From: Caroline Meyer
Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 12:00 pm
Subject: Golden Key Honour Society Minutes 2/1/10
Topics: Officer Introductions, Regional Summit, Service Projects, Monthly meeting times, Fundraising Ideas and New Webmaster
Minutes: 107 minutes
ATTENDANCE: Anna Binder, Aaron Friess, Caroline Meyer, Katie Hildebrand, Elias Logan, Michael Ellis, Nicole Simonsons, Martin Tidd, Donita Whitney-Bammerlin.
Meeting Events:
- President Anna Binder called meeting to order. All executive officer members introduced themselves. It was noted that all new officers need to register for their position at the OSAS (Office of Student Activities) located in the Student Union. In addition to this, all new officers need to register their office profile on the Golden Key website.
- Regional Summit conference was discussed. It was noted that there are 2 rooms available (1 male and 1 female). Officers present at the meeting are unable to attend the conference due to prior commitments. Officers decided that the chapter could possibly spend 200 dollars in order to cover the Friday and Saturday night fees, so four members could attend the event without having financial difficulty. The individuals that do attend the conference need to register by February 12th, 2010 on the Golden Key website.
- Service project ideas were discussed in detail such as Project Earth, Clean sweep, Better world books as well as getting involved in the local Boys and Girls Club to provide tutoring assistance and other aid.
- Fundraising Ideas were mentioned such as selling tickets in the Kansas State Union for the chance to win a free lunch with the President, Coach Synder or certain Kansas State athletes. Officers were going to think of more fundraising ideas to mention at the next meeting.
- Monthly Meeting Times were discussed. The executive officers decided that the meetings will take place on Monday Evenings at 5:30 pm for executive officers and 6:30 pm for both executive officers and other Golden Key Members. The meetings will take place every two weeks until the end of the spring semester.
- New Webmaster is also needed. It was discussed that the secretary or service chair could possible fill this role until a new Webmaster was found.
Respectfully Submitted,
Caroline Meyer
Recording Secretary for Kansas State Chapter of Golden Key