This section is still being worked on …
Countless thousands have contributed to make the Thames what it is. Most of them are now forgotten. But rather than accept that, here is the start of an unworthy attempt to recall just a few of those whose names are still known. In general these may not be the real characters of the Thames – but the engineers who made it what it is today, and the authors and artists who wrote about it and painted it. The real characters were (and still are) the lock keepers and river workers and boatmen, professional & amateur, and fishermen.
If you can contribute an account of a Thames character please do so!
Adams, Anna editor
Alice in Wonderland: Edith, Lorina and Alice Liddell
Ashby-Sterry, Joseph, poet
Atkinson, Mary, author
Bacon, Roger, scientist, philosopher
Ball, E & PW, boaters
Ballantyne, R M, author
Belloc, Hilaire, author & poet
Binnie, Sir Alexander, engineer
Boney, Revd Prof, author
Bonthron, P, boater
Boydell, engraver
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, engineer
Brunel, Marc Isambard (Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s father) 1769-1849
Bryant, Ashley, painter
Burstall, Patricia, author
Cleaver, Hylton, author
Cooke, W B & G, engravers
Conrad, Joseph, author
Cornish, C.J., naturalist
Cove-Smith, author
Curtis, Roy, author
De Maré, Eric, author & photographer
Defoe, Daniel, traveller & author
Dickens, Charles junior, author
Dodd, Christopher, author
Dodgson, Charles aka Lewis Carroll, author, mathematician, photographer
Doerflinger, Frederic, boater, author
Duckworth, Robinson (Charles Dodgson’s friend)
Dunbar, William, poet
Eade, Brian, author
Eddy, Clyde, boater, author
Fidler, Kathleen, editor
Forester, C S, author
Fox Smith, C, author
Frith, Francis, photographer, 1822-1898
Gedge, Paul, boater & author
Gibbings, Robert, author, engraver
Goldsack, Paul, author
Gordon, Colin, author
Greathead, James Henry, Engineer
Hadfield, Charles, author
Harris, Mollie
Hall, Mr & Mrs, boaters and authors
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, author
Holinshed, author
Hughes T, author
Irwin, John & Herbert, Jocelyn editors
Jerome, Jerome K, author
Jones, Sir Horace, engineer
Jones, Sydney R, artist
Kipling, Rudyard, poet
Leslie, George, painter & author
LETTS Guides to the Thames Valley
Lewis, C S, author
Liddell, see Alice in Wonderland
MacColl, D
Mempes, Mortimer, watercolourist
Mitton, Miss G E, author
Moller, F Campbell, M.D. Author
Morris, William, author etc
Myers, Doug, painter
NICHOLSON Guides & Maps
Ollier, Edmund, author
Owens, see Westall & Owens, engravers
Peacock, Thomas Love, poet
Peel, J H B, author
Penderell-Brodhurst, author
PHILLIPS (BONHAMS) auctioneers
Pilkington, Roger, author
Pitt, John William, poet
Prichard, Mari & Humphrey Carpenter
Ravenstein, E G
Reade, Charles, author
Rivington, R T, punter, author
Roberts, Brian author
Runciman, J
Sampson, Aylwin, author
Senior, W, author
Sharp, David, author
Schutz, Wilson H, author
Smith, W H, Thames resident
Taylor, Julia Isham, author
Thacker, Fred S, author
Tomalin, Harry, author
Tubbs, Joseph, poet
Turner, Godfrey Worsdworth author
Turner, J M W, artist
Turner, W H, (lock keeper at Boulter’s)
Vincent, J E, author
Wack, Henry Wellington
Wallington, Mark, author
Warren, Adrian / Dae Sasitorn, Aerial Photography
Waters, Brian, author
Watson, Aaron, author
Westall & Owens, engravers
Whistler, painter
Williams, Nigel, author
Wilson, David Gordon, author
Wood, Revd J G, author
Worsley, Jenyth, poet
Wykeham-Martin, Captain R.F, punt designer
Wykes, Alan, author
Wyllie, William Lionel, Painter
