Name ______#____ Date ______
Suggested State Report Outline
History/State Facts
- Name
- Capital
- Nickname
- State Symbols
- Tree
- Bird
- Flower
- Song
- Date it entered the Union
- Order it entered the Union
- Governor
- Number of Representatives
- Population
- Longitude/Latitude
- Time Zone
- Region
- Square Miles
- Bordering States
- Landmarks
General Information
- National Parks
- Important Cities
- Major Industry
- Major Occupations
- Additional Facts
Name ______# ___ Date ______
State Report Requirements
Hooray! It’s State Report time! In the coming weeks, you will be focusing your expertise on the State ______. The majority of your work will be done in class. We will be creating a book filled with fabulous facts about our states to show off to the public later. The items that will need to be included in your book are listed below.
- ____ Cover: something colorful with a catchy phrase for your title.
- ____ Cover Page: Restate your title and include the author’s name as
well as the date it was published.
- ____ Dedication Page: Think of someone special that you would like to
pay your respects to. (It can be more than one person.)
- ____ Table of Contents: an organized list of the items that will be
found inside your report
- ____ Fact Sheet: Fill out the fact sheet stating all
the quick facts about your state, as well as any additional facts that you found along the way while conducting your research.
- ____ New State Song: Follow the format of existing song. Write your
own lyrics for a new state song.
- ____ 8 Major Points of Interest: Divide a sheet into eighths, fill in
each of the eight spaces with colorful illustrations that focus on some of the items that make your state unique.
- ____State Symbols: Take an 8 ½ by 11-inch piece of paper and divide it
into four sections. In each of the four sections illustrate four of your state symbols – flag, bird, tree, and flower.
- ____ Map of your State: Using a computer, create a product-
map. Look through your state books and find a product map or do research to discover what products are found where in your state.
- ____ Riddle Facts: Take 6 exciting facts about your state and turn them
into a riddle (A funny question with a true answer). Write your question, then using fancy lettering write the answer with an illustration.
- ____ State Ad: Using an 8 ½ by 11 inch piece of paper, sell your state.
Be as creative with this page as you can to make it interesting to your reader. Some of the items you might include are a percent graph showing what percent of the population of your state holds what job, a graph of your state’s population, fun and exciting things you can do in your state that make it unique, or maybe some items you picked up along the way from your state such as brochures, etc.
- ____Additional facts: Use this to place that information you found to be interesting, but does not necessarily fit into any of the other topics. This will be bonus points.
- ____ Bibliography: When we borrow information for research, we must
credit the source. Using the worksheet provided, cite your information. Make sure you write down every book you use, internet site you visit, or encyclopedia.
When we are finished with the items above, we will bind them together in our own separate books. Don’t get overwhelmed, we will take each item one step at a time and we will get through this together. I know your books will turn out great!
(Student Signature)(Parent Signature)
Name ______# ____ Date ______
State Report Rubric
Cover 12345
Cover Page12345
Table of Contents12345
Fact Sheet12345
New State Song12345
State Facts12345678910
State Song12345
Eight Major Points of Interest
State Symbols12345
State Map12345678910
Riddle Facts12345
State Ad12345678910
Additional Facts12345(Not Required; Bonus Points Only)
Neatness / Organization12345
Turned in on Time12345
Total Points
Teacher Comments: