Student’s name: ______ID Number ______
Person interviewed: printed ______Signature:______
Job position held ______Company ______
Date of interview ______Phone number of person interviewed: ______
Twenty Q‘s for Job Shadowing
or Informational Interviews
Type out the questions and answers. Turn these papers in with Community Service Form.
1. What do you like best about your job? Least?
2. What is the job market like for this career and what are related jobs to yours?
3. If you could have done something differently in high school, what would it have been?
4. How do you deal with the stressful parts of your job?
5. Did you have a role model?
6. What is a typical day like in your job?
7. What are the working conditions of the job; how much paper work vs people work, inside office vs outside, brain work vs hands on.
8. What kind of problems do you deal with?
9. What percentage of time is spent doing different tasks?
10. What was the most important thing you gained out of high school that has helped you now?
11. How do you balance time between your career and your family?
12. If you could change something about your job, what would it be?
13. What advice do you give your own kids about careers?
14. How did you get your job and what experiences led you to this position?
15. What reasons do people get fired for in your business?
16. Do you still have to keep getting training for what you do?
17. Are you considering making a major career change in the future?
18. How many hours a week do you work?
19. What is the pay range for your career?
20. What do you know now, that you wish you would have known when you graduated from H.S.?