CHEM 2030 Fall Semester syllabus

Welcome to CHEM 2030. This class has, at its’ core, the purpose of taking students into a limited understanding of basic organic chemistry and to prepare students to take further biochemistry courses. Majors who take CHEM 2030 need some understanding of the role organic chemistry plays in the biologically related sciences like Nutritional Science, Physical Therapy, and some pre-Vet majors. There is no direct lab component in this course; should you need the lab, the correct course to take is CHEM 2130.

Background: In order to have the best chance for success, you will have had to take and do well in CHEM 1320. The first several topics are a rehash of some of the topics covered in this class. Now I know some of you are say to yourselves, “But CHEM 1320 material wasn’t favorite ...... ” or you are thinking how much you didn’t like taking that class. General chemistry is the basis for organic chemistry. We will review some of these relevant and important topics.

What I will provide to you: I have prepared a webpage full of examples and topics. I have consulted with Sapling Learning to provide you with weekly graded homework assignments. You will be afforded the opportunity to take 5 hour exams instead of the usual 3 exams and a final exam. I will have 20+ lectures to be presented over the course of the semester with a strong emphasis on practical applications. We will talk about organic chemistry in the real world and ways you can see this directly for yourself.

What I will need from you: You will need to 1) do the readings BEFORE you show up for class, 2) Do ALL of the homework through Top Hat, 3) Not just show up for class, really ATTEND class: a body in a seat who is on their phone texting or on their computer checking Facebook should not be in class!, and 4) invest in the time that doing well in this class will require. Expect 6 – 10 hours per week. By the way, I do not have much in the way of practice exams yet.

Grading: There are 5 exams: I will use the best 4 exams. I will use ALL of the homework grades (16 assignments!)

4 exams @ 100 points each: 400 points

15 Chapter assignments @ 5 points each 75 points

16 homework assignments @ 12.5 points each 200 points

Total 600 points

The scale will be no more stringent than a standard 10 point letter grading scale:

100 – 98.00 A+ 97.99 – 92.00 A 91.99 – 90.00 A-

89.99 – 88.00 B+ 87.99 – 82.00 B 81.99 – 80.00 B-

79.99 – 78.00 C+ 77.99 – 72.00 C 71.99 – 70.00 C-

69.99 – 68.00 D+ 67.99 – 62.00 B 61.99 – 60.00 D-

Less than 60.00 F

Also, I do NOT round!!!

Students with Disabilities:

If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need to make arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please let me know as soon as possible.

If disability related accommodations are necessary (for example, a note taker, extended time on exams, captioning), please establish an accommodation plan with the Disability Center (, S5 Memorial Union, 573- 882-4696, and then notify me of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. For other MU resources for persons with disabilities, click on "Disability Resources" on the MU homepage.