World History – S.L.O. Review
1.Whatwerethemost importantreligious,cultural,economic,andpoliticaldevelopmentsof early Mediterranean societies (Sumer andBabylon)?
- Location: Modern day Iraq – Fertile Crescent - Mesopotamia (“land between therivers”
– Tigris and Euphrates)
- Religion: polytheistic – many gods – gods controllednature
- Government: warriorkings
- Hammurabi – Hammurabi’s Code – “eye for an eye” – 1st collection of lawcodes written
Economy based onfarming/agriculture
- Culture revolved aroundcity-states
2.How were religion and politics linked in ancientEgypt?
- Theocracy – pharaohs(god-kings)
3.How did the first monotheistic religionsdevelop?
- Hebrews – early Judaism – one God – Heaven and Hell – Moses – TenCommandments (guidelines forbehavior)
- Zoroastrians – one God – Heaven andHell
4.How did early written languages develop, and what were theircharacteristics?
- Sumerians – cuneiform – 1stwritten language – wedge-shapedwriting
- Egyptians – hieroglyphics –pictures
- Phoenicians – 1st alphabet based on symbols for sounds and spread culture via trade (carriers of civilization)
- Hinduism – polytheistic – karma – reincarnation – supported the castesystem
- Buddhism – Siddhartha Gautama – karma – reincarnation – Enlightenment – nirvana – rejectedthecastesystem -atheist–EightfoldPath–FourNoble Truths –spreadonthe SilkRoads
6.Describe early Latin American native groups:
- Aztecs and Incas both create empires based on human sacrifice by military conquest
- Incas use mita labor system to create roads in mountains
- Aztecs and Incas both conquered by the
7.Complete thischart:
Greek Polis / Roman Republic / Roman EmpireOrigins /
- Polis(s) –separated by mountains and seas
- Myth – Romulusand Remus
- True-Etruscans,Latins
- Death of Julius Caesar led to rise of AugustusCaesar
Structure /
- Different typesof gov’t
- Athens –democracy
- Sparta – military/oligarchy
- Patricians (rich)vs. Plebeians(poor)
- Pats had mostpolitical power
- Senate andConsuls withpower
- Had some citizen participation with patricians and plebeians
- Empire including most of Europe and parts of N. Africa andMiddle East
- Had a single ruler with centralized power
8.Complete thischart:
Ideas / ImpactSocrates / Questions / Sentenced to death for “corrupting the youth of Athens”
Plato / The Republic (philosopher- kings)
Aristotle / Scientific Method
Alexander the Great / Conquered Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India / Hellenistic Culture
Julius Caesar / Military hero who named himself dictator for life
Augustus Caesar / 1stRoman Emperor
9.How did Hellenistic (Alexander the Great) and Roman culture make an impact on science andlaw?
- The mix of ideas resulted in advancement in science and engineering. Roman law codes formedthefoundationofmodernlaw.Hellenistic (Greek)culturespreadbyAlexandertheGreat
- Roman law principles included trial by jury and innocent until proven guilty
10.DescribetraditionalRomanreligionandexplainhowChristianityspreadthroughout theRoman Empire?
- RomanreligionsimilartoGreekpolytheism.ChristianityspreadalongRome’sroad network through the teachings of the disciples andapostles
11.What factors led to the collapse of the RomanEmpire?
- Economic Issues – unemployment,inflation
- PoliticalIssues–corrupt leaders,empiretoobigtocontrol
- Other Issues – Rise of Christianity, Barbarianinvasions
12.In what ways was the Byzantine Empire related to the RomanEmpire?
- Eastern half of the RomanEmpire
13.In what ways did the Byzantine Empire impact the development ofRussia?
- EasternOrthodoxChristianity,CyrillicAlphabet,RomanArchitecture
14.How did Constantinople become a center for religion, law, andart?
- Location – peninsula protected by water on three sides and wall on 4thside – in the middle of the known world – perfect fortrade
- Religion – Hagia Sophia – Eastern OrthodoxChristianity
- Law – Justinian’s Code – fair and just – basis of modernlaw
- Art – Architecture andLiterature
15.What was the Great Schism, and why did ithappen?
- SplitbetweenWesternRomanCatholicChurch(foricons)andEasternOrthodoxChurch (againsticons)
16.How did Islam begin and spread through Africa andthe Middle East?
- Muhammad foundedIslam
- Islam spread through trade and militaryconquest
17.Why did Islam split between Sunni and ShiaMuslims?
- Muhammad died and did not name asuccessor—main issue is choosing who successor to Muhammad should be
- SunnibelievedanybodyqualifiedcouldleadIslam andbea caliph(AbuBakr)
- Shia believe in order to lead Islam (caliph) you must be a direct descendantof Muhammad(Ali)
- Similarities: One God, Father Abraham,Jerusalem
- Differences:
- Judaism – OldTestament
- Christianity – New Testament –Jesus
- Islam – Quran –Muhammad
- Path to salvation isdifferent
19.HowdidIslamicempiresimpactreligion,law,andartinthe MiddleEastandAfrica?
