ASSVC Legislative Meeting
C-48 Conference Room
Meeting was called to order at 12:33 pm.
I. Attendance
a) Members Present: Brandi Benner, Susanne Danielson, Kai-Wah Ha, Heather Grambo, Tyler Murphy, Jennifer Tam, Angela Chan, Chloe Au
b) Members late: Milos Pesic and Haley Harris
c) Members absence: Rita Choi
d) Advisors: Brian Murphy, Laura Morris
II. Approval of Minutes and Agenda
a) Yes, both the minutes and the agenda were passed unanimously but the minutes were incomplete due to a few student government students who did not send their reports to Brandi on time.
III. Items for Discussion
a) Fire Fighter Association Constitution (Heather)
a. Made a motion on the floor to move fire fighter constitution.
b. We will be funding them $500.00
c. This will come out of the 5511 account which contains $1372.26 as of now (not including $500 taken out for fire fighter constitution).
b) Jeans Drive (Susie)
a. The bins are now out and are located in Angst Hall, Nelson, the library, and gym
b. The posters were not made yet and they should be finished by next week.
c. Susie asks for everyone to help market!
d. Chloe will help Susie with the jean drive.
c) Read Poster (Susie)
a. Susie talked to Norma and she is able to take the read poster picture whenever we are available.
b. Some ideas where to take the picture are the pond, the garden, Angst hall stairway, etc.
c. The picture will be taken next week sometime.
d) Highway Cleanup (Tyler)
a. This will be held on April 16 which is a Saturday at 9 am to 12 pm. We will be meeting at Skagit.
e) Hall of Fame (Angela)
a. Had the idea of buying a USA map and place it on a corkboard outside of the lobby and pin places of where people are transferring to next year.
b. We could possibly send email out to all students on Skagit campus.
c. Jennifer, Angela, and Haley can work on this together.
f) MV S&A Fee Budget Committee (Angela)
a. There were eight total applicants (this includes Susie).
b. As a group we did a vote and chose Keisuke Katamune, Solomon Schechter, Chris Stratton, Kennith Herrick, and Susie Danielson (Angela is also on the S&A committee).
g) Fund Request-memorandum
a. Looked at memorandum and made sure it was a good solid final copy.
h) Parks Law Enforcement Request
a. We discussed the request fund as a group since the visitors did not show up.
b. They are asking for us to fund $500 for parks graduation.
c. We will vote on this next week but an idea brought up was to only fund them the partial amount.
IV. Reports
a. Angela:
i. Hosted Congressman Rick Larsen.
ii. Helped out with International week.
iii. Checked the balance of accounts 5500, 5512, and 5511.
iv. Worked on S&A Budget fee.
v. Helped with duck hunt.
b. Heather:
i. Helped out when Congressman, Rick Larsen, was at the college. Also wrote thank you notes for this event.
ii. Helped Susie with teens for jeans clothing drive by locating and decorating blue bins that are now placed around campus.
iii. Going over constitution, working on the radio show this week.
iv. LIA and IE subcommittee meeting this week.
c. Jennifer:
i. Contacted her committee which is CAC and explained there was a conflict with her class. She needs a replacement.
ii. Will be working on the map next week.
d. Susie:
i. Made and distributed bins for clothing drive.
ii. Helped decorate for Lunar New Year.
iii. Finished playlist for Dodgeball.
e. Rita:
f. Milos:
i. Got in contact with Rick Larsen and wrote a thank you letter.
ii. Worked with the constitutional review committee.
iii. Did not attend sustainability meeting due to sickness.
g. Brandi:
i. Writing the minutes from each meeting.
ii. Organizing the information into a word document and sending the rough draft to all MV student government.
iii. Re-evaluating the rough draft and making the final copy.
iv. Searching for jeans in my house, and good will stores to support the Jean’s drive.
h. Tyler:
i. District S&A committee meeting on Friday.
ii. Recruiting for Dodgeball is underway. Please tell everyone! And posters are being printed.
iii. SKAT CAC meeting on Thursday.
i. Kai-Wah:
j. Haley:
i. Email committee.
ii. Help Jennifer design a map to hang up in Angst Hall.
iii. Offer help to Susie for jean drive or poster making.
k. Chloe:
V. Meeting was adjourned at 1:29 pm.