Supply and install an industrial touchscreen annunciator to monitor and control up to 8 critical facility devices. The Annunciator shall be compatible with Building Monitoring Systems via open SNMP, Modbus TCP/IP and BACnet™ IP protocols.
2.1.Shall be listedto UL 1008 and cUL 1008.
2.2.Industrial fan-less controller with the following minimum features:
2.2.1.Quad-Core x86 Processor, 8GB RAM, 128GB Solid-State Hard Drive, 2 Gigabit Ethernet Ports and 2 USB Ports.
2.2.2.The controller shall be capable of operating in ambient temperatures of -20C to 60C.
2.3.Shall be a UL Type-1, wall-mounted, industrial-grade equipment controller equipped with a 10-inch touchscreen.
2.4.Industrial10-inch touchscreen capable of operating in temperatures of 0C to 60C.
2.5.Shall monitor up to 8 devices, including any combination of transfer switches, generators, load banks, uninterruptible power supplies, surge protection devices, active surge monitors, power control systems, fire pump controllers, and power meters.
2.6.Shall provide redundant annunciation through hardwired alarm led and dedicated audible alarm buzzer.
2.7.Shall enable users with control-level privilegesto transfer and retransfer automatic transfer switches, start and stop engine generators, andstep-load load banks for NFPA compliance testing.
2.8.Shall include PC softwareto enable a remote user to view Annunciator screens remotely.
2.9.Shall automatically generate NFPA 110 and Joint Commission compliance reports.
2.10.Shall be capable of operating oneither 24VDC or 120VAC/220VAC power without need of additional hardware.
2.11.Shall be capable of operating through a 60-secondpower outagewith full-charge without need of additional hardware.
3.1.Graphical Overview Screen that displaysequipment status, alarm status,and power information, and enables users to perform transfer switch and generator testing.
3.2.Security provisions that require user authentication to gain access critical control and configuration functions.
3.3.Alarm Annunciator Screen shall displayactive alarms that may be grouped by device type and alarm type, and displays color-coded severity levels. Shall enable the user to drill down and view equipment health and statusinformation.
3.4.Event Log Screen that displays up to 10,000 events and can be filtered byalarm severity, date, and time, including when the alarm was activated, deactivated, and acknowledged. For each event, the user that acknowledges each alarm shall be displayed.
3.5.Device Annunciation Screenshall display active alarms and operating data related to each monitored device.
3.6.User shall have the ability to configure vendor ATS settings including timers, pick-up/drop outs and schedule automated testing.
3.7.Trending Screen that records and displays12 weeks of historical analog and discrete data for up to 8 simultaneous parameters fromeachconfigured device.
3.8.Automatic generation and email distribution of reports including NFPA 110 Test Reports, NFPA 110 Utility Outage Reports, Energy Reports, Alarm Reports, Activity Reports and Settings Reports.
3.9.ASCO 5400 Series Power Quality Analyticscapabilities forrecording,displaying, and analyzing cycle-by-cycle power waveforms for a minimum of 1-year.
3.10.Optional hardwired backup annunciation of up to 64 discrete contact inputs using industrial-grade Input Output Devicesuch as the ASCO 5162 IOCU.
4.1.The Annunciator shall communicate withenabled devices. Ifrequired, supply and install an ASCO Connectivity Unit for Ethernet, Modbus RS-485, discrete hardwired Inputs and Multi-mode fiber connectivity.
4.2.Annunciator shall utilize AES 128-bit data encryption that complies with National Institute of Science and Technology standards for transfer switch and generator control.
4.3.HTTPS/SSL usingafacility’s IT digital certificate.
4.4.A minimum of4-levels of user authentication, ranging from view-only rights to complete configuration / setting changes and control capabilities.
4.5.The Annunciator shall provide building monitoring systems communications via open SNMP, Modbus TCP/IP and BACnet™ IP protocols.
4.6.The Annunciator shallbe able to send out email alarm notifications and automated reports to up to a minimum of 10 users.
4.7.Provide access to a vendor-supplied SMTP email internet server for sending all Annunciator email notifications and reporting.