1.Name: AKINTAN, Oluwatosin Adeoti
(Nee Sijuade)
2.Address:No. 1, Olatunji Akintan Street, off Ijesha
Road, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State.
3.Phone Number:08056438763 / 07064635737
5.Social Media Address:Whatsapp(08056438763)
6.Designation:Dept. of Religious Studies, Post-graduate
7.Biography:Born in 30th June, 1967 at Ibadan, Oyo State.
I joined the service of the then Ogun State University on May 8th, 1991 now Olabisi Onabanjo University as a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts. I have twenty-seven (27) years of teaching and research experience in the University. I teach various courses in African Religion, Comparative Religions and General Courses in Religious Studies both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. I attended several local and international academic Conferences and workshops. I have about eighteen (18) publications in local and international journals and edited books. I have Supervised Undergraduate projects, M.A. dissertations and still supervising Ph.D., thesis in African Religion as area of specialisation. I also consult for the Directorate of the General and Entrepreneurial Studies of the University where I teach Nigerian People and Citizenship Education (GES 201) at the undergraduate level. I have served as the Ag. Head, Certificate and Diploma Studies, Centre for Continuing Education (CCED) – December 2012-July, 2016. Member, Central Student’s Disciplinary Committee, Olabisi Onabanjo University, (CCED), 2013-2016. Treasurer, ASUU – OOU Ago-Iwoye, 1995-1998. Member, Ad-hoc Committee on Land Space Utilization, 1995-1999. Former, Vice-Chairman, Olabisi Onabanjo University Alumni Association, 1993-1996. A two- term Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Arts. Currently the Postgraduate Coordinator and the level Adviser for 100 level students for the Department of Religious Studies. Married to Mr. Olatunji Nojeem Akintan, a Deputy Registrar in the Council Affairs Division of the Registry Department, Olabisi Onabanjo University. They are blessed with two (2) wonderful and God – fearing children – Tomisin and Tunmiji.
8.Department:Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts
9.Academic Rank:Senior Lecturer
10.Current Position:Senior Lecturer
11.Research Interest:The nature of traditional rituals and
Cultic activities performed by women in Ijebu-land.
12.Institutions attended (with dates)
(i)Ph. D (Degree) in African Traditional Religion, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2010.
(ii)M. A. (Degree) in African Traditional Religion, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 1991.
(iii)B. A. (Hons) Religious Studies, Ogun State University, Now Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye - Second Class Upper Division, 1989.
(iv)A’level St. Annes School, Molete, Ibadan 1986.
(v)WAEC, School Leaving Certificate, St. Theresa’s College, Ibadan, 1984.
13.Membership of Professional Bodies
(i)Member, National Association for the Study of Religions (NASR)
(ii)Member, Society of Research on African Cultures (SORAC)
(iii)Member, Yoruba Studies Association of Nigeria (ẸGBÉ ONÍMÒ – ÈDÈ YORÙBÁ)
(iv)Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians (CIRCLE)
14.Awards Received:
Best Graduating Student in Religious Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University (formerly Ogun State University) – 1989.
15.Courses Taught: Undergraduate Courses
Harmattan Semester No. of Units
REL 113: Ancient Religions of Egypt, Greece and Rome 3
REL 213: Religion and Human Values. 3
REL 315: African Religion in West Africa. 3
REL 423: African Religion in Nigeria. 3
REL 425: Comparative Study of Religions in Nigeria. 3
GES 201: Nigerian People and Citizenship Education 2
Rain Semester
CRS 122: The Synoptic Gospel. 3
CRS 216: Introduction to the New Testament 3
REL 218: African Religion. 3
CRS 226: The Epistles of St. Paul. 3
CRS 336: The Gospel of St. John. 3
CRS 499: Undergraduate Project Supervision 6
REL 113: Ancient Religions of Egypt, Greece and Rome
Religious beliefs of the three early human groups to God, King, State and fellowman, myths, symbols and arts as vehicles of religious communication in the ancient world. The essence of oral traditional law and moral values in relations to the ancient religion, Mystery religion in the Greco-Roman world
- Ferguson, J. (1982) Greek and Roman Religion, United 14-15, Manchester: The Open University Press.
- Ferguson, W.K. & Bruum, G, (Eds) (1962), A survey of European Civilization, Newyork: Houghton Mifflin
- Clement, H.A. (1965) The story of the Ancients World. London, University Press
GES 201: Nigerian People and Citizenship Education
The Study of Nigerian History: Culture and Arts in Pre-Colonial times Nigerian is perception of his World Culture Areas of Nigeria and their characteristics. Evolution of Nigeria as a Political Unit. Indigene/Settle(ment) Phenomenon. Concept of Trade Economic Self-Reliance, Social Justice, Individual and National Development, Norms and Values. Negative attitudes (Vice) and Conduct (Cultism, Armed robbery, Corruption etc.) Re-Orientation of moral and national values. The state and the Citizen – Responsibilities of the State Rights and duties of the Citizens Environmental problems.
