30June 2014

Hon Peter Walsh MP

Minister for Agriculture and Food Security

GPO Box 500


Dear Minister Walsh


Following the receipt of the Department of Treasury and Finance Statement of Expectations Guidelines and your related correspondence to the Treasurer, the PrimeSafe Board wishes to submit an Addendum to its formal response to confirm timelines and measures and assist in transparency to Government of the good regulatory practices adopted by PrimeSafe.

As previously confirmed in the response to your revised Statement of Expectations and other correspondence, PrimeSafe has proactively addressed the Victorian Government Responseto the Parliamentary Inquiry into food safety regulation on farm and other businesses. The strategic direction for PrimeSafe has been revised to increase the provision of guidance material and services to licensees through a new management structure and development of services and performance indicators to ensure accountability and alignment of strategic direction.

PrimeSafe will in 2015 implement a framework that will develop over time to become a dashboard of key indicators of performance. Reporting of these indicators will be through implementation of the PrimeSafe 2015 – 2020 Corporate Plan and show the performance of industry’s delivery of food safety and product integrity. PrimeSafe has also consulted with Dairy Food Safety Victoria and identified common measures that over time will demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined agri-food regulatory system.

So as to improve cooperation between regulators, PrimeSafe will collaboratewith the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the Department of Health and the Municipal Association of Victoria to develop a revised Memorandum of Understanding that improves the way Victorian food regulators work together and that deliver a seamless food regulatory system that protects public health and safety.

Finally, in accordance with good governance principles, PrimeSafe will report publicly on progress and relevant measures in its Annual Report to Parliament and which is available on our website. The PrimeSafe website will also include other useful information and support services in the form of new licensing and information advice, policies and guidance material.

PrimeSafe looks forward to keeping you informed of matters of mutual interest through the Board and relationships across government and continuously working towards achieving best practice as a regulator.

Yours sincerely

