Canadian Geography Canadian Storm Presentations Ms. Ripley

Goal: To make a multimedia presentation on this year’s 10 storms!

Instructions: Go to:

Using the website provided as a starting point for your research, review each year's top 10 weather stories. Using this and other sources of information, such as the Atlas of Canada, and Canadian Geographic, complete a PowerPoint presentation or a windows movie maker presentation on ONE of the storms listed.

Your Presentation should include:

·  What climate factors caused the storm?

·  How many people were affected? In what ways?

·  What kind of damage was caused? At what cost?

·  What important information would your audience like to know about this storm, storms like it, the effects of the storm or the climate factors that caused it?

·  Visuals of the storm or destruction caused (reference the URL or citation)

You must have your choice of storm approved by the teacher, to avoid having any one event presented twice!


1.  Choose your storm and begin preparing slides

2.  Complete slideshow

3.  Presentations: (Everyone should be prepared to present on this day – I will select you randomly)

0-1 point / Applied basic idea?
2 points / Achieved an acceptable level?
3 points / Excelled beyond expectations?
4 points
Climate Factors / some parts of required information / misses key points / Relevant info is fully explained
Effects on People / some parts of required information / misses key points / Relevant info is fully explained
Damages / some parts of required information / misses key points / Relevant info is fully explained
Other Info / none presented / some trivia / a few interesting facts / significant facts relating to climate, climate change or weather extremes
Visual aids / aids contain little useful information / aids do not support the presentation clearly / visual aids support understanding / clever, original visuals make presentation easy to understand
Organisation / lacking structure and flow / structure present but missing a part (key fact, intro or conclusion) order not correct / Structure is present but lacking in flow (abrupt changes or awkward pauses) / well organized from start to finish, flows smoothly
References / no source identified / limited sources provided / full references
Time Management / off target more than 1 minute / off target by about 1 minute / On target
body language / leaning, sitting or facing away from audience / standing facing audience / standing facing audience, gestures
voice / monotone, reading notes, not clear / uses cue cards only, alters voice for emphasis / clear and enthusiastic speaking
vocabulary / inappropriate or none / Uses some climate vocabulary / appropriate and frequent use, and uses it well

Total : ______/36