Social Studies
Lesson Plans
Tuesday – March 8, 2011
Go over Chapter 7 test – rewrite open responses
Introduce Chapter 8 – The Rise of Rome –
Chapter preview page 259 – What we’ll be learning: how rome became a republic; how Rome gained control of the Mediterranean region; how the failure of the republic led to the creation of a Roman Empire; and how the military and political reforms made Rome rich and prosperous. Introduce the T-chart method of note taking.
Introduce new vocabulary – define all words.
Wednesday – March 9, 2011
Go over vocabulary words. Read section 1 “Rome’s Beginnings,” using the T-chart take notes on this section. Using Geography skills pg. 263, section review questions 2, 3, 5. Reading strategy...summarizing information.
Homework if not finished in class.
Thursday – March 10, 2011
Finish Wednesdays assignment. Go over section review questions. Define vocabulary words for section 2.
Quiz on section 1
Friday – March 11, 2011
View video on United streaming on the Roman Empire.
Monday – March 12, 2011
Go over voc. For section 2. Do the geography skills together on page 269. Take notes on section 2, Rome’s Government.
Tuesday – March13, 2011
Continue notes on section 2...
Wednesday – March 14, 2011
Finish notes on section 2...Rome Expands...geography skills, pg 274..section review questions 2, 3, 4, 5....reading strategy...categorizing information.
Thursday – March 15, 2011
Section 3 define voc. Read section 3 and take notes using T-chart..
Homework if not finished in class
Friday – March 21, 2011
Discuss section 3 and go over notes
Monday – March 22, 2011
You decide..Was Caesar a Reformer or a Dictator?
Tuesday – March 23, 2011
Section 4 The Early Empire...define voc. Read section 4 take notes using t-chart... homework if not finished in class
Wednesday – March 24, 2011
Go over vocabulary words.
Discuss section 4 using notes they took.
Homework cause and effect chart on changes Augustus made in the Roman Empire and section review question 1, 2, 3, 5
Thursday – March 25, 2011
Finish discussing section 4...take quiz.
Homework Chapter 8 1-14, 16, 18 – 21, 26, 27.
Friday – March 28, 2011
Video on Roman Empire on United streaming.
Monday - March 29, 2011
Review for Chapter 8 test
Tuesday – March 30, 2011
Test on Chapter 8