Yr re: 397 K499 HWG
Vauxhall Cavalier 2.0 16v SRi
K499 HWG
To whom it may concern:
Further to my statement on the provided form:
I attempted to SORN K499 HWG several times within the deadline over a period of greater than one month. As I was not sent a reminder by DVLA, I had to rely on the document reference number of the vehicle’s V5C.
DVLA have informed me that they cannot guarantee delivery of the reminders and that it is the owner’s responsibility to SORN their vehicles where appropriate.
Unfortunately, when I entered the document reference number the DVLA system informed me that I had to enter the number in full. On counting the digits that I had entered, I found that I had already done that but I deleted themanyway and entered the number again.
On the second attempt (of every time I tried) the system would let me in but only to tell me that my vehicle didn’t exist.
I have dutifully SORN’d my vehicle every year on receipt of the DVLA reminder without any hitch or inconvenience; SORN’ing a vehicle is not a big deal for me, I am quite happy to do this while the vehicle is off the road. On the occasion (this year) that I did not receive a reminder, I went with the warning letter that was delivered to me and attempted to SORN the vehicle.
The problems encountered with this method have already been outlined above.
I think in turn, it is DVLA’s responsibility to ensure that they have a working and consistently reliable online system to provide owners with a means of SORN’ing their vehicles where appropriate.
I have spoken to DVLA about the issues that I had and they advised me to pass the same information on to you, so that you can in turn speak to them and initiate an investigation.
This is the first year that I have had any trouble SORN’ing my vehicle.
If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely
C W Burnett