- Islam spread through trade and militaryconquest
- Muslim trade spread into parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia
- Influenced medicine, art, andscience
- Unified law code (IslamicEmpire)
- Art work flourished due to growingwealth
- Monarch –king
- Nobles – Vassals -Lords
- Knights
- Peasants – Free and serfs (bound toland)
- Provided protection frombarbarians
- Manor – land given to vassals and peasants to workon
- King got money, labor, and militaryservice
21.In what ways was Charlemagne different than most kings in medievalEurope?
- HewasabletounifyWesternEuropeforthe firsttimesincethecollapseofthe Roman Empire
- HewouldbecrownedasemperorbythePopeshowingthatthechurchhadauthority over kings and emperors in medievalEurope
22.WhatwastheInvestitureControversy,andwhatweretherolesofPopeGregoryVIIandKing HenryIV?
- Conflictoverwhoshouldpickhighchurchofficials,(thekingorthechurch?)
23.What was the role of the Church in medievalEurope?
- Church served as thegovernment
- Controlled almost all aspects ofsociety
24.How did an increase in trade result in the growth oftowns and cities throughout Europe?
- Cities grew around where people wanted totrade
- Trademeantmorepeoplehadjobsproducinggoods.Thesejobswereintowns/cities instead offarms.
- Trade grew after the Crusades, and they also helped make kings more powerful (monarchs) while reducing power of Church (pope)
25.WhydidthecityofFlorencerisetobe akeycenterforeconomic,cultural,andartistic growth?
- Ideal location fortrade
- Rich families (i.e. Medici) who could support the arts(Patrons)
- Center of the Renaissance – rebirth of art andlearning
26.What were the main political ideas ofMachiavelli?
- He wrote ThePrince
- Explainedhowleaderssometimeshavetodobadthingstokeeptheirpowerandforthe overall good of theircountry.
- A good ruler used fear to rule byforce
27.WhatwerethemainachievementsofLeonardodaVinci,andwhywashecalleda“Renaissance Man?”
- Da Vinci – artist, scientist, inventor – Mona Lisa, The LastSupper
- He was skilled at many things (art, math, science, writing, engineering,etc.)
28.What were the main achievements ofMichelangelo?
- Statue ofDavid
- Ceiling of SistineChapel
29.What wasHumanism?
- Focus on individual human achievements – focus more on individuals’ achievementsand focus less onchurch—individual achievements in art are important and it’s okay to enjoy fine things
- Newbeliefthathumanpotentialwasimportant;thisbegantolimitthepowerofthe church
30.How did Petrarch, Dante, and Erasmus contribute toHumanism?
- Petrarch: studied classical Greek and Roman literature – “Father ofhumanism”
- Dante: The Divine Comedy – ChristianHumanist
- Erasmus:InPraiseofFolly–ChristianHumanist –wantedtoreformthechurch–made fun of thechurch
31.What was the ProtestantReformation?
- PeoplebegantoquestiontheteachingsoftheCatholicChurchandwantedittoreform
- Many new denominations of Christianitydeveloped
- MartinLuther –95Theses–Complaintsagainstthechurch–Salvationbasedonfaith alone – started the ProtestantReformation
- John Calvin – Salvation based onpredestination
33.What was the Counter-Reformation? (include the Council ofTrent and the Jesuits)
- The Catholic Church’s response to the ProtestantReformation
- Council of Trent: Defined Catholic Churchteachings
- Jesuits: Tried to convert as many people as possible toCatholic—wanted to obey God and church, becomes missionaries, revive Catholicism, created schools (always associate Jesuits as missionaries in New World)
34.WhatwastheEnglishReformation?(Includethe rolesofHenryVIIIandElizabethI)
- Henry VIII – needed a divorce – Catholic Church would not approve – so madethe Church ofEngland (Anglican)
- Elizabeth I – Anglican Church – made England Protestant forgood by creating a compromise between the Anglicans (Protestants) and Catholics
35.How did Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press impactEurope?
- Made Bible moreavailable
- Helped spread the ideas of the ProtestantReformation
- Improvedliteracy
36.Completethefollowingchart overthinkersfromtheScientificRevolutionandthe Enlightenment:
Ideas / ImpactCopernicus / Heliocentric theory / * Went against traditional church teachings; used observation and investigation—stress experimentation
Galileo / Improved telescope; discovered 4 moons of Jupiter
Kepler / Elliptical orbits
Newton / Discovered law of gravity
John Locke / Natural Rights (life, liberty, and property) / Enlightenment thinkers like Locke, Rousseau and Voltaire lead to democratic governments
Declaration of Independence
Explorer / AccomplishmentZheng He / Chinese – Treasure ships—established trade cities in SE Asia and India
Vasco da Gama / First European to sail around Africa to get to India
Christopher Columbus / Discovered “New World” – Opened Columbian exchange
Ferdinand Magellan / First explorer to circumnavigate the globe
James Cook / Australia and New Zealand
Samuel de Champlain / Canada (“New France”)
38.What was the Columbian Exchange, and why was itimportant?