(1)Akintan, A.O. (2014) ‘African Religion: Features and Practices ‘ IN Aluko-Arowolo S (Ed) Readings in Citizenship Education and Cultural life of Nigerians.Directorate of General Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. Ogun-State
(2)Odugbemi, O.O. Balogun K.A, Adebanjo, A and Adedoyin S.F. (1999) (Eds) Essentials of General Studies (Culture, Agriculture and Computer) Vol 2. Centre for Sandwich Programmes (CESAP), Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. Ogun-State
REL 213: Religion and Human Values.
The source of Religion .Its purpose and values. Religion as a means of molding character, providing system of values relevant to the fundamental requirement of the individual and the society. Religion and society impact Religion as a means of social integration and disintegration, socialization and dissocialization. Religious-rites in the construction and maintenance of society. Justice and its dispensation. Ethical relations and moral values in relation to sex, marriage and the family, freedom, good and evil, discipline, respect, patience and relation. Relevant percepts from African Religion, Christianity, Islam and other World Religions
- Idowu, E.B. (1973) African Traditional Religion: A definition London: SCM Press.
- Ayantayo, J.K. (2017) Fundamental of Religion Ethics Nigeria End-Time Publishing House
- Dopamu, P.A. and Alana, E.O. (2004) ‘Ethical System ‘In Lawal N.S. Matthew, N.O. Sadiku, Dopamu Ade (Eds) Understanding Yoruba Life and Culture Eritrea, Africa World Press.
- Abubakre, R.D. Yahya. M.T. Opeleye, M.O. AknanimiduR.A. Odumuyiwa, E.A. Dopamu P.A. Dinie C.A. (Eds) Studies in Religious Understanding in Nigeria. Nigeria Association for the study of Religious.Mbiti. J.S. (1982) African Religious and Philosophy London Heinemann
REL 315: African Religion in West Africa
Traditional Religion of some selected peoples in West Africa in relation to their concept of the origin of things. Stories of creation, maintenance and control of the world. The people’s social structure an its influence on religious perception; religion and culture. The worship of God and divinities with emphasis on the meanings, objects, emblems, symbols, purpose, time and places of worship in West Africa Direct and indirect worship of God Liturgy, Prayer, Sacrifice, Music and divination in worship Cultic functionaries their call training and status-priests.
- Awolalu J.O. & Dopamu P.A. (2005) West Africa Traditional Religion (Revised Edition) Nigeria Macmillan
- Awolalu, J.O. (1979) Yoruba Beliefs and Sacrificial Rites U.K. Longman
- Awolalu, I.O. (1977) ‘’The Philosophy and Psychology of Worship ‘’ In ORITA: Ibadan journal of Religious Studies, Xi/2 December,.
4 Idowu, E.B. (1979) Olodumare: God in Yoruba Belief Nigeria Longman.
Parrinder, G.E. (1949) West African Religion. London Epworth Press.
REL 423: African Religion in Nigeria
The course examines the Traditional Religion of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria with particular reference to their concept of man, soul, destiny, and predestination. Meaning, composition and purpose of society, covenant relationship, moral values taboos, sin and its removal, purpose of rites of passages. Interpretation of death and burial ceremonies, divine judgment and reincarnation. Cults of the dead.Categories and functions of secret societies in Nigeria, e.g. Oro, Egungun, Ogboni, Nadko Gboya, Ekpo, Mmuo, etc. The practice of magic and medicine in Nigeria and their relations to religion. Witchcraft and sorcery and their impact on the society. Traditional Religion today, its future and relevance to modern situations.
- Parrinder, G.E. (1962) African Traditional Religion London Sheldon Press.
Mbiti, J.S. (1969) An Introduction to African Religion, New York: Prayer
2Mezzana, D. African Traditional Religions and Modernity. Culled from Online Journal,African Societies
Lucas, J.O. (1948) The Religion of the Yorubas. Lagos: C.M.S.
- Kayode, J.O. (1984) Understanding African Traditional Religion. Ife University Press.
Awolalu, J.O. and Dopamu P.A. (2005) West AfricanTraditional Religion, Nigeria: Macmillan
REL 425: Comparative Study of Religions in Nigeria
Comparing major topic of African Traditional Religion, Islam and Christianity in a critical manner and relating these to the benefit of the Nigeria scene. Impact of Religion on the another. Definition of interaction. Examination of the interaction of the three religions. The unifying factors of the.Religious understanding and co-operation. Religion/tolerance an intolerance; cause of hostility and suggested solutions
- Nabofa, M.Y. (1991) ‘Religion and Culture’ IN Thompson L, Adelugbe, D and Ifie (Eds) Culture and Civilization Ibadan: Afrika-Link Books.
