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  1. Foreword...... 1
  2. Message from the University President...... 1
  1. Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU)...... 2
  2. Site2
  3. AASTU Vision...... 2
  4. AASTU Mission ...... 2
  5. AASTU Organization...... 2
  6. The AASTU Management...... 3
  7. Schools and Departments...... 4
  1. The UniversityRegistrar Office...... 4
  2. Wel-Come & Orientation session...... 5
  3. University Life ...... 5
  4. Academic Calendar...... 6
  5. Admission...... 6
  6. Undergraduate Program...... 6

2.4.2 Graduate program admission...... 7

2.5Registration...... 7

2.5.1Regular registration...... 7

2.5.2 Registration with Penalty...... 7

2.6Identification card...... 7

2.7Add and drop courses...... 7

2.8Withdrawing & clearing...... 7

2.9Readmission...... 8

2.9.1Readmission for students in good academic standing...... 8

2.9.2Readmission for academically dismissed students...... 8

2.10 Evaluation...... 9

2.11Class attendance...... 9

2.12 Semester load...... 10

2.13 The grading system...... 10

2.14 No grade (NG)...... 11

2.15 Academic status of undergraduate students...... 11

2.16 Probation...... 13

2.17 Repeating courses...... 13

2.18 Makeup examinations...... 13

2.19 Re-examinations...... 14

2.20 Returning & remarking of exam papers...... 14

2.21 Transfer of students...... 15

2.22. Course exemption...... 16

2.23. Graduation requirements...... 16

2.24. Credentials...... 16

2.24.1.Transcripts...... 16

2.24.2 Degrees...... 17

2.24.3. Letters...... 17

2.25. Tuition and other fees...... 17

2.26. Grading System for Graduate Program...... 18

2.27. Academic Status of Graduate Students...... 18

2.28. Repeating Courses at Graduate Program...... 19

2.29. Other details for graduateprogram……………….….….……….…………………………………….....20

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  1. OTHERSERVICES...... 20

Tel: 00251 -0118592343 e-mail: Page 1




his hand book is intended to provideyou, students of AASTU, with brief and readilyavailable information with emphasis to academic rules of the university that matters most your academic success.These academic rules, regulationsand information are,by and large, extracted from the SenateLegislation which governs the whole academic exercise of the University.

Hence, for yourinformed decision, successfuland healthy University life, the office of the registrar highly recommends you to read and comprehend the essence of this student hand book as soon as you start university life and classes. The book will be available at all University libraries, student council of the University, gender office and other relevant bodies of the University. You can also access from the University web site: . However, we proudly assure you that the student hand-book is not the only available source of information. The whole University community, in particular, the student affairs Directorate, Director Office, the gender office, the Office of the Registrar, the Schools, Departments and most importantly your instructors and advisors are there to serve and nurture you.

So, dear students, please feel free to consult any of the bodies for any range of information you need on time. As members of the University community, we are all one family to support and help each other with love and respect for one motto- education for change. One more important point is that, AASTU is gender sensitiveand particularlyworks hard to create conducive and comfortable academic environment for female students particularly through the gender office. Therefore, we advise female students to work closely with the gender office to let not exist any social and cultural burrier that limit your potential academic wisdom exercise.


Dear students, welcome to AASTU. You have made the choice and/or assigned by chance to AASTU. Whichever way you might have joined AASTU, now and forever in your career (even after graduation), you are associated with the University of the nation. Congratulations! AASTU wants to make your campus life “home away from home” would work to nurture you not only in knowledge, but also in skill and attitude in a truly democratic environment where rule of law prevails, where everyone receives and provides respect to each other and where we all cherish collective achievements. AASTU wants to set standards and lead education relevance, quality and delivery by example. It requires you, AASTU students to be exemplary to your pears and young people outside the campus. In your campus life, especially in AASTU, be honest to yourself and your pears, beware of deceivers (mostly from outside, but could also be from inside) who can deviate you from your thoughts and goals, use your time properly, find yourself and help others find themselves, ask critical questions what-who when-where and why before you act. Follow role models who are disciplined, hard working and destined for achievements in Science and Technology, not DS-Tv rock-stars or football stars as they are professional entertainers and you are the future hope of Ethiopia in science and technology innovator. Respect your academic fathers and mothers (the university working community) who teach, coach and serve you. I hope you will truly find and together make AASTU your home away from home environment.

