Spark NH Vision: All New Hampshire children and their families are healthy, learning, and thriving now and in the future.
Spark NH Mission: Provide leadership that promotes a comprehensive, coordinated, sustainable early childhood system that achieves positive outcomes for young children and families, investing in a solid future for the Granite State.
Spark NH Policy Committee Meeting Summary
Monday March 6, 2017, 9:00-10:15 a.m.
9 S. Spring Street, Concord NH
Committee Charge: Coordinate the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategic plan for early childhood in NH and collaborate with state agency and policy leaders to identify/support changes in policy regarding expectant families and children from birth through third grade and their families.
Present: Kelley White, Kim Firth, Jackie Cowell, Patti Baum, Laura Milliken, Marj Droppa (co-chair), Lara Quiroga (co-chair), Julie McConnell, Rebecca Woikowski, Christina Lachance, John Soucy, Joelle Martin, Amanda Sears, Tanya Gonzalez, Keryn Bernard-Kriegl, Maureen Burke, Marti Ilg, Judy Reidt-Parker, Peter Antal, Liz Belsito, Kristin Booth
Meeting summary recorder: Shannon McCullough
1. Welcome: General guidelines for the meeting were reviewed.
2. Review of February minutes: The committee reviewed the February 2017 minutes. No changes were made. The committee approved the minutes by consensus.
3. Introductions and Whip Share:
Introductions were given and Whip Share highlights included:
· Kim Firth shared the success of the Forum on the Future and further excitement about the RAND study. Lynn Davey has created an Investing in the Early Years infographic which Kim shared with the group- an electronic version will also be available.
· Jackie Cowell shared that she and Laura had a meaningful meeting with the Commissioner of Corrections on Friday, March 3rd.
4. Developing objectives for the Spark Policy Committee goals for the Strategic Plan
Peter Antal assisted the committee in developing SMART objectives that will be considered in the strategic planning process. This conversation will be continued during next month’s meeting. The committee will receive his notes in advance of the next meeting for their review. Please send additional feedback to Peter with any thoughts on the discussed goals.
5. Advocacy
· Community of Practice crosswalk
A new draft of the crosswalk is available. Please send any feedback to Marj and Lara.
· Smart Start “Early Childhood Advocacy” table and other Advocacy Hub updates
Rebecca reported on hearings for two important bills this week. SB 247 – Preventing childhood lead poisoning from paint and water and making an appropriation to a special fund. SB 7 – Food Stamp Eligibility – with concern as to how this will affect our children.
The alcohol fund could potentially be a funding resource for Family Resource Centers, Home Visiting, and Full Day Kindergarten. MIECHV funding was approved but there are two vacant positions and Governor Sununu needs to be informed that staffing these positions is essential in making sure this important funding can be put in place.
6. Agenda setting and Meeting Evaluation
Next month’s agenda will include finishing the conversation with Spark NH evaluation consultant Peter Antal to help the committee work on the one-year plan for Spark’s strategic goals, crosswalk updates and Advocacy Hub updates. Meeting evaluations were positive.
Next meeting date: Monday April 3, 2017, 9-10:15 a.m.