Willesden Green Surgery Patient Participation Group
29thMay 2014
2:30pm – 4:00pm
Welcome, introductions and apologies
Minutes of last meeting
Outcomes of last meeting/ PPG report
Surgery update
NHS reforms
Kilburn PPG/ Health Watch Brent/ Brent Health Forum
Open Space
Willesden Green Surgery
Patient Participation Group Minutes
20thFebruary 2014
2:30pm – 4:00pm
Rita Gilligan (chair)
Henry Pozniak
Theresa Arinze
Mayada Katta
Melanie Forbes-Fevyer
Kevin O’Toole
Martin McPake
Joseph Rose
Claudette Thompson
Rokhi Nassiri
Alaa Shehabi
Wafa Hadi
Farideh Nazaripour
Noreen Kinahan
Tara Gilligan
Miria Martinuzzi
Dr Zuhair Najim
Wala Najim
Zainab Hussain
Item / Discussion / Action1. / Apologies
- As above.
2. / Welcome
- Welcome and introductions.The group were introduced to Rita Gilliganas the Chair.
3. / Minutes
- Minutes were seen as correct.
NEW / Outcomes of last meeting
- The trial of our new appointment system has been successful and waiting times have been reduced. We will continue to with this system and monitor its progress in the coming months.
- We now have posters on display informing patients of the ten minute appointment times.
- The Patient Participation report is up on our website at:
5. / Surgery Update
- The surgery now has an e-mail account set up. Patients can use this to order repeat prescriptions (the same 48 hours rule applies) and can contact the surgery with any other queries or general requests.
6. / Patient Participation Survey
- The results of the patient participation survey was shared and discussed with the group, withwaiting times being the main cause for concern. The surgery is already working on one way to combat this, but more ideas from the group were needed.
- It was suggested that posters should be displayed, informing patients that they had a maximum of ten minutes allocated to them.These should be up in time for the next meeting.
- One proposal was to have two patients booked in the same twenty minute slot, as opposed to having one patient every ten minutes. The idea was to reduce increased waiting times due to late arrivals. This may work in some healthcare settings, but it was decided that it would not be practical at Willesden Green Surgery due to the way appointments are allocated, and the fact that there is only one GP on hand.
- Another suggestion was to increase appointment times to fifteen minutes. While this would be a great way to ensure that patients are not rushed and will almost certainly reduce same day waiting times, it would also mean that patients will have to wait longer to get an appointment.
7. / Kilburn PPG/ Brent Health Partners Forum/ Health watch Brent
- All upcoming meetings are displayed on the notice board.
8. / Open Space
- The issue of private allocation and changes within the NHS came up again. More information on the topic will be made available at the next meeting.
- A member of the group put forward the idea of an electronic mailing list for the PPG. Those interested left their details and will be sent PPG information via e-mail in future.
9. / Next meeting
- To be held at 2pm on Thursday 29thMay2014, at Willesden Green Surgery.
- Melanie Forbes- Fevyer to chair the next meeting.