Carers Partnership Board

Tuesday 26th April

10.15am - 1.00pm (Please note extended start time)

Addenbrooke House G4



Barry Parnaby-Chair

Louise Langham-Ex Chair

Jill Tiernan-T&W

Judith McGillivray-T&W

Debbie Gibbon-Carers Centre

Sarah Hope-Aquarius

Sharon Smith-TWCCG

Denise Jackson-Former Carer

Joan Green-Carer

Jonathan Eatough- T&W Assistant Director: Law, Democracy & People Services

Graeme Mitchell-SATH

Lyn Yale-Carer

Cllr Arnold England-T&W

Kim Pretty-T&W Minute taker



Linda Griffiths-Carer

Julia Pitkin-Dementia Sense

Lucy Cotterill MHFT

Rabinder Dhami-Fire & Rescue

Kit Roberts-LD Consultant

Clare Harland-Public Health

Sonia James-WHT

Diane Beaumont-Alzeimers


Karen Taylor

Sue Mitchell

Jo leahy

Richard Smith

Wendy Sloan (rep Sarah Hope)

James Ibbs

Eileen Lambert (Standing down as Board member)

1. Welcome and Apologies

Eileen Lambert has announced that she will be standing down as Board member.

ACTION JT to send letter of thanks to Eileen for all her hard work as a Board member.

Louise Langham has relinquished her role of chair but will still remain as a member of the Board. All agreed Louise had been an excellent chair and gave thanks and best wishes for her future success.

BP will take over role as Chair. The Board are still looking for Vice Chair and asked for volunteers.

2. Acceptance of Minutes and Matters Arising

All accepted as correct.

3. Matters Raised by Members of the Public

Julia circulated Dementia Skills for Families leaflets in relation to At home with dementia Family Carers Course. This is a free course to all carers and consists of six fortnightly sessions. The course aims to help carers gain the skills and confidence to know that they are providing the very best of care possible for anyone they care for experiencing dementia.

4. Health and Well Being Strategy: Response to correspondence


Letter received from Health & Wellbeing Board indicating a commitment to Carers and informing us of future Health & Wellbeing Board support.

5. Local Authority Update:

Young Carers: (Report update)

The LA now works with 17-24 year olds and have a combined young and adult service.

Telford Young Carers have recently been awarded a Telford Tommy award. The presentation takes place on Wednesday 27th April in the walk of fame area in the Town Park area.

Proposed developments include Carers week planning and looking at supporting the development of carers having a voice about related provision/carer related issues.

Safeguarding Update:

·  The Care Act status guidance has been updated. Safeguarding has received the most updates.

·  There are designated safeguarding managers across all areas for the most vulnerable adults.

·  T&W’s principal lead social worker is Judith McGillivray.

·  A Business Plan has been completed and a Performance Framework has been developed.

·  Exploring skills set and online training-targeting skill gaps.

·  Looking at section 42 around learning and best practice and more focused on professional developments.

Carers Funding/ Better Care Fund

This agenda item is deferred to July Meeting.

An accountant will be invited to come along to the CPB to speak.

ACTION JT to invite accountant to next CPB meeting.

Introduction to Jonathan Eatough - Assistant Director: Law, Democracy & People Services

BP welcomed Jonathan Eatough to the carers Partnership Board meeting.

Jonathan is the new Assistant Director: Law, Democracy & People Services who is fully supportive of carers roles and of their importance and value in the community.

Transforming Care Partnership-Kit Robert

An extract from the TCP submission was circulated to the group.

The TCP report was submitted to NHS England on 11th April 2016. 1:1 consultations took place and involved carers from both Wrekin and Shropshire.

ACTION KR will send the TCP to KP to be circulated with minutes to the CPB.

KR will be working with JT to take this forward and explore how T&W can further engage.

An easy read version will be produced and delivery of this will go live in July.

Group comments include:

·  It is not respite, if not good respite,

·  In relation to the Workforce Development Plan and retention of experienced staff, the LA does retain skilled and experienced workers. The skilled social workforce would still need to be developed.

·  Need to know what key skills and knowledge the workforce need to know.

·  It is about the shared values.

·  LD carers tend to silo themselves

·  Used to be very specific groups that met i.e. LD, Physical.

KR asked how this board would want to continue with the TCP within this group.

ACTION BP and JT to meet outside this group to discuss.

Annual Public Health Report – ‘Living well for longer' presented by Clare Harland

The author of the report is Liz Noakes.

The report focuses mainly on 50-60 yr olds. The key message is about recognising challenges of these age groups and highlights it is never too late to adopt a healthy life style.

‘Making Every Contact Count’ is included in this report.