- Joseph. K. (1984) ‘Religious Movements in Nigeria, Divisive or Cohesive? Some interpretation Models. IN ORITA: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies XVI/2/Dec.
- Mala. S.B (1985) ‘Famaticism In Religion A naughty child of difficult mother ‘IN Orita Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies XVII/2/Dec
- Adelowo. E.D. (1985) ‘Death and Burial in Yoruba, Qur’anic and Biblical Religion ‘IN ORITA: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies XVII/2 Dec.
- Adewale S.A. (2000) Comparative study of Religions in Nigeria. Unpublished Material for REL425.
- Adewale S.A. (1994) The Interaction of Religious In Nigeria. Lagos: Sudan Press
- .Opeloye M.O. (2014) The Qur’an and The Bible Common Themes for Peaceful Co-Existence. Ibadan: Spectrum Books.
- Dopamu, P.A. (2000) Esu: The Invisible Foe of Man, Ijebu-Ode, Shebiotimo Publication.
- Dopamu, P.A. (1988) Religious tolerance and Peaceful Co-existence: The case of African religion in Nigeria ‘IN Momoth C. S, at al, Philosophy of Religious Tolerance, Vol IV Lagos. John West Printers Division
- Dopamu, P.A. (1986) ‘Traditional Religion, Islam and Christianity in Yorubaland.
Patterns of Interaction’ in Ikenga-Methuh E (Ed) The Gods in Retreat: Continuity and change in African Religion. Enugu: fourth Dimension Publishers.
CRS 122: The Synoptic Gospel
The recognition of common materials. The realization of the special source: contained in the Gospels. The documentary hypothesis, Reasons for special sources.
- Harris, S.L. (2002) The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction U.S.A.: The McCraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Hunter, A.M. (1973) Introducing The New Testament Philadelphia: The WestMinister Press.
- Ayegboyin, D.(2015) The Synoptics: Introductory notes on the Matthew, Mark and Luke. Ibadan Daystar Press.
CRS 216: Introduction to the New Testament
The main themes, authorship and dates of the book of the New Testament.Oral Tradition in the New Testament .Form and Literary Criticism.The Synoptic problem and solutions.Priority of Mark Purpose and characteristics of the Gospels, their authors, dates, sources and general outlines
- Harris, S.L. (2002) The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction U.S.A.: The McCraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Hunter, A.M. (1973) Introducing The New Testament Philadelphia: The WestMinister Press.
- Ayegboyin, D.(2015) The Synoptics: Introductory notes on the Matthew, Mark and Luke. Ibadan Daystar Press.
REL 218: African Religion
The course investigates the Source of African Religion: myth, legends, proverbs, savings, folklores, folktales, arts and oral traditions generally. The states hitherto reached in the study. Modern writers Africans and Europeans and their approach: E.G. Parrinder, E.B. Idowu, J.S. Mbiti, R.S. Rattray, E.E. Evans Pritchard, S.F. Nadel, etc. it also examines an outline study of the structure of African Religion. The basic concepts of the Africans above (a) God His Names, attributes and status, (b) divinities and spirits the reality of their existence, the nature and purpose of their being, categories, functions, relationship to and man, examination of selected divinities in Africa, (c) ancestors, their meaning and responsibilities (d) Spirits, their categories and functions (e) Magic and Medicine in the thought of the African people.
- Akintan, A.O. (2014) ‘African Religion: Features and Practices ‘ IN Aluko-Arowolo S (Ed) Readings in Citizenship Education and Cultural life of Nigerians.Directorate of General Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. Ogun-State
- Parrinder, G.E. (1962) African Traditional Religion London Sheldon Press.
Mbiti, J.S. (1969) An Introduction to African Religion, New York: Prayer
- Mezzana, D. African Traditional Religions and Modernity. Culled from Online
Journal,African Societies
Lucas, J.O. (1948) The Religion of the Yorubas. Lagos: C.M.S.
- Kayode, J.O. (1984) Understanding African Traditional Religion. Ife University Press.
Awolalu, J.O. and Dopamu P.A. (2005) West AfricanTraditional Religion, Nigeria: Macmillan
CRS 226: The Epistles of St. Paul
The course deals with a brief history of Paul and his contribution to the growth and expansion of Christianity. The nature and Theology of the Pauline Epistles: Paul’s place in the formation of New Testament Theology with reference to a particular Pauline Epistles and texts.
- Harris, S.L. (2002) The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction U.S.A.: The McCraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Hunter, A.M. (1973) Introducing The New Testament Philadelphia: The WestMinister Press.
