National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants
NFJPIA@28: Make a S.T.A.N.D! (Surpassing life’s Threshold thru Assertive stances and Noble undertakings across Diversities)
April 26 to 29, 2011 Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Accountancy has always been acknowledged as one of the prominent courses in the global business industry. The National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (NFJPIA) is the only national organization of accountancy students accredited by the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA). In this regard, NFJPIA has been working consistently to keep its members abreast of the issues and trends which promote professional development, camaraderie and maintain the tradition of academic excellence.
One activity which gathers all future accountants in the Philippines is the NFJPIA Annual National Convention which will be held for the 28th time, to be hosted by the Central Visayas Council on April 26 to 29, 2011 at Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City, Bohol. This year’s theme isNFJPIA@28: Make a S.T.A.N.D! (Surpassing life’s Thresholds thruAssertive stances &Noble undertakings across Diversities). During this grand event, JPIAns from all over the country will convene once more to foster academic development and renew social relations among JPIAns. To make the convention enjoyable and productive, we have lined up interesting technical sessions and seminars, fellowship activities and academic and non-academic competitions.
The highlight of the 28th Annual National Convention would include among others the following:
- Opening Ceremonies
- 2ndSGV& Co Cup
- 3rd NFJPIA
Quiz 1: Theory of Accounts Quiz 2: Auditing Theory
Quiz 3: Business Law Quiz 4: Taxation
Quiz 5: Practical Accounting 1Quiz 6: Practical Accounting 2
Quiz 7: Auditing ProblemsQuiz 8: Management Services
- Academic Seminar
- Non-Academic Events
Essay Writing ContestDebate Competition
Pagsulatng TulaContemporary Dance
Junk ArtPoster Making
T-shirt Design ContestTeam Building
Acoustic Competition
Film Festival
- Year End Awards
As we hold this 28th Annual National Convention, we believe that a souvenir program would best captivate the memorable events of the convention. The souvenir program would contain among others the convention program, list of Delegates, message from the VIP’s and our invaluable sponsors.
In this connection, may we request your good establishment to be one of our CORPORATE SPONSORS by way of placing an ADVERTISEMENT. Attached is an advertising contract for your information and perusal. Should you have any questions please contact MR. CHRISTIAN THOM S. VILORIA at 0916-9869584 Finance and Sponsorship Officer. You may directly deposit the amount to Allied Bank Savings Account Name: NFJPIA, Inc. Account Number: # 3130-111-427.
We truly appreciate your kindness for giving the utmost attention regarding this matter. Thank you very much and God Bless!
Respectfully yours
Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
April 26-29, 2011
Company Name: ______ / Name of JPIAn: ______
Contact Person: ______ / School: ______
Contact Number: ______ / Contact Number: ______
______ / Email Address: ______
28th National ANC Souvenir Program
Plan / Placement / Rate
Sp-1 / Whole Page / 3,500
Sp-2 / Half Page / 2,500
Sp-3 / Quarter Page / 1,500
Sp-4 / Donor Line / 750
Note to advertisers:
- Please give your artwork or text to be printed at least a month before the event.
- All printed advertisements will be produced in black & white
- The dimension of the whole page is 9” by 6”.
- For questions and clarifications you may reach the National VP Finance at 09169869584.
MEDIUM OF PAYMENT (please check one)
[ ] Cash[] Check (Bank & Check No.______)
“I/We, whose name appears above (sponsor) hereby authorize NFJPIA to publish my/our name/company/product to pay the amount (in words)______for the Page/ line advertisement in the souvenir program of the28th Annual National Convention.
Signature of Advertiser:______Date: ______
ADVERTISER’S COPY ______, ___, 2011
Name of JPIAn: ______
School: ______
Contact Number: ______
Province: ______
[ ] Whole Page[ ] Half Page[ ] Quarter Page[ ] Donor Line
AMOUNT PAID: (for checks, indicate bank & no.) ______
“I received from______(Advertiser) the amount stated herein for the payment of the aforementioned ad”
Signature of Solicitor:______Date: ______