Syllabus/Handbook Information for Navo Middle School Choirs, 2013-2014
Director: Mrs. Mary Sadler Telephone: 972.347.7587
#2 Pencil with an eraser
Highlighters (yellow, orange, pink, green, blue, purple) and a Binder pencil pouch
A Positive Attitude
Welcome to the Navo Middle School Choral Music Department! I am so pleased that you have decided to make choral music a part of your education and life! Being a part of a choral organization at Navo Middle School will provide students with wonderful experiences that will be remembered for a lifetime. Participation in choir will also help students to develop both musically and as rising young adults. The following will give choir students and parents an introduction to the Choral Music Program at Navo Middle School, provide additional necessary information, and hopefully answer any questions about choir at Navo!
7th/8thGrade Varsity Treble Choir: The Varsity Treble Choir is a choir consisting of advanced 7thand 8thgrade girls with a successful past singing experience, a proven sight-reading background, and an exemplary academic record. In addition to mandatory concerts, this choir will participate in UIL competitions and serve as the top choral ensemble at Navo Middle School. Several out-of-school time rehearsals may be required to adequately prepare for concerts and competitions, and will be mandatory. Students must have a strong work ethic and commitment to excellence. Placement is by director recommendation only.
7th/8thGrade Non-Varsity Treble Choir: The Non-Varsity Treble Choir is a choir consisting of 7thand 8thgrade girls that may or may not have a past singing and sight-reading experience. Students are charged with maintaining an exemplary academic record and work ethic to assure success for the choir. In addition to school concerts, this choir may participate in UIL competition as a non-varsity choir. Several out-of-school time rehearsals may be required to adequately prepare for concerts and competitions and will be mandatory. Placement is by director recommendation.
7th/8thGrade Tenor-Bass Choir: The Tenor-Bass Choir is a non-auditioned choir consisting of 7thand 8thgrade boys. Past singing experience and sight-reading are not required, however, an exemplary academic record and work ethic are essential for success. In addition to school concerts, this choir may participate in UIL competition as a non-varsity choir. Several out-of-school time rehearsals may be required to adequately prepare for concerts and competitions and will be mandatory. Placement is by director recommendation.
6thGrade Treble Choir: The 6thgrade treble choir is a choir consisting of 6thgrade girls. Past singing experience is a plus but is not required. Students will be given basic sight-reading instruction, and this choir will participate in all school-sponsored concerts, as well as travel to the annual FunFest competition at Sandy Lake Amusement Park. Several out-of-school time rehearsals will be required to adequately prepare this choir for concerts and competition. Enrollment is open to all interested 6thgrade girls.
6thGrade Boys Choir: The 6thgrade boys’ choir is a choir consisting of 6thgrade boys. Past singing experience is a plus but is not required. Students will be given basic sight-reading instruction, and this choir will participate in all school-sponsored concerts, as well as travel to the annual FunFest competition at Sandy Lake Amusement Park. Several out-of-school time rehearsals may be required to adequately prepare this choir for concerts and competition. Enrollment is open to all interested 6thgrade boys.
All Navo Middle School Choirs are performance-based classes. Music studied during each six weeks will include selections from various musical eras (many styles) and possibly different languages. In addition to performing at various concerts throughout the year, students in Navo Middle School Choirs may have the opportunity to participate in TMEA and UIL events (7th& 8thgrades) and select Show Choirs (Panther Harmony: 7/8 Girls; Panther Rhythm: 7/8 Boys; Panther Melody: 6th grade Girls and Boys), as long as they are director approved and meet the necessary eligibility requirements for these extra-curricular events (no pass/no play). Please note the attached calendar with concert dates and certain events being set for the year; additional rehearsal or performance dates may be added as necessary. Students will be given adequate notice of all additional activities outside of the regular class period. Every effort will be made to minimize the amount of out-of-class time rehearsal and activities. In the event a choir activity, rehearsal or concert conflicts with another school sponsored event, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the choir director and the sponsor of the other activity of the impending conflict. The sponsors can then work together to try and accommodate both events.
*develop correct methods of tone production;
*develop a working knowledge of theory and music history (especially in relation to music studied);
*develop ear training (cadences and chord progressions);
*increase student proficiency in sight-reading;
*enjoy the beauty of music through expression;
*learn to utilize good intonation, correct breath control, expressive and proper tone quality, blend with other voices, and artistic interpretation;
*listen with discrimination;
*develop poise, stage-presence and self-confidence;
*develop a self-discipline of personal dignity; and
*develop team spirit, cooperation and camaraderie.
