A Dialogue on the Role of Diplomats in Democracy Development through Support for Civil Society
Place and Location:
Place: Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of Chile in Santiago
Dates: March 10 – 11, 2011
- Foreign Ministry of Chile
- The Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy of Chile
- The Department of International Affairs, The Organization of American States
- The Council for Community of Democracies
- Corporación PARTICIPA, Chile
- Red Democracia Activa (The Active Democracy Network)
Objectives of the March Santiago Workshop:
- Share the work of the Community of Democracies, its function and its role in strengthening democracy globally.
- Facilitate a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences between diplomats and representatives of civil society regarding the role of diplomats in consolidating democracy. This will be achieved through reflection on the cases presented in the Handbook and new cases presented by civil society in the region detailing cases where diplomats have supported the democratic process from a diverse set of countries.
- Discuss the impact and potential of the Inter-American Democratic Charter in strengthening democracy in the region, in addition to other mechanisms and processes of the OAS.
Desired Results:
- A better understanding of the mechanisms of cooperation and available resources between government and non-governmental actors in the support of democratic development.
- Strengthened channels of Communications and cooperation between the diplomatic bodies and civil society organizations in the region.
- The advancement of training programs and preparation for diplomats regarding the elements contained within the Diplomat’s Handbook and the Inter-American Democratic Charter
The Workshops will take place at the Andres Bello Diplomatic Academy of Chile on Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. On the first day, there will be 3 panels in addition to a formal welcoming session. Each one of the panels will include a moderator and 3 or 4 panelists. The workshop will have simultaneous interpretation from Spanish – English.
Upon conclusion of the workshop, a Final Report will be prepared and presented by the government of Chile at the 2011 Vilnius Ministerial, in addition to disseminating any report the other organizers create. The participants of this workshop will receive a folder with the necessary materials. In addition, copies of the Diplomat’s Handbook will be available in English and Spanish.
Workshop Agenda
Thursday10March 2011
9:00 – 9:45 Welcoming and Opening of Workshop (9 minutes each)
Ambassador Alfonso Silva Navarro, Vice Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chile
Pablo Cabrera,Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Chile
Dr. Irene Klinger, Director of the Department of International Affairs, Organization of American States
Matt Levy, Program Officer, Council for the Community of Democracies
Genaro Arriagada. Director, PARTICIPA (TBC)
9:45 – 10:15 Participant Introductions
Moderator: Andrea Sanhueza, Member of the International Steering Committee of the CD
10:15 – 11:30The Community of Democracies: a Global Process Dedicated to the Strengthening of Democracy
Moderator: Ambassador Pablor Cabrera, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Chile – 5 minutes
Panelists: Mr. Adolfo Carafí Deputy General Director, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Chile
Ambassador Ina Marciulionyte, Chief Coordinator for the Lithuanian Chair of the Community of Democracies
Andrea Sanhueza, International Steering Committee of the Community of Democracies
11:30 – 11:50: Café
11:50-13:15: Trends in the Global Democratic Landscape: Discussion led by Ambassador Jeremy Kinsman
-transforming diplomacy; public, pro-active, partnerships with civil society
-country types, and differentiations
-democracy, development, and security
-the recent “democratic contraction”
-the on-line world of citizen witnesses: globalized information and democratic expectations
-managing competing interests and priorities
13:15-14:45 Lunch at Restaurant “Las Carnes de Morande”
Address: Morande #538, Santiago
15:00-16:30: A Diplomat’s Handbook for Democracy Development Support: Presentation of the Contents of the Handbook
-Lessons of democratic transition
-Applications from the Diplomat’s Toolbox in Modern Diplomacy (part I)
- the Golden Rules
- aiding capacity-building: technical assistance for transformation
- communication with governments
-Applications from the Diplomat’s Toolbox in Modern Diplomacy (part II)
- Discussion and debate
- supporting democrats; reaching out for partnerships with civil society; working together.
-The Case Study Approach – Case studies from outside the region
Moderator: Andrea Sanhueza. PARTICIPA, Chile
Speakers: Jeremy Kinsman, Project Director for the Diplomat’s Handbook
Kurt Bassuener, Research Director for the Diplomat’s Handbook
16:30 – 17:00: Café
17:00 – 18:30 – Continuation of this presentation
19:00-21:00: Reception offered by the Foreign Ministry of Chile
Address: Teatinos 180, 17th Floor, Salón Panorámico (Panoramic Room)
Friday, 11 March 2011
09:00-10:30: The Inter-American Democratic Charter: Evaluation and Perspectives
Moderator: Eduardo Vio, Judge at the Inter-American Court on Human Rights, 5 minutes
Panelists:Dr. Irene Klinger, Director of the Department of International Affairs, OAS. 15 minutes
Ambassador Ignacio González, Director of Multilateral Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Chile. 15 minutes
Ambassador Graeme Clark,Director General of Executive Management and Assignments Division.15 minutes
Genaro Arriagada. Director PARTICIPA, Chile. 15 minutes.
10:30 – 11:00Café
11:00 – 12:40 – Civil Resistance: A Force for Change
Dr. Maciej Bartkowski, Senior Director, InternationalCenter on Nonviolent Conflict
What is ICNC and its activities? / What is civil resistance and how does it work?
Dr. Cynthia Boaz –
How does mainstream media cover nonviolent resistance and what role can policy-making community play in rectifying that coverage?
Screening a Force More Powerful South Africa episode
12:40 – 13:00 – Introduction to Working in Groups
Ambassador Jeremy Kinsman, Handbook Project Director
Matt Levy, CCD
13:00 – 14:00 - Lunch
14:00– 16:00Civil Society Experiences of Working with Diplomats to Defend and Promote Democracy
This Session will be split into two smaller groups. Each group will have a moderator. CS participants and government representatives will present concrete examples of alliances between diplomats and NGOs in the strengthening of democracy.
** Only one of these two groups will have simultaneous interpretation.
Group 1:
Moderator:Dr. Irene Klinger, Director of the Department of International Affairs, OAS
Panelists: Marta Ferrara. Semillas para la Democracia. Paraguay
Rommel Santos. Fundación Federalista. República Dominicana
Rodolfo Coronado, Counselor, Embassy of Peru in Chile
Miguel Diaz Reynoso, Director General of Civil Society Relations, Government of Mexico
Sharon Miller, Diplomatic Academy of the Government of Jamaica
Group 2:
Moderator:Andrea Sanhueza, PARTICIPA
Panelists:Roberto Courtney, Grupo Cívico ética y Transparencia,Nicaragua
Kris Rampersad,The Network of NGOs of Trinidad Tobago for Advancement of Women
Carlos Ponce,Coordinator, Latin American & Caribbean Network for Democracy
José Antonio Villareal, Government of Ecuador
Esteban Ticona Alejo, Director of Diplomatic Academy of Bolivia and Vice-Minister
Georges Lamaziére, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Brazil
Maria Teresa Aya Smitmans, Director of the San Carlos Diplomatic Academy of Colombia
16:00 – 16:30Café
16:30 – 17:30 – Plenary Session in the Abdón Cifuentes Auditorium
Ambassador Adolfo Carafi Melero, Deputy Director General of Multilateral and Global Affairs, Foreign Ministry of Chile
Brief Report from Each Group
17:30Closing and Thanks
Ambassador Pablo Cabrera, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Chile