Adams, Anna editor
- 1999: An Anthology of River Poems
Alice in Wonderland: Edith, Lorina and Alice Liddell
Ashby-Sterry, Joseph,poet
- 1886: Thames Lays from The Lazy Minstrel J. Ashby-Sterry
Atkinson, Mary, author
- 1973: The Thames-side Book
Bacon, Roger, scientist, philosopher
Ball, E & PW, boaters
- 1970: Holiday Cruising on the Thames
Ballantyne, R M, author
- 1874: The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands
Belloc, Hilaire, author & poet
- 1914: Historic Thames
1903:London on Thames in Bygone Days
Binnie, Sir Alexander,engineer
- Blackwall Tunnel
Boney, Revd Prof, author
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver(Henley to MaidenheadRichmond to Battersea)
Bonthron, P,boater
- My Holidays on Inland Waterways 1916
Boydell, engraver
- History of the Thames Boydell 1794-96
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, engineer
- TowerBridge,helped Sir Horace Jones
Brunel, Marc Isambard (IsambardKingdom Brunel’s father) 1769-1849
- Wapping to Rotherhithe Tunnel
Bryant, Ashley,painter
- Thames Pictures, Ashley Bryant
Burstall, Patricia, author
- 1981: Golden Age of the Thames
Cleaver, Hylton, author
- 1959: History of Rowing
Cooke,W B & G, engravers
- 1822: Cooke's Views of the Thames, W.B Cooke & G.Cooke
Conrad, Joseph, author
- The Mirror of the Sea – Descriptions of the Thames estuary
Cornish,C.J., naturalist
- 1902: The Naturalist on the Thames, full text
Cove-Smith, author
- River Thames Book
Curtis, Roy, author
- 1970: Thames Passport
De Maré, Eric, author & photographer
- 1952: Time on the Thames
Defoe, Daniel, traveller & author
- I shall speak of the river as occasion presents, as it really is …
Dickens, Charles junior, author
Son of the great Charles Dickens, Friend of George Leslie.
- 1885: Dickens’s Dictionary of the Thames
Dodd, Christopher, author
- 1989: Henley Royal Regatta
Dodgson, Charles aka Lewis Carroll, author, mathematician, photographer
Doerflinger, Frederic, boater, author
- 1970: Slow Boat through England. Exploring the Inland Waterways
Duckworth, Robinson (Charles Dodgson’s friend)
Dunbar, William, poet
- To the City of London, William Dunbar.
Eade, Brian, author
- 1997: Along the Thames
Eddy, Clyde, boater, author
- 1938:Voyaging down the Thames
Fidler, Kathleen, editor
- 1971: The Thames in Story
Forester, C S, author
- 1953: Hornblower and the Atropos (Fiction! Hornblower steers a horse drawn narrow boat (at 11mph!) down the Thames & SevernCanal and then Flash weirs on the Thames.)
Fox Smith, C, author
- 1931: Thames
Frith, Francis, photographer, 1822-1898
Gedge, Paul,boater & author
- 1949: Thames Journey (A book for boat-campers and lovers of the river. 67 photos and 2 maps)
Gibbings, Robert,author, engraver
- 1940: Sweet Thames Run Softly
- 1957: Till I End My Song
Goldsack, Paul, author
- 2002: River Thames in the footsteps of the famous
Gordon, Colin, author
- 1944: Beyond the Looking Glass (Lewis Carroll Books)
Greathead, James Henry, Engineer
- Tower Subway, 1870
Hadfield, Charles, author
- 1952:British Canals
Harris, Mollie
- 1994: Stripling Thames (Source to Oxford)
Hall, Mr & Mrs,boaters and authors
- 1859: The Book of the Thames (reprinted 1976)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel,author
- 1863: American tourist near Oxford
Holinshed, author
Holinshed’s Chronicles of England
Hughes T,author
- 1861/1879: River excerpts from Tom Brown at Oxford
Irwin, John & Herbert, Jocelyn editors
- 1951: Sweete Themmes
Jerome, Jerome K,author
- 1889: Three Men in a Boat, Jerome K Jerome, full text
- 1889: The Log of Three Men in a Boat, journey (no funny bits - sad!)
Jones, Sir Horace, engineer
- Designer of TowerBridge (& IsambardKingdom Brunel)
Jones, Sydney R, artist
- 1943: Thames Triumphant
Kipling, Rudyard, poet
- 1911: The River's Tale
Leslie, George,painter & author
- 1881: Our River, George Leslie
LETTSGuides to the ThamesValley
Lewis, C S,author
Liddell, see Alice in Wonderland
MacColl, D
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver(Oxfordto Abingdon)
Mempes, Mortimer,watercolourist
- Thames (& G E Mitton)
Mitton, Miss G E,author
- Thames (& E W Hazlehurst)
Moller,F Campbell, M.D. Author
- 1891: Boating Life on the Upper Thames
Morris, William,author etc
Myers, Doug, painter
Doug Myers punting at Henley Regatta
Every Thames mainstream bridge!
- Thames Bridges 1996 - 2005 Doug Myers' new site
NICHOLSON Guides & Maps
Ollier, Edmund, author
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver (Battersea to LondonBridge)
Owens, see Westall & Owens, engravers
Peacock, Thomas Love, poet
- The Genius of the Thames
Peel, J H B, author
- 1976: Portrait of the Thames
Penderell-Brodhurst, author
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver (Abingdon to Streatley)
PHILLIPS (BONHAMS) auctioneers
- 1997-2002: Catalogues: Traditional Rivercraft & Ephemera
Pilkington, Roger, author
- 1966: Small Boat on the Thames
Pitt, John William, poet
- 1936: River Thames A Descriptive Poem
Prichard, Mari & Humphrey Carpenter
- 1975:A Thames Companion
Ravenstein, E G
- 1893: Oarsman's & Angler's Map Of The River Thames From Its Source To LondonBridge. One Inch To AMile.
Reade, Charles,author
- 1868: Rowing excerpts (Henley Regatta)from Hard Cash
Rivington, R T, punter, author
- 1982: Punts & Punting (booklet)
- 1983: Punting (book)
Roberts, Brian author
- Britain's Waterways
Runciman, J
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver (Gravesend to the Nore)
Sampson, Aylwin, author
- 1986: Winning Waters, the homes of Rowing
Senior, W, author
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver (above Oxford & Streatley to Henley)
Sharp, David, author
- 1981: Thames Path
Schutz, Wilson H, author
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver (Maidenhead to Windsor)
Smith, W H,Thames resident
Taylor, Julia Isham, author
- 1939 Account of trip in 1886: Down the Thames in Victorian Days
Thacker, Fred S,author
- 1914: Thames Highway Volume I
- 1920: Thames Highway Volume II, History of locks and weirs
Tomalin, Harry, author
- 1975: The Book of Henley-on-Thames
Tubbs, Joseph,poet
Turner, Godfrey Worsdworth author
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver (Windsor to Hampton)
Turner, J M W, artist
Turner, W H, (lock keeper at Boulter’s)
Vincent, J E, author
- 1909: Story of the Thames
Wack, Henry Wellington
- 1906: In Thamesland . Cruises and Rambles through England from the Sources of the Thames to the Sea. An American on the Thames. Photos by Frith and Taunt.
Wallington, Mark,author
- 1990: Boogie up the River. One Man and his Dog to the Source of the Thames.
Warren, Adrian / Dae Sasitorn, Aerial Photography
- Last Refuge Ltd
- Photos: QEII Bridge,
Waters, Brian, author
- 1964:Thirteen Rivers to the Thames(tributaries)
Watson, Aaron, author
- 1885: Contributor to RoyalRiver (LondonBridge to Gravesend)
Westall & Owens, engravers
- 1828: Picturesque Tour of the Thames, Westall & Owens
Whistler, painter
Portrait of Whistler by Mortimer Menpes
Williams, Nigel, author
- 1993: Two and a half men in a Boat
Wilson, David Gordon, author
- 1977: Making of the Middle Thames
Wood, Revd J G,author
- 1919: River Boating 1850s - The Art of Rowing - (before slides) types of boats, terms, style etc
Worsley, Jenyth, poet
- Tamasá Reaches
Wykeham-Martin, Captain R.F,punt designer
- 1919: How to Build a Thames Punt
- (plan in Punts by R T Rivington)
Wykes, Alan, author
- 1966: An Eye on the Thames
Wyllie, William Lionel, Painter
- Opening of Tower Bridge, 1894 (Two pictures)