Structure of Service and Ministry, 2016-17

Terms of service are generally three years, starting in April.

Clerks of committees are noted by an asterisk (*).

The year indicates the end of a term.

Presiding Clerk:David Woolley 2017

Assistant Presiding Clerk:pool of past and prospective clerks

Recording Co-Clerks:Steve Snyder/Tom Ward 2019

Trustees:Linda Coffin2014-2017

*Jim Haefemeyer 2015-2018

Jane Furnas 2015-2018

Auditor:Bruce Busta 2019

FCNL Representative:Doug Herron

Librarians:Dave Bostrom, Susan Hoch

Loaves & Fishes Coordinators:Ann Luce, Sue Kearns (cooking coordinator)

Meeting Gardeners:Clifford Goltz

Meeting Historian:Linda Coffin

Meeting Photographer:Sue Kearns

Four Rivers Planning

Committee Liaisons:Keitha Herron, Jim Lovestar

NYM Representative:Pat Jones

Religious Education:Bill Hendricks, Sue Tuggle

Web Servant:David Woolley

Adult Program Committee

2017 / 2018 / 2019
* Jim Lovestar / Sydney Campbell / Mary Snyder
Jeannette Raymond / Elizabeth Showalter

Camp Committee

2017 / 2018 / 2019
Annette Smith / Andy Sippel / *WinaMortenson
Clifford Goltz /
Allen Gibas
Linda Hart

Child Welfare Committee

Sigurd Hoppe, Barbara Mohr, Robert Raymond, *Scott Chapman
Liaison and Review Committee
2017 / 2018 / 2019
Suzanne Ferguson / *Barbara Ziegenhagen / Sue Kearns
Tom Wells

Ex officio: Presiding Clerk and Clerk of Ministry and Counsel

Ministry and Counsel
2017 / 2018 / 2019
*Carolyn VandenDolder
/ Steve Snyder / Heidi Flores
Judith James / John Kraft / Rae Beth Cornelius
Terry Kayser / Nancy Helfrich / Sandy Olson

Ex officio: Presiding Clerk; Director of Ministry; Recorded Minister Barbara Coffin;

Recorded Minister Gayle McJunkin

Death and Memorial Subcommittee

2017 / 2018 / 2019
Lin Butler / Tom Ward /

Bill Hendricks

Jim Bruener

/ Gayle McJunkin
*Nancy Helfrich

Ex officio: Member of Ministry and Counsel

Ex officio: Director of Ministry

Semi-programmed Worship Planning Subcommittee

2017 / 2018 / 2019
*Clifford Goltz
/ LollyLijewski / Barbara Mohr
Joanne Esser /
Judith James

Hymnal Distribution: Cindy Asrouch

Ex officio: representative of Ministry and Counsel, Director of Ministry

Un-Programmed Worship Planning Subcommittee

2017 / 2018 / 2019
*Keitha Herron
/ Carol Bechtel / Jackie Barrett
Connie Archbald

Ex officio: representative of Ministry and Counsel, Director of Ministry

Nominating Committee

2017 / 2018 / 2019
Sigurd Hoppe
Ex officio:
Director of Ministry /
Ed Souther
Andy Showalter
Doug Herron
* Mary Snyder

Nursery Committee

2017 / 2018 / 2019
* Betsy Souther
/ Barbara Mohr / Annette Smith
Stephanie Skyrock

Ex officio: Nursery Coordinators

Peace and Social Concerns
2017 / 2018 / 2019
Jeff Naylor
/ Elizabeth Showalter /
Terry Hokenson
* Ranae Hanson / Debbie Jones / Roland Barrett
Property Committee
2017 / 2018 / 2019
Terry Kayser
/ Betsy Souther /
David Downs
Joseph Flores*
/ Ed Souther /

Frank Bacon

Linda Ferguson

Social Committee
2017 / 2018 / 2019
* Diane Barrett / Carol Bechtel / Rick VandenDolder
Dave Bostrom / Jim Herther
Stewardship and Finance Committee
2017 / 2018 / 2019
Allen Gibas / Andy Showalter
Kate Coon / Marilyn Johnson
Mike Finley
*Roland Barrett / Jared Nichols

Ex officio: Trustees

Welcoming and Outreach Committee
2017 / 2018 / 2019
* Sandy Olson / Matt Crowley / Keitha Herron
Tom Wells / Andy Showalter / Ed Souther
Annette Smith
Shepherd Scholarship Committee (Committee not appointed byMonthly Meeting)

*Allen Gibas, Betsy Souther, Ann Melrose, Linda Coffin, Tom Ward

Ex officio: Director of Ministry, Clerk of the Meeting