Enrollment in this organization carries with it responsibilities that each student and parent must accept to foster the tradition of choral excellence here at Navo Middle School. Attendance at all rehearsals and public performances is absolutely mandatory, as performances are held to satisfy state-mandated essential knowledge and skills. Since every member of a musical organization is a key performer, the success of the entire organization depends on everyone attending each and every performance. The Fall, Winter and Spring Concerts are MAJOR TEST GRADES. By enrolling in choir, students and their parents are committing to attend the Fall, Winter and Spring Choir Concerts during the year. Failure of a student to participate in a co-curricular rehearsal or concert will definitely affect the student’s grade. Students missing a rehearsal and/or a performance (excused or unexcused) will be required to complete make-up work for credit in the form of singing their part of the concert repertoire for the director, from memory. Students in Varsity Treble and any of the Show Choirs must commit to attendance at every concert.
Students in this organization represent themselves, their families, Navo Middle School and members of the Choir, past, present and future. One student who is ill-prepared can invalidate weeks of rehearsal and spoil a performance. Students are expected to arrive on time in a clean, pressed uniform and to cooperate in making every performance a success. All students will be required to arrive at the school no later than the stated warm-up call time (normally 6:00 p.m. here at Navo MS). All students and their families are expected to stay until the end of the entire concert; it is highly motivating for the 6thgrade students to hear the more advanced choirs perform. Choir students will sit together as a unit, and parent volunteers will be asked to help 'chaperone' each group. Adults, young children and choir members in the audience should stay seated and refrain from talking during the performance so as not to distract the performers. In addition, all cell phones and electronic devices should be turned to the silent or off mode during the concert.
All choir students will be required to pay a $50.00 choir fee. This fee will include the cost of a Navo Middle School Choir Shirt (required for each choir member); accompanist fees, coping fees, and other student costs that cannot be covered by the shrinking school budget. These fees do not include the following: TMEA Region Choir audition entry & transportation fees, solo & ensemble entry fees and any spring trip or festival fees; these are extra-curricular events that do not require the participation of every choir member. This fee does not include the cost of Show Choir Shirts or Hoodies. Shirts will be worn throughout the school year, both at school and in various performance situations to promote choir spirit and Panther pride. Choir sweatshirt hoodies will be available at an additional cost of $25.00 for students who have paid the basic fee ($50.00). The total fee with a hoodie would then come to $75.00. ALL FEE MONIES ARE DUE BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th. Hoodie monies are due by Friday, October 18th. Cash, checks and money orders are acceptable, and all checks must have a pre-printed name and address, a contact telephone number and Drivers License information (number and state). (Students who sell 5 Entertainment passbooks in our kickoff fundraiser August 30th-September 13th will have their choir fee paid through the profits earned. This is the only fundraiser that can be applied to the choir fee. Five books is the minimum number of books sold per student that can apply to the fee credit; there are no partial credits.)
Formal Concert attire will be as follows:
7th/8thGrade Girls: Girls in Varsity Treble Choir must purchase their dress from Southeastern Performance Attire (details are on a separate page on the choir website); Girls in Non-Varsity Treble Choir will be issued a school dress; Black, Closed-toe and heel Shoes to be provided by the student (low heel preferred); and NO jewelry except small stud earrings.
7th/8thGrade Boys: School-issued black tux shirt, cleaned and pressed; School-issued Vest and Tie; Black Slacks (NO BLACK JEANS)to be provided by the student; and Black Socks and Dress Shoes to be provided by the student, NO WHITE SOCKS!
6thGrade Choir Members: Navo Choir Shirt (tucked-in!); Nice Khaki Pants, to be provided by the student; and Closed-toe and heel Shoes (Black or Brown), NO TENNIS SHOES, to be provided by the student.
Casual Concert attire for all students: Navo Choir Shirt, Blue Jeans, and Tennis Shoes. NO SHORTS, CAPRIS, SKIRTS, OR SKORTS.
All choral music students are asked to observe the following rehearsal/classroom rules:
1. Chuck (throw away) all food, drink and gum before entering the choir room.
2. Hands, feet and objects to yourself.
3. On task during class!
4. Instructions: follow the first time given.
5. Remember music folder and pencil!
1. C= Maintain a voice level of ZERO after the bell rings to start class, unless otherwise directed by Mrs. Sadler. (Level TWO or less before and after class.)
2. H= Raise your hand for specific questions when prompted by Mrs. Sadler.
3. A= Be in assigned place when bell rings (with music folder and sharpened pencil), ready for warm-ups, SR and rehearsal.
