Lesson 3.07Family Likes and Dislikes
- talk about and gesture emotions and feelings in Spanish.
- choose appropriate times to use the verbs estar and ser.
- use the verbs gustar and tener.
States of Being and Emotions:
tener calor / to be hottener frío / to be cold
tener hambre / to be hungry
tener sed / to be thirsty
tener miedo / to be afraid
estar feliz / to be happy
estar triste / to be sad
estar cansado / to be tired
estar enojado / to be angry
estar emocionado / to be excited
Two verbs that mean to be:
-We use SER with adjectives to tell what someone or something is like (physical characteristics and personality traits).
-We use ESTAR to tell how someone feels or where someone is (emotion and location).
Mi hermana está muy cansada. (emotion)
Mis padres están en Madrid. (location)
Mi abuelo es muy bajo. (characteristic)
Review: Tener and Gustar
1. 03.07 Family Likes and Dislikes Quiz:This quiz will check your understanding of the vocabulary and grammar presented in this lesson
2. 03.07Family Likes and Dislikes Writing Assignment: You are required to complete an assessment where you will write a descriptive paragraph about yourself and another adult.
TIPS: from lesson 3.07 assessment area
Items to include in your paragraph / What words might you need to use? / Tips to HelpYour name and age and the adult’s name and age. / Ser
Numbers / You can useserto say your names (I am__).
Use theyoform for yourself and theélorellaform for the adult.
Remember to usetenerwhen telling someone’s age.
Provide two descriptions of yourself and two descriptions of the adult. / Ser
Adjectives (lesson 01.08 and 03.02) / Remember thatseris used for physical descriptions. Use theyoform for yourself and theélorellaform for the adult.
Tell how you are feeling and how the adult is feeling. / Estar
Emotions (lesson 03.02) / Remember thatestaris used for temporary conditions (how you feel). Use theyoform for yourself and theélorellaform for the adult.
State something you like and something the adult likes. / Gustar / You’ll usegustaif what you like is singular andgustanfor plural.
Remember: we don’t useyo, él,orellawith this verb. Instead, you’ll usemeandle.
State the profession of the adult. / Ser
Profession (lesson 03.06) / Remember thatseris used when talking about occupations. Use theélorellaform of the verb.
Remember that wedon’tuse "un" or "una" when telling someone’s profession.
Ex: Ella esabogada.
Rubric Family Likes and Dislikes Writing Assignment: Requirements / Possible Points / Student Points
Student provides the information requested in #1-5 in the paragraph. (See assignment description), submits the written paragraph. / 5
Student demonstrates accurate use of the verbsser,estar,tener, andgustarin his/her paragraph. / 5
3. 03.07 Family Likes and Dislikes Voice Activity:You are required to complete an assessment where you will use gestures to teach your parent or guardian fivetenerexpressions.
Teach five expressions from the lesson to your parents, guardian or friend, make sure the person you choose is a non Spanish speaker. Choosefrom:
estar de acuerdo
no estar de acuerdo
estar enojado
estar emocionado
tener hambre
tener sed
tener frío
tener calor
tener miedo
You need to use gestures as you teach them the expressions. Then your parents, guardian or friend will report back on the experience in a voice activity. Your parent, guardian or friend needs to answer the following questions in the voice activity:
Was it difficult or easy to learn the five expressions?
Which expressions did you learn?
How long did you spend learning and practicing the expressions and gestures?
Did using gestures help you to learn the expressions?
Did you enjoy this activity?
Rubric 3.07 Family Likes and Dislikes Voice Activity: Requirements / Possible Points / Student PointsStudent teaches five expressions to a non Spanish speaker parent, guardian,or friend. / 5
Student’s non Spanish speaker parent, guardian or friend answers five questions about the expressions he or she was taught in a voice activity. / 5