ACTION CH will send links for the ‘Living Well for Longer’ Annual Public Health Report ‘to KP to circulate to CPB members.

Things to be considered:

·  Employment

·  Carers Strategy

·  Making Every Contact Count

Carer’s roles are increasing in particular for 50 year olds age range, weather caring for children or adults.

It was also highlighted that more men are now involved in caring roles.

CH confirmed she would be happy to return to the CPB to speak further.

ACTION Consider role Public Health have with CPB

7. Health Update:

Primary Care Wellbeing service-Lucy Cotterill

The Primary Care Wellbeing Service is employed by South Staffs and a nationally funded project to access general psychological therapy services. It provides counselling approaches in IAPT, counselling for depression and couples counselling for depression. It is a self referral service and is based in Donnington.

Broader health representation from carers link to SATH/SSSFT

ACTION JT and BP to speak to look at this and copy in Arnold England/Lucy Cotterill.

David (Carer) informed the meeting of the role of Quorus

Project Looking at mental health and find a way to talk to the Trust. Trust Managers are now getting involved. Carers are identified when they come in to this service.

Communication and Engagement Strategy: Response: Walk in Centres: Sharon Smith

T&W clinical commission walk in service for primary care report gone out to;

Consultation document is online and in hard copy. It highlights the potential options for walk in centres.

Back in January the service conducted pre engagements with small groups about what they would like to see and what would suit them and their families. IMPACT has been commissioned to talk to small groups targeting homeless people and young mums.

There have been a variety of market stalls, and pop up stands at various venues, in particular MPH and the Library at Southwater. There is an online access and now looking to position stands in local supermarkets. People are asked to complete their comments and all responses will be looked at on 10th June this will then go the commissioners.

Historically there was 2 walk in centres: Telford Town Centre and Shrewsbury. The contracts will be coming to a natural end. It has been confirmed that the Telford Town Centre is closed as of April and the GP side will cease in July. NHS England oversee these contracts

ACTION KP to send link to CPB Members.

BP confirmed he had met with Tracy and she has agreed to amend the Patients Strategy to include Carers.

Carers Policy (SATH): Response:

Need to ensure carers get recognised and the policy is delivered. JT met Karen Breeze replaces Helen Coleman Dementia Lead Nurse for Telford and Shropshire.

ACTION GM will ask Karen to attend this meeting

SATH have recruited 4x Band 3 workers in Dementia.

A Dementia Survey and report have been completed.

ACTION GM will send report KP to be circulated to the CPB members.

The report has highlighted a great lack of awareness of Dementia Passport. The Dementia Passport will be re-launching.

ACTION GM and Karen will update at next meeting.

A Patients Experience Strategy has been developed as part of PEEP

ACTION GM will circulate and asked CPB members for their feedback.

ACTION GM will send 2015/16 Quality Account for information for KP to circulate to CPB Members.

Carers Passports still need to be circulated. 10,000 are in the process of being printed.

The Butterfly scheme is being re-launched to refresh staff awareness.

ACTION Diane Beaumont will send a stack to DG in readiness for Carers week

ACTON GM asked for all papers to be sent to members. This is part of the ToR

Future Fit: Katy Driver: Report update:

JT all need to look at areas for Board discussion and comment on the Future Fit/Community Fit report

ACTION KD to update on Future Fit/Community Fit

Julie Mellor attended future fit event and this is very important we get involved

8. Carer/Fire and Rescue Service:

The main objective of this service is prevention. Various initiatives are carried out particularly through schools and crucial crew and the team work closely with a number of care organisations

One of the main benefits of the service are the home safety visits.

The service has currently been concentrating on the vulnerable groups, working closely with Jon Power’s team. This has generated tremendously good results and has been very beneficial in capturing people who would not normally be seen.

Early intervention is key in fire prevention.

Many of the today problems are created by fire loading, bedroom tax-more people living in the house, elderly-too proud to ask for advice and more cases of hoarding.

Information on the service is usually through campaigns, flyers, stands at Town Centre/shows,

DG advised that Alison Teece will be adding an article on Fire Prevention Service in the Carers Magazine to promote the service to carers in the community.

The service will be involved in the Telford Independence Day Event

ACTION Article on Fire Prevention Service to appear in the Carers Magazine

ACTION RD to circulate some literature to KP for circulation to the CPB members.

9. Report Updates:

My Choice Update: Report presented by Julie Mellor (Report attached)

ACTION JM will send list of acronyms that had been put together for the Board of Trustees to KP for circulation to CPB

ACTION JM to circulate the leaflet on the weekly changes to benefits to KP to cascade to CPB

10. Carers Hub Report presented by Debbie Gibbon. Informed the board of the following:

The next news letter is due to go to press Friday 29th April

Carers week starts 6th June. Several activities are scheduled including evening pamper sessions, carers quiz and fish ‘n’ chips supper.

