Denton Parish News November 2011

Parish Council matters:

Grit bins –

New grit bins will be installed at Church Street, Park Lane and Hungate Road. If you notice that any bins need re-filling, please contact Stuart Hollyer at 66 Main Street, Denton or telephone 870287. Please note that the grit is for use on the roads and footpaths and it is illegal to take it for use on personal property. Anyone seen using grit from the bins other than on footpaths or roads can be reported to Lincolnshire County Council Highways Department.

Mill Lane – this is the road running between Church Street and Belvoir Road, alongside The Welby Arms. Highways have not adopted this road and the Welby Estate have advised that they do not own it. Does anybody in the village have any knowledge as to who does own this unadopted road? If so, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council on 870887.

A litter bin – for Casthorpe Road at the entrance to the Reservoir footpath is still being considered.

Details of Denton Parish Councillors

Stuart Hollyer (Chairman), Sycamore Cottage, 66 Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JZ Tel. 01476 870287

Keith Hiley, Pendle, Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JZ Tel. 01476 870501

Martin Crush, Manor Cottage, Harston Road, Denton, NG32 1LL Tel. 01476 870268

Alan Geeson, Orchard House, Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JW Tel. 01476 879276

Hazel Grinter, 118 Church Street, Denton, NG32 1LG Tel. 01476 870302

Hamish McMillan, Chapel Gate, Main Street, Denton, NG32 1JW Tel. 01476 870049

Sir Bruno Welby, Denton Manor, Harston Road, Denton, NG32 1LL Tel. 01476 870268

Parish Clerk: Lesley Frances, 24 High Street, Harlaxton, Grantham, NG32 1JD Tel. 01476 870887

District Councillor : Paul Carpenter, The Mews House, Great North Road, Great Ponton, Grantham NG33 5AG

County Councillor : Roy Chapman, Riverside, Manthorpe, Grantham, NG31 8NQ

Meetings take place in the Village Hall in March, May, October and December and the dates are posted in the Hungate Road noticeboard.

Denton Charity Distribution 2011

Christmas Lunch

Free to all women over the age of 60 and men over the age of 65 - Booking form overleaf.

Trustees of the Denton Parish Charity have again agreed to offer a Christmas Lunch to all men over 65 and women over 60 who live in Denton Parish. The lunch will be held at The Welby Arms on Thursday 15th December. Partners of those eligible may also attend but will have to pay for the event, if they are not eligible themselves. For those who would prefer to receive the annual payment, this is offered as an alternative; those choosing the lunch will be given a payment for the difference between the annual payment and the cost of the lunch. Payment will be made by cheque as this is a safer and easier method of payment—cheques will be issued just prior to Christmas.

If you are eligible, please complete the tear off section overleaf indicating whether you wish to attend the lunch (and receive the balancing payment) or claim the full payment.

Please return to : Denton Parish Charity, Ringtree Cottages, Main Street, Woolsthorpe by Belvoir,

Grantham, NG32 1LT to arrive no later than 20th November 2011. If you know of someone who may be eligible but cannot complete the form please either offer assistance or contact the Parish Clerk

(Lesley Frances on 01476 870887).

News from Denton CE School

The School has an Eco Club which is a group of 5-10 year olds who meet weekly after school and are learning to become more eco-friendly. It started out as the gardening club but has now developed to look at wider environmental concerns. They are looking at recycling for the school as well as conservation of wildlife. They will be exploring and investigating habitats of the animals found locally while trying to encourage and preserve homes (log and pot nests for hibernating). Over the coming winter months they will make bird feeders to ensure the wildlife are fed over the cold period. These will be put around the village and the Club is hoping to produce some to sell to the local community. The school is also working with the church and local area to maintain the gardens and help to weed as well.

Village Hall Report

The majority of the maintenance costs of the Village Hall are met with the money which we receive from the Street Market. The money from 2010 was used in replacing a large section of the floor in the main Hall. This year’s donation has been used to renovate the toilets - the old toilets have been removed and modern low level units fitted. The hot water system has been updated by replacing the existing water heaters with one special unit that feeds both toilets. This new unit meets all the relevant safety requirements with regard to temperature and infection control. Both the ladies and gents toilets have been redecorated.

Unfortunately one of the commemorative trees on the front became diseased and had to be taken down; this will be replaced with a suitable tree during the winter months.

Please remember the Village Hall is there for all to use be it meetings, parties, or celebrations. Bookings can be arranged via Mrs. Sharp on 870496.

Denton Street Market

A planning meeting for the 2012 Denton Street Market will be held in the village hall at 7.30 pm 10th November. All welcome - see attached leaflet.

Denton Parish Charity—Christmas Lunch 2011.

Name of Applicant ______



Tel. No ______Signed ______

Do you wish to attend the Christmas Lunch? YES or NO ______

Name of Second Applicant ______

Do you wish to attend the Christmas Lunch? YES or NO ______

Age of Second Applicant ______