Best wishes,




1.1 Site

AASTU is one of the ten public Universities launched on 2011 by the government of Ethiopia in line with its massive program to expand higher education as a key element for technological transformation of the country.It is located, about 3.2 kms North of Turinesh-Bejing Hospital, in wereda one (Kilinto site), Akaki-kality sub-city of the Addis Ababa city administration.


The university aspires to become a lead player in Ethiopia with continental repute in all its fields of science and technology. Hence the vision of the University is:

“ AASTU aspires to become an internationally recognized and respected Hub of Science and Technology with strong national commitment and significant continental repute by 2025”.

This vision is crafted with the intention that AASTU will nationally contribute to economic and social development, play a key role in partnership with the public and private sectors and other academic institutions, provide leaders in the development of 21st century Ethiopia as a knowledge-based nation. Furthermore, the vision is drawn in the aspiration that AASTU shall win international reputation as an African power-house of science and technology.


AASTU has a mission of becoming a leading force in higher education in Ethiopia. As a result, being an agent of change and development, a catalyst for progress in science and technology, its business shall focus on addressing the immediate and longer demand of national economy, innovative research and education and consequently, it should contribute to the positive image of Ethiopia as a source of innovative scientific and technological wisdom to the rest of the world. Specifically, the mission of the university is to deliver the three pillars of Higher Education (teaching-learning, research and community service) at the highest possible, cutting edge standards to the nation.


AASTU primarily follows the governance structure of Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions as stipulated in the Higher Education Proclamation no. 650/2009. Accordingly, the governing bodies of AASTU are

  1. The Board,
  2. The Senate,
  3. Management council,
  4. University Advisory Council,
  5. The University council,
  6. School council
  7. Department assembly


  • The President ,


  • Vice President for Academic Affairs,


  • Vice President for Administration,
  • V/President for Research and Technology Transfer, DrHabtamuHailu
  • V/President for Institutional Development and International Relations, DrZelekeEwnetu
  • Academic Program Officer,


  • University Registrar,


  • Student Affairs Directorate Director,
  • University Librarian,


  • CEP Director, AtoGirmaNeshir
  • International relations Director,


  • Research Director, DrMesfinTafesse
  • University-Industry Linkage & Technology Transfer Director,

AtoHabtamu Admassu

  • ICT Directorate Director,


  • Staff Development Director,


  • Quality Assurance Director,


  • Corporate Communication Director,


  • Gender officer,
  • Finance Director, AtoBedane Elias
  • Human Resources Director,

Ato Assay Kassaye

  • Purchasing and Property Director,

AtoEyasu Dele

  • General Service , AtoGetuBiru
  • Civil Engineering & Construction Technology school Dean,

DrMesay Daniel

  • Architecture & Urban Design school Dean, W/t SenaiteNigussie
  • School of Electrical Engineering & ComputingDean,


  • Chemical & Material Sciences Engineering school Dean,


  • Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering school Dean,


  • Environmental &Power Resources Engineering school Dean,


  • Earth & Planetary science &Engineering school Dean,

DrBedru Seifu

  • Biological & Chemical sciences &Technology school Dean,


  • Medicine & Health Science schoolDean,W/oGirumZewdie
  • Business & Management school Dean,DrDhugassaMulugeta
  • Interdisciplinary school Program Director, Ato SolomonTesfay


