Invites you to join us on our 11thAnnual Pilgrimage

To theHoly Land Jordan

May 14-26 2016

“Walkin the footsteps of Jesus and see that beautiful land of Our Lord, it will change your life forever.”

“The birth of Christ brought God to man; the cross of Christ brings man to God”

Saturday May 14: Depart JFK airport New York

We board our overnight direct flight on EL Al at 23:00 from JFK airport for the start of our journey to the Holy Land. Complimentary meals and beverages served during the flight. (checking time start at 20:00 - make sure you arrive early).

Sunday May 15: Arrive Tel Aviv- Jericho

We arrive at approx.5:00 pm. After clearing customs we are met by our tour guide. We drive to Jericho and on the way we stop for Mass and continue to the hotel for dinner and a good night.

Monday May 16: (Jordan) Mt Nebo – Petra –(we pick up a Jordanian bus and guide)

After breakfast we cross the border into Jordan to visit Mt Nebo where God show Moses the Promised Land – After lunch we stop in Madaba to view the oldest remains mosaics map of the Holy Land built during the reign of Emperor Justinian AD 527-565. We continue on to Petrafor dinner and overnight.

Tuesday May 17: Petra (Isaias 1)– Aqaba (Eilat border)- Jericho

This morning we awake in Petra, the “Rose Red City”.The city of Petra is not mentioned in the Bible by that name; rather, it is called by its Hebrew name,SelainIsaiah 16:1and2 Kings 14:7. Both PetraandSelainmeans “rock,” since much of the city is carved into sandstone cliffs.It is also mentioned in the Old Testament as the Seirmountains (Deuteromony 1:2).Walk down the Siq to the Treasury.After lunch we drive through the Wadi Rum and stop to see Moses Spring.It is said that the prophetMosespassed through the valley and struckwaterfrom the rock...built channels that carriedwaterfrom thisspringto the city ofPetra.(Numbers 20:11) We then continue to the border crossing at Aqabawhere we are met by our tour guide and driver and continue on to Jericho for dinner and night.

Wednesday May 18: Jericho – Dead Sea

After breakfast visit the Monastery of Saint George of Koziba, walk in the Wadi Kilt back to Jericho (only those who can)- City tour of Jericho, the sycamore Tree, Elijah’s Fountain and take the cable car to the Mount Temptation, walk up to the Monastery where you will be able to see the rock on which our Lord was tempted.

This afternoon we stop at the Baptismal Site on the River Jordan to renew our Baptismal Promises, continue to Qumram to see the Dead Sea Scrolls caves. Continue to the Dead Sea for the experience. Return to Jericho for Mass, dinner and a good night sleep.

Thursday May 19: Mount Tabor – Caesarea (Acts 9:30;18:2;21:8) –Tiberias-

After breakfast we leave Jericho, drive through the Jordan Valley to Mount Tabor, the Basilica of the Transfiguration where we will have Holy Mass- continue to Cana of Galilee, the first miracle of Our Lord at the wedding church at Cana where couples will be able to renew their vows.

After lunch we drive along the coast of Caesarea to visit the ruins and the Amphitheater. City that Herod the Great dedicated to Caesar Augustus more than 2000 years ago. We continue to Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee to our hotel.

Friday May 20th : Sea of Galilee – Tiberias

This morning we sail on the Sea of Galilee just like Our Lord and the Apostles did to Capernaum the home of Saint Peter. See the remains of the Synagogue where Our Lord preached, the house of St Peter,Tabgha the church of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, the Church of the Primacy-

Today lunch will be Saint Peter’s fish- After lunch we drive to Mount Beatitudes for the Sermon on the Mount. We go back to the Hotel for relaxation and dinner.

Saturday May 21st: Nazareth –Bethany- Bethlehem - Jerusalem

This morning we drive to Nazareth“And the Word was made Flesh”- Visit the Basilica, Saint Joseph’s workshop and Mary’s Well. Mass will be in the Basilica of the Annunciation.

After lunch we drive to the home of Lazarus and St. Martha in Bethany- continue on to Bethlehem and end our day in Jerusalem where will spend 4 nights.

Sunday May 22nd: EinKarem – Bethlehem- Jerusalem

After breakfast drive to EinKarem to the Church of the Visitation and sing the Magnificat - theChurch of the birthplace of Saint John the Baptist where we will have Mass. Continue to Bethlehem, the Birthplace of Our Lord, see the Shepherds Field before returning to Jerusalem to relax before dinner.

Monday May 23rd: Jerusalem- Mount of Olives – Mount Zion –

This morning we have a panoramic view of Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives and we visit the Sanctuaries of the Ascension, the Pater Noster. Walk to Dominus Flevit, continue along the Palm Sunday path down to the Garden of Gethsemane and the Grotto of the Arrest of Jesus.

After lunch we stop on Mount Zion to visit the Room of the Last Supper, the Dormition Abbey and St. Peter in Gallicantu where Our Lord was imprisoned and where Saint Peter denied Our Lord. Rest of the day will be free time. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem.

Tuesday May 24th: Jerusalem- Way of the Cross –

This morning wefollow praying the “Way of The Cross” along the Via Dolorosa to the Holy Sepulcher where we will have Mass. See St. Anne Church where the Blessed Mother was born, the Pool of Bethseba. (John 5:1-15). After lunch, free afternoon. Dinner at the hotel.

