ENG 2100KMWEPaper 3:Research EssayFall 2014 Ms. Akant
The third and final paper for this course is a 5-6 page research-based essay. In this assignment, you will show your ability to take a position on a controversial question or issue related to our course theme, and use multiple sources to support your position. The texts that we have read in class have themselves presented a number of different issues. You may use these texts, and your in-class writings, to find a topic of interest, but you need not be limited to what we have discussed in class. Once you choose a topic, go to the library or online and do some initial research to see if there are substantial sources of debate surrounding that issue. See what writers other than those we have read for our course are discussing. Then, in your paper, examine and critique several (3 or more) related texts, and evaluate their ideas on (or interpretation of) the question you have chosen.
Questions to consider in choosing a topic and textual sources: What questions, topics, and/or issues have been raised in our course so far? Are there some that have been overlooked, or that you wish to explore more in-depth on your own? What question do you find most interesting in the present moment, and why? How might you take a studied position on the issue? Where and how is this question, topic, or issue being discussed in current news, literature, or journalism? What are the opposing views on the matter, and how can they help you take your own position?
This is basically a “research paper” in which you are jumping off of a question that came up in the course – either within a text, a discussion, or in your own mind – that interests you, and using texts that we have not looked at in class to argue for your own position, interpretation, explanation, or idea on the matter.
Grading Rubric
- Pre-draft Writing 3.1 (10points)
- Pre-draft Writing 3.2 (60 points)
- First Draft (30 points)
- Cover Letter (10): page one of your draft: a letter addressed to myself and/or your peers (e.g., “Dear Reader”), explaining:
where you’re at in the writing process (5)
what questions you have / what we should focus on in review (5)
- Logistics (10): 3-4 pages (not incl. cover) (10), stapled + turned in on time (10)
- Micro (10): proper rules of spelling (5) + grammar (5)
- Final Draft (100 points)
- Cover Letter (10): page one of your essay: a letter addressed “Dear Reader,” explaining the changes you made to your paper after peer and/or instructor review (5 for each of at least two specific details that document your revision process)
- Argument/Thesis Statement (10): clear + concise (5), imaginative (5)
- Style and Organization (40): has a clear structure, with a unique title (5), compelling introduction (10), a series of at least 3 topic sentences (15 points, 5 for each), smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas (5), anda forward-looking conclusion (5)
- Research Analysis (30): argument is supported by detailed analysis of at least three texts of your own finding. 10 points for each text: 5 points for providing the reader with an understanding of that source’s argument, 5 points for providing your position on that source’s argument.
- Micro (10): proper rules of spelling + grammar (5), MLA formatting(5)
Pre-draft assignment (3.1): Topic Proposal –10pts
Due in class via hard-copy, Wednesday 11/19
1 page typed, double-spaced, and in 12 point Times New Roman font
Includes: ENG 2100KMWE, date, your name + my name
Write a paragraph that proposes the question, topic, or issue that you want to write about, in your own words. Points will be given as follows:
What is your chosen topic, question, or issue? (1pts)
What interests you about this topic as a subject for further research? (2pts)
What makes it relevant to the present moment? (1pts)
What makes it controversial? (1pts)
What are three questions or ideas that you might consider? (3pts)
What position might you want to take on the matter? (1pts)
What is an opposing view to your position? (1pts)
Pre-draft assignment (3.2): Reflective Annotated Bibliography - 60 pts
Due in class via hard-copy, Monday 11/24
2-4 pages typed, double-spaced, and in 12 point Times New Roman font
Includes: ENG 2100 KMWE, date, your name + my name
Using the “Reflective Annotated Bibliography” hand-out, provide a RAB for (at least) 3 sources that might be useful for your paper, as well as a bibliographic entry (part 1 of RAB) for at least 2 other sources (5pts for each). These sources must be print or web-based texts from a book, journal, magazine, or newspaper.Try to find some range of "opinions" in your sources. Completing this assignment will be the bulk of your “research” for the paper.
Draft (3):
Due in class via hard-copy Wednesday 12/3
3-4 pages typed, double-spaced, stapled, and in 12-point Times New Roman
Includes: ENG 2100KMWE, date, your name, my name + cover letter
those up for the following Workshops must also email me their drafts before class on Wednesday,so I can circulate to their groups
Monday 12/8 – Petey, Evan, Zoe, Alec – and
Wednesday 12/10 – Moe, Michael V, Michael P, Andrew–
[ Save your digital file as: CloseReading_yourlastname_firstname_DRAFT.docx ]
Final Paper (3):
Due in class via hard-copy and email,Monday 12/15
5-6 pages typed, double-spaced, stapled, and in 12-point Times New Roman
Includes: ENG 2100KMWE, date, your name, my name, cover letter+ unique paper title