SECTION 1:Where Do I Find The Documents?
Everything you need can be found in ORPIN. Log in to ORPIN, and on the Welcome Screen select “Procurement Templates (ELT and HB2375).”
SECTION 2:The Documents
2.1Template user Feedback Form
The template user feedback form is your way to ask for help and provide feedback on the templates. It is a quick form and when you submit it, your feedback is sent to DAS PS.
2.2RFP Guidance Document
2.2.1General Guidelines for the RFP Template
If you have not used the new RFP Template, please take a few minutes to read this document. The RFP Guidance Document can also be found by following a link within the RFP Template. It is a quick (1-1/2 page) overview of some new stuff and new directions in the template.
2.2.2RFP Guidance & Example Language
After the guidelines, the rest of the document follows the exact layout and format as the RFP template. All of the sections and section headers are there, but the content has been removed. Each section includes some extra explanation beyond the notes provided in the RFP template. Example Language will be added as the project moves forward.
2.3RFP Template
2.3.1Table of Contents
The TOC is automatic, you do not need to type anything, in fact, editing it will break it. It is driven by styles, so at any time you can right click and tell it to “update.”
Every section begins with [guidance text], some then go on to include [TUTORIAL] or [additional notes].
Clicking [TUTORIAL] will open a PowerPoint or video to provide additional help or explanation on the topic.
[Additional notes] are there to provide a bit of high level guidance for the section. If more is needed, see the RFP Guidance Document.
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Have you ever been frustrated by WORD doing what it THINKS you are trying to do, and it messes everything up? I have. Styles are what will make WORD behave, and will put you in the driver’s seat.
In WORD, the HOME tab of your ribbon should look something like:
In the Styles section, click the icon and it will open the Styles menu. If this is “floating” it can be anchored by moving it to the right side of your screen. Clicking on text in the document will indicate which style is in use.
SECTION 1:Main Section Header (style “1 – HEADER”)
Main Section Text (style “1 – text”)
1.12nd Section Header (style “1.1 – HEADER”)
2nd Section Text (style “1.1 – text”)
- 2nd Section Bullet (style “1.1 – text bullet”)
- 3rd Section Header (style “1.1.1 – HEADER”)
3rd Section Text (style “1.1.1 – text”)
- 3rd Section Bullet (style “1.1.1 text bullet”)
- 4th Section Header (style “ – Header”)
4th Section Text (style “ – text”)
- 4th Section Bullet (style “ – text bullet”)
- 5th Section Header (style “ – Header”)
5th Section Text (style “ – text”)
- 5th Section Bullet (style “ – text bullet”)
- 6th Section Header (style “ – Header”)
6th Section Text (style “ – text”)
- 6th Section Bullet (style “ – text bullet”)
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