Wednesday May 25th: Jerusalem – Abu Gosh– Jaffa – Tel Aviv-

Visit the Scale Model of Jerusalem – the Museum of the Shrine of the Book with the Dead Sea Scrolls.

We continue to Abu Gosh for Mass and lunch – This afternoon as we make our way to Tel Aviv, we drive to Emmaus and visit the Crusader Church, continue on to Jaffa to visit Saint Peter’s Church and the house of Simon the Tanner- Farewell dinner in Jaffa – transfer to airport for our late flight back home.

Thursday May 26: Flight back home

Arrive at JFK at 6:00 am. Do not schedule any connecting flights before 8:00 /9:00 am to have ample time to clear customs, retrieve your luggage and change terminal.



Price: $4295.00per person, air fare and double occupancy - (subject to fuel surcharge)- all included (see below for details)

Single room supplement: $670.00

Land Price Only: $3225.00per person. You are responsible to arrange for your own air fare to Tel Aviv and to meet the group upon arrival in Tel Aviv at 5pm.

Note: Price subject to change without notice prior departure due to fuel tax and devaluation of the dollar and unforeseen economic circumstances. You will be notify 45 days before departure.

No refund will be made for any accommodations or services included in the pilgrimage that you do not use.

What is included:

•Round trip airfare from JFK airport New York to Tel Aviv back to JFK

•Airport taxes (subject to increase prior to departure)

•All land arrangements in 4 and 5 stars hotels

• 3 meals a day - Buffet Breakfast – Lunch – buffet dinner- bottle water with lunch and dinner

•Transportation by deluxe air conditioned motor coach with Wi-Fi on board.

•Catholic English speaking tour guides- and drivers (Holy Land and Jordan)

•luggage porters in all the hotels.

•Traditional Daily Mass with Father J.Young – all are welcome.

•Admissions fees as per itinerary.

•Tipping to drivers and tour guides

•Hotels taxes and service charges

•Tipping to Dining Rooms and Restaurants.

•Fully escorted- personal attendance and follow up, return flight reconfirmed.

•Will follow strict schedules at sites, please pay attention to the time and make sure that you are back at the designated meeting point at the specified departure time.

•We promise to do all within our power to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

What is not included:

*Visa for Jordan- must apply to enter Jordan (see enclosed info)

•Transportation between your home and airport and back and any arrangements prior departure.

•Personal items such as passport, electrical adapter etc. Visa if needed for other countries than USA to enter Israel.

•Travel Insurance (contact Access America/Allianz travel Insurance at 875 403 7027- agent code#F023362 Anthony Tavella or go on line to to compare the coverage)

•Excess baggage weight fees by airlines (limit weight for overseas is 50lbs for checked luggage and 17lbs for carry-on)

•Donations for Masses at Shrines/ churches.

•Telephone calls, bar bills, additional cost such as coffee, sodas, wine etc. with meals or outside meals and snacks during the day.

•Bottle water is available on the bus for $1.00 per bottle.

•Any expenses of a personal nature.

•We do not cover personal taxi fares if a pilgrim gets separated from the group, it is your responsibility to listen to the tour Directors and Tour Guides to ensure that you do not get left behind.

•We are not responsible for any accidents/ get sick during the pilgrimage.

Deposit and Registration:

A $500.00 deposit per person either by check or money order or certified bank check is required at the time of booking. We do not accept credit cards.

A sign registration form filled out with passenger’s full name as it appears on passport, mailing address etc.

Balance to be paid in full $3795.00 byFebruary 15th 2016 Single supplement ($670.00) due with last installment if apply.

For Land pilgrims:

A $500.00 deposit per person, balance to be paid in full $ 2725.00 byFebruary15th 2016NO LATER plus single room supplement ($670.00) if apply.

The pilgrimage may depart with less than the required numbers at the discretion of Saint Pius X Pilgrimage Co. and may require an increase on the price.

Cancellations and penalties charges:

All cancellations must be in writing and must be signed by the person who made the original reservations. Cancellations are only effective from the day they are received by Saint Pius X Pilgrimage Co.

NO REFUND ARE ISSUED AFTER February 16th 2016 (Take travel insurance)

Penalties charges as follow:

Up to February 15th2016 $300.00 Penalty applicable by hotels.

February 16th 2016 to departure - NO REFUND

Please note that a valid passport is needed to enter Israel and cannot expires within 6 months of the date of departure (renew it if less than 6 months expiring) -No visa needed for American passport- other countries check with your Embassy. Although a visa is needed for US Citizen to enter Jordan (see visa application enclosed)

Reservations and inquiries: Christine di Cecco Email: or 203 378 2763

Tour Director: Raymond Kingsbury Email:

Saint Pius X Pilgrimage Co.

74 West Lake Road-

Trumbull, Connecticut 06611

Tel: 203 378 2763



We take no responsibility for any injuries or loss to you incurred whilst you are taking part in any optional activities that are outside our all inclusive package. We strongly recommend that you take out comprehensive insurance cover for cancellation, medical expenses, personal accident, personal baggage, money and public liability before you travel. We accept no responsibility for the theft, loss or damage to personal belongings from at any time during the duration of your pilgrimage.

No smoking on the bus.

A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to which the pilgrim joyfully responds “YES” to God’s invitation.