29thSunday in Ordinary Time

Today is Mission Sunday

Once a year, on Mission Sunday, the Pope asks us to show our support for missionary work in the younger Churches throughout the world. There are over 1,300 Irish born missionaries working throughout the world. We thank God for them and unite ourselves in prayer with them and with the communities with whom they work18th October 2015

(Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday evening from 5.30pm to 7.30pm)

Day/Date / Time / Intention
Saturday17th / 6pm / Paddy Griffin, St Patricks Tce
Sunday 18th / 11.30am / Tim Mulvihill, St Patricks Tce
Tuesday20th / 10am / NO MASS
Wednesday 21st / 10am / The deceased members of the Kelly family, Tarmons
Thursday 22nd / 10am / Bridget & Patrick O Connor, Tarmons
Saturday 24th / 6pm / Station Mass
Sunday 25th / 11.30am / Joe Bunce, Tarmons

Priest on Duty this Weekend: FrDeclan O Connor 087-0908949

Offertory Collection: Last weekend €821 Our Sincere thanks for the Offertory collection last weekend.

Eucharistic Ministers:Vigil 6.pm: Sheila Langan, Elaine Sweeney

11.30am: Mary Holland, Teresa Egan, Sean Egan.

Eucharistic Ministers – Three newly appointed Ministers will take up their duties shortly, Kitty Kelly, Michelle Mulvihill and Mary LaveryCarrig. We welcome them and thank them for their service.

A revised rota and telephone listing reflecting these appointments is available now for all Ministers from the Sacristry.

Readers Next Weekend:Vigil 6.pm.Member of family11.30am.Member of family

LITURGY OF THE WORD (READERS). We are blessed in this parish to have many committed parishioners who serve the community at all celebrations of the Eucharist. We would like to set up a rota of Readers who would proclaim the Scriptures at the weekend masses and important Liturgical Feast days. If you would like to participate in this ministry within our parish community, ‘sign – up sheets’ are located at all Church entrances/exits or please contact Mary at the Parish Office or Michelle at the Post Office.

Station Mass for the following areas on Saturday 24th October 2015 at 6pm

  1. Dooncaha 1
  2. Dooncaha 2
  3. Dooncaha 3
  4. Sallowglen
  5. Pulleen
  6. Kilcolgan
  7. Coolnanoonagh, Ardmore & Cockhill.

Diocesan Collection this weekend 17th/18th October for the Propagation of the Faith – Throughout the Church there are many different countries where the work of Catholics needs to be supported and where the local community cannot yet provide for the needs of the local Church. Ireland has always had a very significant role to play in promoting and supporting the spread of the Good News. (Green Envelope)

ÓGRA BEO PROGRAMMEis a new Youth Ministry Initiative in the diocese. It is a faith based parish programme for young people. It is hoped it will act as a resource to parishes as they reach out to young people. ÓgraBeo is a response to the concern expressed by parishes and pastoral areas about the lack of involvement of young people in the parish. If you wish to develop the programme in your parish, a workshop for adult volunteers to familiarise them with the Resource Pack will be held on Thursday 22nd October at 7.30pm in John Paul II Pastoral Centre. Booking required 087 6484367.

‘FAMILY AND LIFE’ INVITE YOU TO A TALK:'Abortion and the Challenge of Upholding a Culture of Life'Speaker: David QuinnDate: Wednesday, October 21stTime 8pmVenue: Mangerton Suite, The Malton, Killarney


James and John were two opportunists.

Their one aim was to rise in the ranks

To achieve their end they did not hesitate to beg.

They did not mind how much envy and resentment

they aroused in their companions.

Their aim was to scramble up the career ladder.

But at what price to themselves?

If in the course of their rise to the top,

people lose themselves, their own souls,

whatever they do or achieve will be worthless.

Power hardens the human heart.

A hard-hearted person is incapable of love.

It is by giving that we receive,

and it is by serving that we grow in love.

Community Notices

KERRY GENERAL HOSPITAL CHAPEL OF CHRIST THE HEALER -the annual November mass for patients including those who died by stillbirth and miscarriage, who died in Kerry General Hospitalduring the year will be celebrated in the hospital chapel on Monday 2nd November at 7.00pm*relatives and friends invited*

HALLOWEEN @ TARBERT BRIDEWELL SATURDAY 31ST OCTOBER-Puppet Show/Face painting/Treats, Scary, Hairy, Ghostly Tales.Contact number 068 36500

IRISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE– Our Mobile Unit will be holding a Blood Donor Clinic in CeolCorbraí Hall, Glin, on Thursday 22nd October 2015 from 6.00pm to 9.00pm.

DIABETES INFO NIGHT will be held in fels Point Tralee on Oct. 20th at 8pm. Guest speaker:Pauline Dunne - Dietician.

0874368235 for further enquiries.

TARBERT COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL – The Fashion Show will be held on Friday 23rd October at 8pm in the PE Hall of the school. There will be a free shuttle bus from the village carparks. Modelling with local models and TY students for a great night out. Tickets: €10 (At the School/Mary 068 36619)

MYAWARE would like to extend a sincere and heartfelt thank you for your generosity during our church gate collection last weekend. A total of €378.67 was raised which will help us to support to those suffering from a severe muscle weakening illness called myasthenia. For more information see

HISTORICAL SOCIETY -The Historical Society will recommence its activities on Saturday 17th Oct 2015. Patrick Lynch will give a talk on “Tarbert men in the Great War of 1914-18” at 7.30pm in the Bridewell.

Cupántae afterwards and everybody welcome.

A SIX WEEK PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT PROGRAMME - in Recovery Haven (Cancer Support House) Haig's Terrace, Tralee. Starting Monday 12th Oct 7pm- 9pm. Please contact Siobhán if you are interested in attending on 066 7192122.

RECOVERY HAVEN (CANCER SUPPORT HOUSE) is holding a 'Pink Nails & Coffee Day' in Haigs Terrace, Tralee on this Monday 19th Oct from 12pm to 3pm to mark Breast Cancer Awareness month. All welcome so please join us for a cuppa!For further information please contact Siobhán on 066-7192122

Words to the Wise

“Though we live in a world that dreams of ending that always seems about to give in something that will not acknowledge conclusion insists that we forget begin” – Brendan Kennelly.