Ickford News

Though our school is situated close to the City of Oxford and the large town of Aylesbury, our rural position can sometimes make it all too easy to detach from the ‘real world’ and meander along in a bucolic ideal. Whilst this is lovely for the children, it is important that they understand more about the world beyond Ickford and the lives of others in order to help them become rounded members of society respectful of different cultures and beliefs. So I was delighted that, as part of our citizenship curriculum, the children in years 5 and 6 visited Chesham Mosque this week to learn more about the Muslim Religion and way of life.

Accompanied by visit organiser Mr Owen and Mme Basnett the children were given a full tour of the mosque and the opportunity to ask lots of questions. The feedback from the trip was excellent and the children had lots of information to share when they returned to school although, it should be said, that the feedback from the mosque was also excellent and the teacher there was full of praise for the children and the amount of knowledge and understanding that they already had prior to the visit. I hope that, in some small way, what we do now to educate our children in different faiths and cultures will ensure a better understanding and harmony between communities in the future.

The highlight of the week for me was getting back to competitive sport and taking a team to compete in the Infant Multi Skills Tournament at Waddesdon. This is an event we have won for the past four years so there were high expectations and we worked hard in our training sessions to ensure we were well prepared. I am very pleased that the boys and girls won the tournament and represented their school in the dignified way that has come to be expected of Ickford Sports teams. The next tournament is Hockey, the only area event that we did not win last year, coming second overall. Let’s hope we may go one better this year.

Just before I finish can I remind everyone of the need to be in full uniform including sweatshirts and cardigans at this time of year. Please also ensure that articles of clothing do not have additional decoration on them.

Have a good weekend

Mr Ronane

Ickford News from the office

Dates for your diary…

10th January / Y5 & 6 trip to Chesham Mosque
26th January / School Nurse in:
Y6 Height & Weight
YR Health Screening Check
2nd February
9am / Cheerleading Assembly
6th February
4-6.30pm / Parents Evening
8th February
4-7pm / Parents Evening
10th February
5-6.30pm / School Disco
10th February / Last day of term

Asda Green Token Box

The Ickford School PTA now has a green token box in Asda, Wheatley. After shopping please remember to collect your tokens and put them into the school’s box.

Quiz Night

On Sunday 23rd April 2017, Mrs Addis is running the London Marathon, sponsored by the Osteoporosis Society. To help raise funds, she is organising a Quiz night on Friday 3rd February. Please support her in this event (see the attached flyer with all the details). If you would like to book a table, please contact Mrs Addis herself in the Office.


Please continue to park considerately not only for the sake of the local residents but also with the health and safety of the children in mind.


You may have noticed some children wearing a winter coat with an Ickford School logo on it. These coats are very warm and comfortable and have reflective strips on them for safety. If you are interested in purchasing one, they can be ordered from the school office with or without a logo (if you wish to wear them for other occasions) for just £20.

Thank You

To one of our sponsors Mr Gleed of Hazetier Concrete who supplied a machine free of charge this week to fill the skip.

Boardman Windows

Sponsors of Ickford Combined School

01844 338501