The successful recipient will receive an initial $500.00 scholarship from the Riley County Police Department Scholarship Fund. The scholarship will be renewable for an additional three years so long as the recipient meets the criteria outlined on the official application form.
The applicant must be the dependent son or daughter of a qualifying retiree, active or deceased full-time Riley County Police Department employee, and accepted or currently enrolled as a full-time student at the undergraduate or graduate level taking at least twelve hours of college credit upon enrollment. The recipient must attend an accredited two or four year college or university. Recipients wishing to renew their scholarship will only be required to submit their most recent transcript reflecting a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and proof of enrollment for the following semester.
The official application form and required materials must be received by or post marked no later than March 30th.
Please return to:
The RCPD Scholarship Fund
c/o Greater Manhattan Community Foundation
P.O. Box 1127
Manhattan, KS 66505-1127
M:\Common\Forms\Shared\Miscellaneous\RCPD Scholarship Application Revised 02-23-17 ng
First Name / Middle Initial / Last Name
Home Address
City / County / State / Zip
Email / Date of Birth / Age
Name of RCPD Parent or Guardian
Parent/Guardian Home Phone / () / Parent/Guardian Cell Phone / ()
High School / City / State
Date of Graduation / GPA
Number in Graduating Class / Rank
College Attending / City / State
College GPA / Other Schools Attended
Name and address of community college, college, or university applicant plans to attend
Intended Course of Study
List awards, honors, positions held in school organizations, activities and/or athletic endeavors, and any special
recognition received
List any organizational memberships, clubs, societies, or organizations in which you are or have been a member
List chronologically your three most recent jobs, including summer and part time jobs
From / To
From / To
From / To
Completed scholarship application form;
Resume reflecting past accomplishments, achievements and activities (community and extra-curricular), as well as a statement describing future goals and objectives;
A short, typed essay (at least 150 words) on why you intend to pursue your chosen career;
Two recent photographs (2 x 2 inch). Photos will not be returned (may be used for publication purposes);
One letter of recommendation; and
Current school transcript reflecting a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, which is required to qualify for the scholarship and must be maintained to renew.
By signing below, you are stating that the information outlined above is accurate.
Applicant Signature / Date
Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
Date Received / Received By
Date Reviewed
All official application forms and required materials must be received by or post marked
no later than March 30th.
The Greater Manhattan Community Foundation is a non-profit 501© (3) organization-EIN #48-1215574,
incorporated in the State of Kansas