  1. School of Civil Engineering & Construction Technology

1.1 Undergraduate Programs

1.1.1Civil Engineering Department

1.1.2Construction Management &Technology Department

1.2Graduate Programs

1.2.1Structural Engineering

1.2.2Construction Management

1.2.3Road & Transport Engineering

1.2.4Geo-technical Engineering

1.2.5Hydraulics Engineering

  1. School of Environmental &Power Resources Engineering
  2. Undergraduate programs
  3. Environmental Engineering Department
  4. Water Supply & Sanitation Department
  5. Graduate Programs
  6. Environmental Engineering
  7. School of Architecture & Urban Design
  8. Architecture Department
  9. Urban Design &Planning Department
  10. School of Electrical Engineering& Computing
  11. Computer Engineering Department
  12. Computer science & IT Department
  13. Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department
  14. Software Engineering
  15. School of Chemical & Material Sciences Engineering
  16. Chemical Engineering Department
  17. Food Processing Engineering Department
  18. School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
  19. Electro-Mechanical Engineering Department
  20. Manufacturing Engineering Department
  21. Mechanical Engineering
  22. School of Earth & Planetary science &Engineering
  23. Geology Department
  24. Mining Department
  25. School of Biological & Chemical Sciences &Technology
  26. Biotechnology Department
  27. Eco-biology Department
  28. Industrial ChemistryDepartment
  29. Food Science and Applied Nutrition
  30. School of Medicine & Health sciences
  31. Public Health Officers Department
  32. Nursing Department
  33. Medical Doctors
  34. School of Business & Management
  35. Accounting & Finance
  36. Economics
  37. Interdisciplinary Programs
  38. Mathematics Department
  39. Language
  40. Physics & Statistics
  41. Pre-Engineering Program
  42. Social Sciences


The University Registrar is dedicated to the principles of service, applying academic policies and procedures of the University. The office performs the essential roles of supporting, facilitating and promoting the academic mission of the university by connecting students to the faculty, and curriculum from enrollment to graduation and beyond. The office provides the organizational structure and technology to ensure a sound and efficient management of students’ record.

The Registrar office ensures the integrity, accuracy, and security of all academic records of current and former students; facilitate effective student registration and enrollment; builds secure student data files and sets policy and procedure for their responsible use. The Registrar supervises the processes for the transfer of credits, graduation and certification of degrees, issuance of grade reports, official transcripts, diplomas, and related credentials. The Registrar counsels and advises students, faculty, and staff on academic matters; and interprets and enforces academic policies and regulations of the University.

With this brief overview of the responsibilities of the Office, we are glad to inform you that there is one record officer in charge of your Department that you have to communicate for all the services and advise you seek from the Registrar office. When necessary, the record officer shall communicate with the associate registrar and even the registrar to resolve your request as soon as possible.

We are deeply committed to providing personal attention and efficient service to our students. You have to feel at easeto contact the Office of the Registrar by email, by telephone, or in person.


The University delivers wel-come and orientation session for freshmen (new coming) students at the beginning of every academic year. The Orientation focuses on University life, Academic Programs, academic rules, rights and duties of students, disciplinary issues, gender etc.Hence,students need to attend this orientation session as firsthand information about AASTU.


For most of you, University life is your first experience to live away from family. As aresult, some of you may feel that the University student life such as loneliness, peer-group interaction etc is challenging. Indeed, it is not easy to miss family comfort and cope up to a new and complex university social life. However, sooner or later you will adopt the new environment to be independent and self supporting grown person, just the same way a one year child manages to stand by her/his self and start walking. In this regard, AASTU is committed to facilitate and support you through all of its organs not only to adapt University life but also to fully utilize the resources set to create a responsible and capable citizen.

Helpfulten commandments ofUniversity life that you have to exercise are:

  • Respect University Rules and Regulations;
  • Be respectful but never fail to insist for your rights appropriately;
  • Never miss a class: be it lecture, tutorial, or lab session;
  • Plan to study andexploit all resources to make your dream true;
  • Never fail to consult and use relevant information to make intelligent decision;
  • Never to be manipulated for any decision by a friend or peer group;
  • Plan to entertain & take part in social events such as co-curricular activities;
  • Believe inthat the University personnel are here to serve you;
  • Never fail to share your problem with appropriate body of the University as well as your family;
  • Never to be frustrated and give up.


