WEEKS BEGINNING July 4, 18, 25 & August 1,8
- This will be the 19th year of our summer programmes for children and the first
summer when our main venue will be Sullivan. We are delighted to have Sullivan’s
excellent facilities available for our courses this year and I am confident that all
parents and children will be happy with the high standard of our courses and the
efficiency of our supervision. I will be in charge of running the programme at
Sullivan assisted by most of the outstanding staff who worked with us last year. My
wife Janice will also be in attendance as usual dealing with any injuries, illnesses,
allergies, wasp stings etc.
- On arrival at Sullivan for the first morning of their Sports Week, children will be met
by staff outside the main school and directed towards enrolment. Staff will escort the
Superkids and Super 4s to the Sixth Form Centre which will be their base for the
week, olderchildren will be grouped according to age at the sports pavilion.
- It is essential that whoever is responsible for delivering and collecting the children
each day is aware that all courses at Sullivan begin at 9.30am and finish at 4.00pm.
We cannot be responsible for children outside these times unless the early supervision
facility from 8.30-9.30 has been pre-booked. Parents using this facility should leave
their children at the sports pavilion at the top of the school driveway.
4.Sports Week participants should come dressed each day in appropriate attire and bring:
a)Packed lunch, if required, and drinks
b)Tennis racket, if possible (optional for Superkids).
c)Superkids should have Velcro shoes and an art apron, if possible.
d)Waterproof or shower proof garment
e)Indoor shoes for Sports Hall
f)Suntan lotion
g)Peaked cap (if sunny and warm)
h)Swimming gear and towel.
NB. In the interests of any children attending who may have a peanut allergy, please do not include any food with a peanut content in your child’s snack or lunch.
5. Participants in the Summer Rock Week will finish their course at 2.30 pm each
day, then have a sports session from 2.45 pm – 4.00 pm. Children not participating
in the sports can be collected at 2.30 pm.
6. Children enrolled for any of our Summer Sizzlers – ClimbingTower, Laserquest, and
Living in the Wild – will leave their main group for that activity and return when it has
7. The Calor BBQ will be available once again for tasty hot food at lunch time. Prices
are: hot dog £1.20, burger £1.50, cheeseburger £1.60, and chicken burger £1.70. All
are served with bread rolls, and sauces are available. Food can be ordered each
morning, or for the whole week at the time of enrolment on the first morning. These
prices have remained the same for the last 8 years.
8. Activities will progress irrespective of weather conditions. We will be able to use the Sports Hall in case of persistent rain, although outdoor activities will continue in light rain. We will also use the Sports Hall for basketball, badminton, and indoor football, so the indoor shoes listed in No.4 above are essential.
9.Money and valuables should be left in the Sports Week office each morning. We cannot accept responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, the property of participants.
10.During each Sports Week, it will be possible to contact me with an important message on my mobile telephone between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. each day - the number is 07767 271144.I can immediately relay your message to the supervisor. For routine enquiries, please leave a message on my office telephone – (02897) 542911and I will return your call at the end of the day.
- If you have any further queries before the Sports Week begins, you can contact me
by letter, telephone, fax, or e-mail.
- If you booked online then the full fee due will have been paid by credit card. If you
posted an application with a deposit then we will already have contacted you
outlining the amount due and including details of how to pay the balance.
Thank you for booking a course at Sullivan this summer.