- Trade between the Americas and Europe; made products available to each otherthat they did not have access to prior toColumbus
39.How did improved technology help tostart the “Age of Exploration?”
- Compass and astrolabe that made navigation easier and moreefficient
- Caravel is a better ship design, astrolabe helps determine location
40.Label the map of the Triangle Trade with the products carried on eachleg:
- Eliminatedcompetition
- Westernized or modernized theircountry
- Totalcontrol
41.Describe Napoleon’s rise topower.
- French Revolution led to instability inFrance
- Napoleon was a military hero that brought stability toFrance
- He would conquer much of Europe to make France anempire
42.How did geography play a role in Napoleon’s defeat,and how did that defeat affect Europe?
- Russianwinter
43.Complete the following chart over the Age ofRevolutions:
Revolution / Causes / ResultsEnglish / Disagreement between King Charles I and Parliament / Constitutional Monarchy
American / “Taxation without Representation” / American Independence
French / Third Estate had no power and wanted power / Rise of Napoleon
44.HowdidindustrializationstartinEnglandandgo ontoimpactallofEurope?
- Natural resources such ascoal
- Textiles
- Growth of factories andcities
- Mass Production of products – increase inwealth
- Negatives – Poor factory conditions, child labor, pollution,etc.
- Led to imperialism for naturalresources
- Led to a gap between the rich andpoor
45.What was urbanization, and how did it impact industrializingnations?
- Growth of cities – pollution and overpopulation – led toimperialism
46.What were ideas of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and how did they impact theworld?
- AdamSmith–capitalism–laissezfaire– invisible hand– nogov’tinterventionin economy – “Wealth ofNations”
- Karl Marx – socialism/communism – proletariat (workers) unite – gov’t controlof economy and factors of production – “CommunistManifesto”—history was a class struggle between have’s (bourgeoisie) and the have-not’s (proletariat)
47.How were the Russo-Japanese War, the Boxer Rebellion, and the Young Turks all reactionsto imperialism?
- Reactions to get rid of foreign control over theircountries
48.Whatwerethe reasonsbehindEuropeanimperialism,andwhatwereitsimpactsonAsiaand Africa?
- Empire – Economic, Political, Ideological, Religious,Exploratory—gain raw materials and new markets for goods, White Man’s Burden
- 90% of Africa controlled by Europeancountries
- BerlinConference
49.How did nationalism (especially in the Balkans) help to cause World WarI?
- Countries trying to gain independence and trying to gain power – “Powder Kegof Europe”
- Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary –Spark that startedWWI
50.How did Europe’s entangling alliance system help to cause World WarI?
- Friendshelpingfriends –Smallscalewarturnsintoaworldwarbecauseeveryonehasto helpsomebody
51.How did militarism help to cause World WarI?
- Ascountriesbuildupmilitaries,othercountriesseethatasathreatandbuilduptheir military.
52.Listthenations oftheTripleEntenteduringWorldWarI:
- Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, and U.S.(late)
53.List the nations of the Triple Alliance during World War1:
- Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire(Turkey)
54.What was World War I like for the soldiers on the frontlines?
- Trench Warfare – machine guns – tanks - poison gas, no man’s land – trench foot– “shellshock”
55.Describe the Battle ofVerdun.
- 10monthbattlethatledtomillionsofcasualtiesduetothestalemateoftrenchwarfare
56.What were the most important terms of the 1919 Treaty ofVersailles?
- War Guilt Clause – Blamed Germany forWWI
- Reparations – Germany had to pay forWWI
- Germany was also required to limit theirmilitary
- Strips territories of Germany and Ottoman Empire and became mandates (ruled by) of the League of Nations
57.WhateffectdidWorldWarIhaveontheRomanovDynastyofRussiaandHapsburgDynastyof Germany?
- Both collapsed because of economic and politicalissues
58.What were the primary causes and results of the RussianRevolution?
- Cause: Russia is broke fromWWI
- Result: Lenin and Stalin rise to power – Russia becomes the Soviet Union and becomes Communist
- Later, Mao Zedong would led similar revolution in China
59.How did Stalin take power in Russia, and what were the goals of his 5 YearPlan?
- Lenin dies – Stalin has opponent Leon Trotskyexiled
- 5YearPlan:Industrialize–catchSovietUnionuptootherindustrializednations
60.What is fascism?
