirementsand sizes.

5. Location of test loads.

6. Organization and performanceofstaticproofloads. Stages, degrees and states. Signs of failure.

7. Determination of positions, number and location of measuring instruments.

8. Effect of temperature and humidity on the tested structures and measuring instruments. Reduction of deformation.

9. Errors in measurements and assessment of the accuracy of results.

10. Experimental determination of rigidities, deflections and forces.

11. Analysis, conclusions and assessment of the behaviour of statically tested structures: quantitative and qualitative indices.

12. Dynamic full-scale tests. Aim, tasks, test loads and effects. Types of vibrograms and oscillograms.

13. Experimental determination of dynamic parameters and characteristics.

14. Analysis, conclusions and assessment of the behaviour of dynamically tested structures.

15. Assessment of the effect of vibrations on production processes and people. Protection against harmful vibrations.

16. Polarization optical structural modelling.

17. Physico-mechanical structural modelling.

18. Brittle varnish coating technique.

19. Mechanical methods for concrete NDT in structures by “partial local damages”.

20. Mechanical instrumental (sclerometric) methods for concrete NDT in structures.

21. Physical NDT methods and diagnostics of building structures and bridges.

22. Experimental determination of residual stresses in members and structures.

23. Types of defects and damages and their effect on the state of building structures and bridges.

24. Basic concepts for reliability of building structures and equipment. Methods of control.

25. Measuring instrumentation: basic requirements and classifications. Principles of measuring mechanical quantities.

26. Typical devices for measuring displacements and rotations.

27. Mechanical and electrical devices for measuring local and relative deformations.

28. Test recorders, devices and systems.

29. Comparison of mechanical and electrical devices

30. Test systems and equipment: test beds, presses, jacks, dynamometers.

Recommendedbibliographyforstudent preparation

Dimov, D.,Investigation and Testing of Structures and Bridges, Sofia, UACEG, 2006;

Димов, Д. Безразрушителни изпитвания на строителни конструкции, Дайрект Сървисиз, 2011

Димов, Д. Обследване и изпитване на строителни конструкции и мостове,

Марков, Т. Изпитване на строителни конструкции, С., Техника, 1986.

Паничков, Д. Ръководство по изпитване на строителни конструкции и съоръжения, С., Техника, 1988.

Лужин, О. В., Поль, Э. и др. Неразрушающие методы испытания бетона, М., Стройиздат, 1985.

Пилюгин, Л. П. Оценка надежности строительных конструкций, М., Стройиздат, 1983.

Тетиор, А.Н. и В.Н. Померанец. Обследование и испытание сооружений. Киев, Выша школа, 1988.

Controls Italy. Testing Equipment for the Construction Industry, 6-th Edition, Catalogue 2005,

Web Site:

Olympus NDT Solutions, 2006 USA. Web Site:

Proceq SA, Switzerland.Portable Concrete Testing Instruments for NDT Site Investigation, 2007,


Designed by:

Prof. Dr. Eng. D. Dimov