Midterm: English III
Purpose: A midterm should reflect a student’s learning from the first semester. This learning should present itself through concepts, themes, and conclusions, based on the state standards.
Objective:The students will collaborate to answer a key driving question, using the literature and informational material they have mastered in class. They will present the proposal both orally and in a written portfolio.
Driving Question: What corrupts people?
Literary Focus: Macbeth, The Canterbury Tales, anything in society that deals with corruption.
World Focus: unlimited
Product: Based on the theme of corruption, this product/proposal should create/affect social change. You will create a ‘solution’ to corruption that you see in society and present it to the class.
Theme: It’s all political.
E3-1.3 – Evaluate devices of figurative language (metaphor, paradox, pun oxymoron).
E3-1.1 – Compare/contrast ideas within and across literary texts to make inferences.
E3-1.4- Evaluate the relationship among character, plot, conflict, and theme ina given literary text.
E3-1.5- Analyze the effect of the author’s craft (including tone and the use ofimagery, flashback, foreshadowing, symbolism, motif, irony, andallusion) on the meaning of literary texts.
E3-1.6- C03410reate responses to literary texts through a variety of methods (forexample, written works, oral and auditory presentations, discussions,media productions, and the visual and performing arts).
E3-2- The student will read and comprehend a variety of informationaltexts in print and nonprint formats.
E3-2.7- Evaluate propaganda techniques and rhetorical devices ininformational texts.
E3-4 - The student will create written work that has a clear focus,sufficient detail, coherent organization, effective use of voice,correct use of the conventions of written Standard AmericanEnglish.
Components of Project:
1. Compose a newspaper article for the tabloid “The Tattler”. The article will cover the corruption of Macbeth and should include:
- A catchy headline (pun)
- A description of Macbeth (metaphor)
- Focus on the bloody deeds – remember it is for a tabloid and blood and guts sell!
- Quotes from witnesses and family members of the victims (direct quotes from the play)
- Proposal- Create a proposal that answers the driving question. In the proposal, you will present your solution to the problem of corruption in society. The oral proposal will include:
- a final “product”- something that creates social change.
- A visual representing your product
- A connection to Macbeth through themes/ideas
- Symbols from Macbeth and your product
The proposal will be graded on: nonverbal and verbal skills, content (see rubric)
- Portfolio- Given after presentation
Will include:
- A summary of your proposal/product
- A personal reflection that states: the role you played, what you learned, how it ties in with political literature. This must include a work from the Canterbury Tales and Macbeth (individual)
- An interview of your peers asking 5 questions about corruption.
- Interview questions (typed).
Your project will be graded using the criteria listed in your checklists and rubric.
Points Breakdown:
- Presentation50 points
- Proposal(all must be included)50 points
- Final product
- Visual
- Macbeth connection
- Symbols
- Portfolio50 points
- Interviewquestions and responses (20)
- Personal reflection (30)
4. Tabloid article50 points
Total:200 points
Nov. 30/Dec. 1: Create proposal/planDec. 5/6: Tabloid Draft Due
Dec. 7/8: Work Day Dec. 12: Final Touches
Dec. 13-16: Presentations/Portfolios Due