- Meyer, F.B. (2012) Paul Northern Ireland: Revival Publishing
- Akano, E.K. & Akano, G (2015 Paul and His writings : A hand book for Christmas and Tertiary Institutions. Ibadan: Ibadan Dioceses Printing Press.
- Atowoju, A (2004) Paul of Taesus Nigeria: B Prints
CRS 336: The Gospel of St. John
The course investigates the Origin, Literature and theology of St. John Gospel.The exegesis and textual criticism of the gospel, with prescribed text in Greek & English
- Harris, S.L. (2002) The New Testament: A Student’s Introduction U.S.A.: The McCraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Hunter, A.M. (1973) Introducing The New Testament Philadelphia: The WestMinister Press
- Akintude, D. O. (2002), RCS 313-Exegesis of St John Ibadan: Centre for External Studies. U.I. Ibadan .
Harmattan Semester No of Units
REL 803: Phenomenological Study of African Religion 3
REL 804: Perspectives and Issues in the Study of African Religion 3
REL 805: Healing in African Religion and other faiths 3
REL 811: Religious Cults in Africa. 3
REL 813: Symbolism in African Religion. 3
REL 845: Health and Medicare. 3
REL 911: Religious Cults in Africa. 3
REL 943: African Religious Mythology and Cosmology. 3
REL 941: Foundation of African Religious Ethics 3
REL 945: African Culture and Element of Worship 3
Rain Semester
REL 802: Impact of Change on African Religion 3
REL 812: African Concept of Man. 3
REL 814: Ethical Issues in African Religion. REL 860: Special Problems in Ethics 3
REL 899: M. A. Dissertation Supervision 6
REL 946: Symbolism in African Religion. 3
REL 944: Contemporary Issues in the Study of African Religion. 3
REL 942: African Religion in African Scholarship 3
REL 803: Phenomenological Study of African Religion
The course deals with the study of the world major religious in a comparative manner within the context and framework of African Traditional Religion. The course also examines the development and practice of African Traditional Religion among the African Americans, particularly those in Brazil, Cuba, Mexico and the Caribbean.
REL 804: Perspectives and Issues in the Study of African Religion
The course will discuss in detail the historical of the systematic study of African traditional religion and highlight the different perspective scholars have utilized in the study. It will also try to expose the general issues of methodology and conceptual frame work in the study to date The evolution of and general perspectives in the study of African traditional religion.
Issues of methodology
Implications of the nature and general features of African traditional religion.
The challenge of oral sources
Developing viable conceptual schemes for analysis
Issues of current debate in scholarship
Continuity and change in African traditional religion.
REL 805: Healing in African Religion and other faiths
The course examines cross-cultural comparative studies of different healing, divination and sprit possession cults in African traditional religion. This is compared to what operates in other Faiths, notably Christianity and Isla. In traces the African roots of sprit possession, cult in the new world especiallyvoodoos in Haiti and Brazil and finds parallel with African slitting.
REL 811: Religious Cults in Africa.
This Course examines the significance of secret cults, their categories and functions in African societies.
REL 941: Foundation of African Religious Ethics
The course examines the historical development of religious ethical teaching. It investigates the sources of religious ethics, including God, divinities, natural law, customs, education, taboos, prohibitions, sanctions, myths, folklores, fairy tales, proverbs, professional codes of ethics, and oracle. The ethics is taught by methods of oral traditions, plays, storytelling, apprenticeship and imitation. Conflict with modern system of ethics and its decline will be examined comparatively.The course also analysis personalist and legal models of ethical decision making, including an investigation into the use of sources, scripture, human reason, and experience. Theological notions of virtue and sin, good and evil, the nature and the role of personal absolutes in a contextualize age is investigated
REL 945: African Culture and Element of Worship in African Religion
This course is a comparative investigation of the African culture with examples from major cultures, highlighting their ideological, philosophical, anthropological practices and ways of life of the people. This course also studies the meaning and purpose of worship, types and occasions of worship; sacrifice. Different types of divination and sacrifice as well as purpose and significance of confession in the liturgy are also examined.
REL 802: Impact of Change on African Religion
This course critically examines the impact of social change on traditional religion in Nigeria. It focuses specifically on the changes in beliefs, values, and institutions rituals of the traditional religion. The course examines also area of resistance to change and looks at changes resulting from interaction of ATR with Christianity and Islam.
REL 812: African Concept of Man
Man’s origin as conceived by various African societies. The constituent elements of man; human destiny and the concept of the hereafter
REL 814: Ethical Issues in African Religion.
Moral values in African religion; concept of goodness and the problems of evil-supernatural crimes and the ethical rule of the divinities covenant, truth telling, integrity, probity, social and sexual discrimination.