Module 3: Additional Information Worksheet No. 2 climatechange and agriculture
Farm exploring to the topic
„agriculture, nutrition and climate protection“
Place: on a farm with vegetable gardening, pig and cattle farming
Target group: 8th to 13th class, for example in the projectweek or on the projectday
Duration: 3,25 hours
Number of students: 25
Station 1: reception room/beginning round outside
Time / content including key questions and work orders / Methods / Backgroundinformation9.00
9.30 / Beginning in the reception room:
reception, introduction
„What means climate change? Why aren’t we glad about the climate change?“
„How can agriculture and nutrition be connected to the topic climate change?“
„What aspects belong to the topic nutrition?“
„Which of the four topics agriculture, processing, trade and consumer adds what amount to the greenhouse gas emissions?“
„Why are you here today?“ /
illustrate with metaplan cards
estimate in small groups and pin it on
collect the answers /
Station 2: cattle barn
Time / content including key questions and work orders / Methods / Backgroundinformation9.30 –
10.00 / In the cattle barn
„Why do we begin at the cattle barn?“
„1 kg cattle meat, 1 kg potatoes, 1 kg vegetables:
“What causes how much greenhouse gas?“
Observe the cattle, feed them / conversation
estimate in small groups and collect the answers
be practically active / cattle emit methane and nitrous oxide.
Because of the global warming potential CO2 receives the value 1, methane the value 23 and nitrous oxide the value 296.
1kg cattlemeat =
1 Kg milk = 200g THG conventional /140g THG biological
1 kg potatoes = 64 kg THG conventional/ 58 g THG biological
Wheat = 310g THG conventional/ 230 g THG biological
Station 3: Pigs
Time / content including key questions and work orders / Methods / Backgroundinformation10.00 –
10.30 / In the pig barn
observe the pigs
„Pigs don’t emit methane. Anyhow 1 kg pig meat causes more THG than 1 kg vegetable. Why?“
„How many kg food do you need to get 1 kg chicken meat, pig meat, turkey meat, lamb meat and cattle meat?“
„How many percent of the world’s wheat cultivation are produced for animal feed?“
Examine the pig’s food. Then feed the pigs. / encounter
assign the cards in small groups and compare them
be active /
Station 4: Greenhouse or vegetable fields
Time / content including key questions and work orders / Methods / Backgroundinformation10.30
11.15 / Third Station vegetable gardening:
„How does vegetable gardening contributes to the global warming?“
„Which vegetable has season and which vegetable do you’ll see growing?“
„How is this question connected to the climate change?“
„How many g CO2 produces 1 kg tomatoes from Chile, which are transported to Hamburg for the sale?“
Taste the vegetable from the vegetable gardening / Common considerations
Calculate together
taste the vegetable / 1 kg Tomatoes from
Chile :
12,4 kg CO2
1 kg Tomatoes from
Chile :
12,4 kg CO2
1 kg Tomatoes from
Chile :
12,4 kg CO2
Station 5: reception room/final round outside
Time / content including key questions and work orders / Methods11.15
12.15 / extension and ending in the reception room:
produce the butter
“How is butter produced? How many litres milk do you need for 1 kg butter?“
„What means that related to the topic climate protection?“
eat the bread from the bakery
„Why needs the biological cultivation less energy than the conventional cultivation?“
„Why is it important to say ‚related to the size of the area‘ in this context? “
„Where can I do something on my own for the climate protection?“
for your own contribution to the climate change you need to think of:
- sort of the product (animal, vegetal) and sort of the production (biological, conventional)
-ways of marketing (transport, cold chain, processing, packaging etc.)
- sort of the purchase (car, bike etc.)
- preperation (long cooking, raw etc.)
give additions to the frozen food.
farewell / Be active
Eat together
Work together on the farm circle
discuss in small groups and write your results on metaplan cards
all small groups collect the results