- Extreme nationalism, single ruler, national unity, propaganda, expansion
- Grows with bad economy, high unemployment, unhappy workers, lessened national pride
61.How did Mussolini rise to power as the leader of FascistItaly?
- ItalyhaseconomicproblemsandfelttheydidnotgetenoughoutoftheTreatyof Versailles; Mussolini promises to rebuild the RomanEmpire
62.How did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rise to power inGermany?
- Germany humiliated by Treaty ofVersailles
- Hyperinflation and economicdepression
- Nazis blame the Jews for allproblems
- Military takes control of the government and Hirohito serves as emperor andfigure- head
64.How was Mohandas Gandhi an example of a nationalistleader?
- Protested British control of India through civildisobedience
- Lead to Indian independence andself-rule
65.DescribethetotalitariangovernmentsofSoviet Union,Germany,andItalyinthe 1930s?
- Totalcontrolofeverything includingpublicandpersonallives –controlledmedia,jobs, ideas, education, thought,etc.. Censorship and secret police both characteristics.
- Hitler invaded the Rhineland, claimed the Sudetenland, invaded Czechoslovakia,and invadedPoland (Central Europe taken by Hitler)
- MussoliniinvadedEthiopia(N.Africa)andwasattemptingtorebuildtheRomanEmpire
- Both practice tactics in Spanish Civil War
67.What aggressive moves by Japan led the world towards war in thePacific?
- Japan invaded Manchuria and Northern China (Rape ofNanjing)
68.Complete to following chart over events in World War2:
Description of Event / Outcome of EventPearl Harbor / Japan surprise attacks U.S. naval base in Hawaii / Japan highly damages Pearl Harbor;U.S. declares war on Japan and joins Allies in WWII
Battle of El-Alamien / Battle between Allies and Axis powers in Northern Africa / Allies are able to push German and Italian troops out of N. Africa
Battle of Stalingrad (Impact of geography) / Hitler attacks the Soviet Union / Soviet Union wins because of Russian winter; a turning point for the Allies in WWII
D-Day / AKA Operation Overlord; massive Allied invasion in Normandy, France to push the Germans out of France / Germans are pushed out of France; turning point in WWII for the Allies
Battle of Guadalcanal / Battle in the Pacific; 6 month battle / First Japanese loss on land; massive Japanese casualties
The Philippines / Series of battles in the Pacific
VE Day / Victory in Europe Day / WWII ends in Europe – Germany defeated
VJ Day / Victory in Japan Day / WWII ends in Japan – Japansurrenders after atomic bombs destroy Hiroshima andNagasaki
69.How did Nazi ideology lead to the Holocaust, and what were itsresults?
- Blame Jews for economic problems and loss inWWI
- Believe in superior/master Aryanrace
- Nuremburg Laws – laws againstJews
- Results—Nuremburg Trials – Nazis tried for crimes againsthumanity
- Tehran – plans for defeating Germany inWWII
- Yalta – plans for Europe afterWWII
- Potsdam – plans for defeating Japan and plans for Japan afterWWII
- YaltaConferencedividedGermanyandBerlininto4sections;The British,French,and
U.S. Section was non-communist; the Soviet Section was Communist
- Led to a conflict between Non-Communist and Communistnations
- “Iron Curtain” – invisible line separating non-Communist nations andCommunist nations
- Containment – trying contain Communism behind the “ironcurtain”
- Marshall Plan – Financial support to non-Communistcountries
72.Why was the modern nation of Israelcreated in 1948, and how as it impacted the Middle-East?
- Created as a refuge for the Jewishnation
- Also, a strategic location for the United States in the ColdWar
- Middle-East–ledtoconflictsbetweenMuslims,Jews,andChristians
73.HowdidtheColdWarresultinanarmsrace,andhowdidnationsusediplomacytolimitit (S.A.L.T.)?
- Competition between nuclear weapons, the more you had the more powerful youwere
- SALT – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty – limited the amount of nuclearweapons a nation couldhave
74.How did Khrushchev and Gorbachev reform the SovietUnion?
- Khrushchev – de-Stalinization – continued Cold Warpolicies
- Gorbachev – glasnost and reversal of Cold Warpolicies
75.Complete the following chart over movements for freedom in the late 20thcentury:
Movement / Description of movement and its result(s)Anti-apartheid / South Africa – Nelson Mandela helped end apartheid in S. Africa – Apartheid is basically segregation between whites and colored.
76.HowdidthebreakupoftheSovietUnionleadtothecreationofnewnations?(Ukraine, Kazakhstan, &Baltic)
- ThecountriestakenoverbytheSovietUnionbecomenewcountriesafterthecollapse of the SovietUnion
77.How has terrorism impacted daily life in the modernage?
- Patriot Act – Can tap into phoneconversations
- Airport Security – Limited carry-on itemsetc.