Body Image Timeline
Task Description
Create a timeline using PowerPoint of the changes men and women have undergone through various stages of life around the world. To complete this task successfully you need to research different body image trends from the following decades:
- 1900
- 1920
- 1950
- 1970
- 1980
- 2000
- Today 2012
Each PowerPoint slide needs to represent a different decade, and you should look at both male and female trends. Each slide must show an image that represents a body image trend and a small paragraph (three sentences) describing the trend and what influenced it (fashion magazines, beauty products, TV shows)
Helpful hints when completing this task
- Look at Google images and type in the decade you are researching
- When researching use “buzz” words in your search bar for example: fashion, models, history, timeline and body images through the decades
- Read the background knowledge below and research where body image comes from (this may help when identifying different trends
Create a Body Image Collage
Task Description
Create a collage that represents the good VS bad images that represent body image using magazine cut outs. To complete this task successfully you will need to analyse a magazine and critically judge whether you believe the fashion trends, images and products represent good or bad body image. You are to present your collage on poster and make it as visually appealing as you can. Remember to divide your poster paper into two parts as this will help show teachers and students the positive and negative sides to body image.
Some things to remember
- Remember to look at both products and images
- You could include buzz words (words that describe good and bad body image) from magazine titles to help present your collage
- You have a creative licence so you can present your findings from a magazine anyway you like so make it look exciting!!!
- Remember that a collage shouldn’t have nay gaps between images so we don’t want to see too much blank poster paper
Background knowledge to help you when researching:
Media sell body image as a product
Convince women their bodies aren’t good enough
Show a typical women as tall, thin, young, white and perfect
Male models are lean and muscular and equally ‘perfect’ in their appearance
Make you feel if you buy product ‘X’ you can be perfect also
Design a Nutrition Poster
Task Description
Create a nutrition poster that could be put up around the school educating students about the importance of healthy eating. To complete this task successfully you will need to research the following questions and present your findings on poster paper. Remember that we are trying to educate students so you will need to make your poster eye catching (this will make students curious and will want to read the information you have researched).
Your poster should present the following information:
(1)What does healthy eating mean?
(2)List the seven types of nutrients and a food that can be found in each of them
(3)What are macro and micro nutrients and what makes them different to each other? Where do they fit into a healthy eating plan?
(4)Why is it important to eat dairy foods on a daily basis during adolescence?
(5)Why is it important to drink water on a daily basis?
(6)Explain why high sugar, salt and fatty foods should not be eaten on a daily basis?
(7)How can exercise be linked to healthy eating and positive body image?
(8)List three pieces of advice you would give to another student if they were worried about their body image and healthy eating.
Background knowledge to help when researching your poster
- Educating adolescents about nutrition will help them to make positive changes on their own. Avoid labelling foods as "good" or "bad". Teaching moderation and balance in food choices across food groups promotes lifelong healthy eating patterns.
- Good nutrition, along with exercise, relieves stress and makes adolescents healthier and happier.
- It is important to help adolescents identify a healthy lifestyle that balances nutritious eating and physical activity without favouring either the extreme of overweight or disordered eating.
Helpful websites:
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, Nutrients, exercise and nutrition, nutrition and body image