Evergreens Condominium Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
23 October 2007
1. Board President, Alan Schatzle, called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. Other Board members present were Doug Watson, Alan Quinney and Dave Gagnon. Present from Evergreen Management, Inc. (Management) was Donna Beland-Frost.
2. Board Meeting Minutes: The Board unanimously approved the board meeting minutes of September 25, 2007, as amended.
3. Treasurer’s Report:
3.1.Management reviewed with the Board the financial report of September 2007.
3.2.Management reviewed with the Board the collection status of delinquent owners.
4. Management Report:
4.1.Management confirmed unit repairs for building 53 are still in progress.
4.2.After a lengthy discussion, Management was directed to halt all further unit repairs until the Board has the opportunity to meet with the contractor at the next board meeting to discuss repairs and costs incurred.
4.3.Financial review with Nelson & Marion was completed. Accounting firm found financial information to be in order and consistent with standard accounting practices.
4.4.Seasonal shutdown of irrigation system is scheduled for October 29, 2007. Management was directed to shut down the irrigation cycles.
5. Communication/Correspondence:
5.1.Management reviewed with the Board the most recent correspondence sent to/received from unit owners.
5.2.Management reviewed with the Board the most recent work order report.
6. New Business/Board of Director Concerns:
6.1.Unit 63-6, Fuel Tank Removal: After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made, seconded and approved by a vote of 3 (Alan Schatzle, Alan Quinney and Doug Watson) to 1 (Dave Gagnon) to obtain a legal opinion as to the Association’s right to remove the tank.
6.2.Snow & Landscape Contracts: Management reviewed with the Board three contract proposals for snow and landscape services. After a short discussion, the Board unanimously approved the contracts submitted by TurfPro Irrigation & Fertilization.
Evergreens Condominium Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2007
Page 2
6.3.Snow Removal Procedures and Policy: Management reviewed with the Board a proposed draft policy for the upcoming season. After a short discussion, the Board unanimously approved the policy.
6.4.Tree Cutting: After a lengthy discussion, the Board unanimously approved notification of the owners involved that trees will be replaced in the spring at their cost and, because of this violation, will not be allowed to serve on the building committee.
6.5.Gutter Cleaning: Management reviewed with the Board a proposal for gutter cleaning services from Peterson Roofing. After a short discussion, Management has been directed to obtain two additional proposals. This matter has been tabled pending receipt of additional estimates.
6.6.Light Installations: After a short discussion, this matter has been tabled until spring.
6.7.Proposed Budget Draft: Management reviewed with the Board the proposed budget for fiscal year 2008. Management will revise the draft to reflect the approval of the snow and landscape services and provide same to the Board for additional review.
6.8.Property/Developer Issues: Management confirmed with the Board that Brady Sullivan Properties has begun the process of repairing the erosion issues at building 115 and will begin the other patio repairs shortly.
6.9.Drainage behind Brady Way Garages: After a short discussion, the Board unanimously approved and directed Management to hire TurfPro to perform an investigative search for drainage pipes behind the garages.
6.10.Lights: After a lengthy discussion, Management will inspect all exterior lights at the property, at no cost to the Association, as a result of the Board’s displeasure with recent light work performed by the maintenance department.
7. The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 28, 2007 at 6:00 pm.
8. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm with the unanimous consent of those present.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Beland-Frost, CMCA, AMS
Senior Association Manager
HOAssociations/Evergreens/Meeting Minutes 10.23.07
Minutes approved by the Board of Directors on November 28, 2007.