Mrs. Holland’s Class Syllabus
7th Grade English
Teacher Name: Amy Holland
Class Description:
We will discover ways to become a better communicator through practice in reading, writing, listening, and speaking the English language. English in the 7th grade is comprised of four major areas: writing, reading, vocabulary, and grammar. Most writing will include a Five-Step writing process; this process consists of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and evaluating. We will be using the Five-Step writing process with descriptive, narrative, expository, (compare-contras/cause-effect), persuasive and creative writings. The reading curriculum will consist of short stories, various articles, poetry, and independent reading. Vocabulary words will include exercises on definitions, synonyms, antonyms, literary terms, and academic vocabulary. The majority of the class will be focused on grammar through class shorts stories, presentations, writing assignments, etc. Grammar will include eight parts of speech, sentence/paragraph development, mechanics, usage, and self/peer editing skills.
Classroom Expectations:
Be prepared-always have your pencil/pen, notebook, completed assignments, and arrive to class on time.
Be respectful- to teacher, classmates, and visitors; respect all school rules; raise hand before speaking and/or getting out of your seat.
Be actively engaged- pay attention, participate, take notes, ask questions, and provide answers.
Be Polite/Be Prompt/Be Prepared
If the previous expectations are not met, theses consequences will occur.
1) I will redirect/warning the student and/or meet with them privately.
2) I will give the student a pink slip and notify a parent.
3) 3 pink slips= 2 hour detention
4) Any fighting, foul language, bullying, cheating and/or serious offenses will be an automatic office referral.
I enjoy providing rewards and incentives to students for excellent behavior, effort, and academics.
1) Marshmallows
2) Candy (M & M’s, Skittles, and Sour Patch Kids)
3) Treat Basket
4) Free Choice Assignments
5) Bonus Work will be assigned throughout the school year. Remember to ask your child and sign up for Remind 101!
Pencils, Paper, & Notebooks!
Please make every effort to keep your child stocked up with these supplies throughout the year.
Grading System:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 & Below F
Make-up Work
However many days a student is absent will be the amount of days he/she will have to make up his/her work.
Late work will be accepted 7 days from the assigned date for a maximum of 70%.
Example: 70% plus student missed 7 questions resulting in a 53%.
70% plus student missed 0 questions resulting in a 70%.
70% plus student missed half the questions resulting in a 35%.
Parent & Teacher Communication:
Remind101 is a texting program from teacher to parents/guardians. I will forward periodically text, regarding upcoming assignments, test, and quizzes.
1st & 2nd Hour ELA To. 81010 @ea6238
3rd & 4th Hour ELA To. 81010 @ea623
5th & 6th Hour ELA To. 81010 @ea6238d
My school e-mail is and the school’s main number is (405)324-2236. I will make every effort to return your call and/or e-mail within school hours. If you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to this school year with your child!
Mrs. Holland