Lots of leaflets will be going out and dates and venues will be in the carers magazine.

11. Commissioning Updates: Report presented by Jill Tiernan

Emergency Carers Service

Rapid response will be accessing a new out of hour’s service. To be delivered by Direct Health

NHS England:

Carer Narratives Project: Commitment to Carers Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin carer pathway pilot:

T&W are working in collaboration with NHS Telford & Wrekin, Shropshire Council and CCG. BP and JT will be attending a networking meeting on Wednesday 27th April and will update the board at next meeting

ACTION BP will update at next CPB meeting.

Board Development:

The Board Development report has been completed. A Sub Group will be set up and are currently looking for volunteers. BP asked that anyone who would be interested in volunteering to let him know

ACTION JT to send Board Development report to KP for circulation to Board members.

‘A Life outside Caring’

No current report available

JT highlighted the CPB are currently seeking new members for the board particularly those already in active carer roles.

Aquarius: Report presented by Sarah Hope

Support for people who are affected by someone else’s drink and drug addictions

14 people attended Aquarius STARS first carers event at Willowdene Farm on 8th April 2016.

Transport was provided and activities included photography, feeding the animals, an opportunity to try out different crafts, followed by lunch.

A fun day was had by all. More planned young carers events are in the pipeline to include drama activities and promoting safe environments.

12. Feedback to Members of the Public:


13. Good New Stores:

JP and DG carried out piece of work with young carers and took them out for lunch. The young people had lots to say and proved very stimulating and co productive.

14. Any Other Business

ACTION JT to remind reporters not to use acronyms as not all members of the Board are specialists and would welcome acronyms free or reports.

15. Next Meeting:

Tuesday 5th July 2016 Addenbrooke House Room G4

Actions from this meeting:

ACTION Eileen Lambert will be standing down as a Board member.
JT to send letter of thanks to Eileen for all her hard work as a Board member. / JT
Carers Funding/ Better Care Fund
ACTION JT to invite accountant to next CPB meeting. / JT
Transforming Care Partnership-Kit Robert
ACTION KR will send report submitted to NHS England to KP to be circulated with minutes.
KR asked how this board want to continue with this
ACTION BP and JT to meet outside this group to discuss. / KR/KP
Annual Public Health Report – ‘Living well for longer' Clare Harland
ACTION CH will send links for the ‘Living Well for Longer’ Annual Public Health Report ‘to KP to circulate to CPB members / CH/KP
Primary Care Wellbeing service-Lucy Cotterill
Provides counselling approaches in IAPT and depression and couples counselling for depression.
Good to have represents from other services i.e. patients leads and SSSFT Operational-How do we progress this?
ACTION JT and BP to speak to look at this and copy in Arnold England/Lucy Cotterill. / JT/BP
Communication and Engagement Strategy: Response: Walk in Centres: Sharon Smith
ACTION KP to send link to CPB Members. / KP
Carers Policy(SATH): Response:
ACTION GM will ask Karen Breeze Dementia Lead Nurse to attend CPB meeting
Dementia survey and report has been completed.
ACTION GM will send report to KP for circulation to CPB group.
ACTION GM and Karen will give an update on the dementia report at next meeting.
ACTION GM will circulate Active Patient Experience Strategy and asked CPB members for their feedback.
ACTION GM will send 2015/16 Quality Account to KP for circulation to the CPB for information.
ACTION Diane Beaumont will send a bundle Carers Passports to DG in readiness for Carers week once printed.
ACTON GM asked that in future all papers to be sent to CPB members prior to meetings. / GM
Future Fit: Katy Driver: Report update:
JT all need to look at areas for Board discussion and comment on the Future Fit/Community Fit report
ACTION KD to update on Future Fit/Community Fit
Julie Mellor attended future fit event and this is very important we get involved / KD
ACTION Article on Fire and rescue prevention project to appear in the Carers Magazine
ACTION RD to send fire prevention literature to KP for circulation to CPB / DG
My Choice Update: Julie Mellor
ACTION JM will send list of acronyms that had been put together for the Board of Trustees to KP for circulation to CPB
ACTION JM to circulate the leaflet on the weekly changes to benefits to KP to cascade to CPB / JM/KP
NHS England: Carer Narratives Project
BP and JT will be attending a meeting Wednesday 27th April
ACTION JT will update at next CPB meeting. / JT
Board Development:
ACTION JT to send Board Development report to KP for circulation to Board / JT/KP
ACTION JT to remind CPB reporters not to use acronyms in future reports. / JT