Proposal Form for Study Visit Project
Under the 22nd Session of theSino-Thai Joint Committee
on Scientific and Technical Cooperation
1. Requesting Agencies1.1 Thai Implementing Agency :Rubber and Rubber Products Group
Department of Science Service (DSS)
Ministry of Science and Technology
1.2 Chinese ImplementingAgency (if any) :
The Rubber Industry Beijing Research & Design Institute (BRDI)
2. Coordinating Officer(s)
2.1Thai Coordinating Officer(s) :
Name(s) : Dr.Orasa Onjun
Position : Senior Scientist, Head of Rubber and Rubber Products Group
Address : 75/7 Department of Science Service Rama 6 Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400
Tel. No. : 662-2017155
Fax No. : 662-2017159
Email :
2.2 Chinese Coordinating Officer(s) (if any) :
Name(s) :Cang feifei
Position :
Address : The Rubber Industry Beijing Research & Design Institute (BRDI)
19A, Fushi Rd, Haidian district, Beijing100143
Tel. No. :010-5133-8031
Fax No. :010-5133-8032
Email :
3. Title of the Study Visit (in English) :China-Thailand Rubber Research and Technology Exchange Visits
Title of the Study Visit (in Thai) :โครงแลกเปลี่ยนการศึกษาดูงานด้านการวิจัยและเทคโนโลยีผลิตภัณฑ์ยาง
4. Sector of the Study Visit :
Science Technology and Innovation
5. Background and Rational :
Thailand is the world’s number one rubber producer. According to the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), in 2015, the country produced around 4.5 million tons and exported about 3.7 million tons, which accounted for 36% of global natural rubber production that year. Thailand’s advanced cultivation methods and its dedication to research and development (R&D) that has helped the country consistently improve the quality and consistency of its natural rubber output.
Whist, Thailand continues to produce and export rubber, China is amongst the world’s largest rubber consumer, accounting for about 40% of total world consumption. The two countries have accumulated their own expertise,new technologies, and good experiences concerning rubber and rubber products.
In Thailand, The Rubber and Rubber Products Group, Department of Science Service (DSS) is one of the organisations under the Ministry of Science and Technology.The Group was prescribed to have the duty in researching and testing of rubber and rubber products in order to build up the efficiency and competitiveness for sustainable development of the rubber manufacturers in the country. In China, The Rubber Industry Beijing Research & Design Institute (BRDI) is China’s oldest and largest State-level scientific research and design institute for the rubber industry. It specialises in tire technology development and services and in rubber raw materials development, applications, and service. It is also in the following: rubber equipment, instruments, auxiliaries, and goods development and production; rubber industry standards and information; project consultation and supervision for the chemical industry; testing and inspection of rubber industry, rubber compounds, and finished tire raw materials.
With the two rubber organisations of the two world’s number one rubber producer and world’s largest rubber consumer, the study visit programme will generate an exchange of experience and good practice. This is also a good opportunity to start a collaboration work in the near future.
6. Purposes of the Study Visit :
The purpose of the study visit is to generate an exchange of experience and good practice
between BRPI and DSS whose work are concerning rubber testing and researches, technologies and innovations.
7. Proposed Activities :
Day 1 and Day 2 – BRPI or DSS site visit (Lab Tour)
Day 3 and Day 4 – Presentation rubber research done by BRPI or DSS
Day 5 – Initiation of rubber collaborative work between BRPI and DSS
8. How would the proposed activity be integrated into the work plan and mechanism of the requesting organization to ensure sustainability?
During the exchange visit, there will be a presentation of research done and being done by BRPI and DSS. The new joint research project is expected to initiate. The full proposal is then followed and if later agreed, The project is integrated into the work plan for both sides.
9. Number of Participants(maximum of 6 people) :
6 People
10. Venue :
Thailand - Department of Science Service
Ministry of Science and Technology
75/7 Rama 6 Road, Ratchathewi ,Bangkok
China - The Rubber Industry Beijing Research & Design Institute (BRDI)
19A, Fushi Rd, Haidian district, Beijing
11. Estimated Start and Finish Dates (maximum of 5 days excluding travel days) :
11-17 June 2017
12. Funding Requests (please attach the details of the project’s financial requests) :
269,200 Thai Baht