4. M= Remain in your assigned seat/riser position unless given permission from Mrs. Sadler to move.
5. P= Participate in every activity during class with 110% of your ability.
6. S= Success!
Middle school students have the power to make their own decisions regarding personal behavior, and good choices work toward making choir both successful and rewarding for all involved are essential for every student. Poor choices made by students will result in the following consequences with regard to routine infractions of classroom rules and expectations:
1. 1sttime: Documented verbal warning.
2. 2ndtime: Documented parent contact, 30 minute teacher detention (before or after school).
3. 3rdtime: Documented parent contact and administrative referral (administrative assigned Thursday detention; guidance counselor referral)
4. 4thtime: Documented parent contact and administrative referral; ISS placement.
Severe infractions will result in immediate referral to an assistant principal.
Additional Consequences: Any behavior that endangers the safety of the director, other students, instruments or equipment (running, horseplay, etc.) will be subject to an immediate Detention and/or parent notification, or, in the case of fighting, hitting, or threatening other students, a referral to the office. These are serious infractions which have no place in the choir room. Even friendly horseplay can result in broken equipment and costly repairs. Successful performing ensembles require self-discipline and positive commitment from their members. Students who repeatedly make choices damaging to the ensemble will be considered for removal from the choir program. Being a choir member demands the best conduct, character and citizenship in the school. In School Suspension (ISS) at Navo Middle School is reserved for only the most severe breaches of these values. In the event that a student is placed in ISS, they may not be permitted to participate in extracurricular parties, events and the spring choir festivals and trips.
Since choral music is performance-based, the primary indication of how well a student has mastered the skills taught is through their active participation in every class (singing!). Failure to follow instructions and/or comply with classroom rules will adversely affect a student’s grade. As a part of their class requirements, NMS Choir students will be responsible for (1) learning to sing their voice part independently, (2) sight-reading for their voice part independently, and (3) continued active participation in class each and every day. On choral music and sight-reading, students may/will be quizzed both in small groups and individually (solo) frequently
Grade percentages for each six weeks will be 50% Participation, 30% Major Tests (Singing Tests and/or Concerts), and 20% Singing Quizzes and Written Work.
Each student will have daily rehearsal (participation) grades worth 100 points each week, for a total of 600 points. Points will be deducted including, but not limited to, the following infractions: chewing gum, bringing food or drink in the choir room, no pencil, no music, and lack of attention/participation. Each six weeks grading period may also include major grades, (100 points each), and written assignments or singing quizzes (100 points each) every six weeks. A lack of participation or poor preparation for either a concert or a singing/skills test or quiz will result in a grade deduction for these points. Students are expected to be prepared to sing (pencil and music) and participate fully each and every class period.
Make-up work for any choir class missed due to an absence should be requested by the student as soon as he/she returns. Make-up exams for singing will be given before or after school (student must make appropriate arrangements with the director).
TMEA: Any Navo 7thor 8thgrade choir student may learn the Region 2 TMEA MS/JHS Region Choir music in preparation for the auditions in October. All-Region Choir auditions are on Saturday, October 12that Guyer HS in Denton ISD. The MS/JHS Region Choir Clinic and Concert will be at Timber View HS, Eagle Mountain/Saginaw HS on Saturday, November 16th. SOLO & ENSEMBLE: Any Navo choir student who learns an appropriate solo or ensemble (as chosen by the director) may participate in the Middle School Solo & Ensemble Contest at Navo Middle School on Thursday afternoon and evening, October 24, 2013. Medals are given to students who earn a first division rating. SHOW CHOIRS: The director will evaluate students during the first two weeks of school to determine possible members of the show choirs for the school year. Auditions will be held in classes and afterschool at a time to be announced (if necessary). Students chosen for these groups will be required to sign a contract (along with their parents) for the entire school year, and must be prepared and attend scheduled rehearsals. Additional performances NOT ON THE CURRENT CALENDAR will be added during the school year, with as much notice as possible (at least two weeks).
Students in the Navo Middle School Choral Music Program are encouraged and expected to participate in the fundraising efforts untaken throughout the school year. The program’s philosophy is that fundraising should be kept to a minimum, but that when a fundraiser is underway we strive for maximum involvement and return on our effort.
Money raised through the Passbook Fundraiser may be used to defray the expense of a participating student’s choir fee. This year's concert/auction will be a Pops Concert on April 17th featuring the music To Be Announced. All students who are eligible will be required to participate, with monies raised through the concert tickets and auction being split on a percentage basis by grade level. The General Fundraiser (Entertainment Passbook) will help raise money for the operating account of the choir program. Given the current economic situation and the tightening of school budgets, this money is utilized to cover the cost of accompanists, student folders, NMS Choir T-Shirt, printing costs, music purchases, etc.