The University academic calendar is a time schedule of the major academic activities of the University that students and the University community in general should be aware of.

  • The University shall have a two-semester calendar of 16-18weeks each, running from September to June. In continuing education program, Kiremt class consists of

8-10 weeks.

  • The University academic calendar, among other things, shall provide a schedule for admission, readmission and registration; adding and dropping of courses/modules, examination periods, beginning and end of semesters, inter-semester breaks, last date for reporting grade reports to the registrar, instructor evaluation weeks, the regular meetings of the Senate, etc.


2.4.1Undergraduate Study

Admission to Regular Program

The Ministry of Education (MOE) determines the admission of regular students into the various degree programs of all the higher learning Institutions including the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University. The main admission requirement isUniversity Entrance Examination (UEE) or other recognized external examinations.

Allother qualifications and/or certificates produced for admission requirement may be granted equivalence to UEE by Ministry of Education (MOE).

The enquiries regarding first year regular admission must be directed to the Ministry of Education (MOE).

Admission to Continuing Education Program

Admissionto Continuing Education program (CEP) is determined by the Admission and Placement Committee (APC) of the University Senate based on the same or similar criteria used in the regular programs.

All enquiries regarding admissions into evening and kiremt programs must be directed to the Registrar Office of the University. For further information you may communicate the Office by:

Tel: 00251 -0118592343


Relevant information including student handbook, Academic Calendar, Readmission formetc.shall be posted at the University web site: ww.aastu.edu.et.

Admission at Advanced Standing Level

A student may apply for advanced standing admission in a regular undergraduate program if he/she:

  • meets requirements of the School/Department approved by the relevant body of the University and that are communicated to the Registrar well ahead of the dates of application; or
  • has a diploma in the same or related filed he/she is applying to, from an accredited institution of higher learning with a CGPA of 2.00.

Student admitted on advanced standing basis shall require taking at least 60% of the required courses of the Department as regular student in order for degrees to be granted. Exceptions to this rule shall be approved by the Academic Quality & Curriculum Standards Committee.


Admissions to the various programs of Graduate programs shall be determinedby concerned Schools & Departments in consultation with other relevant Offices.All enquiries for admission must be directed to the Registrar of the University for processing. Unless self sponsored, an applicant to the Graduate programneed to provide evidence for sponsorship.


2.5.1Regular Registration

Students admitted to any of the programof the University must register onthe registration days specified in the Academic Calendar of the year in person for every course to be taken in each regular, evening or kiremt semester.Students are required to present clearance paper for semester I registration of every new academic year.

2.5.2Late Registration

There is usually a one-day registration period after the regular registration closes during the regular, evening or Kiremt semester. Late registration is subject to penalty fee of 50 Birr.


A student registering at the University is issued a non transferable identification card with a unique and permanent registration number. The card, which is a very valuable document and which requires careful handling, is a means to access services and facilities in the University. The identification cardis required every time the student requests for any University services.

Identification cards are issued to all new students free of charge. Lost ID card shall be replaced subjectto reportproduced from the Zonal Police office and ID replacement fee. The ID cards must be immediately returned to the Registrar Office when student discontinues or completes his/her studies (Dismissal, Withdrawal or graduation).


In consultation with the academic advisor, students can add and/or drop courses within the specified add and drop time in each semester. All add and drop forms must be filled out carefully and submitted to the Registrar office on time.


Students withdrawing from the University must consult their academic advisors and explain why they wish to drop out or withdraw. Students withdrawing from the University for an inadequate reason will be denied readmission. Any student who wants to withdraw should complete withdrawal form on time. The University denies readmission request if an applicant fails to withdrawofficially on time.