CLASSIFICATION: Students / Revised: 9/25/15
First Reading: 9/25/15
Formerly “Private Nursing Services” / Adopted: 1/22/16

The West End SELPA of San Bernardino County assures that students are provided with health care services, as related services, when the services are necessary for the student to attend school. These services are part of the Student’s Health Plan when it is appropriate for the services to be provided by school personnel and do not need to be administered by a physician.

Federal Law

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 insures that all children have available to them a free, appropriate public education. The law emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs, to assure the rights of children with disabilities and their parents or guardians are protected, and to assess and assure the effectiveness of efforts to educate children with disabilities education and related services. School physical health services are a related service.

Federal Regulations provide further distinction between “school health services,” which are provided by a
“qualified school nurse or other qualified person,” and “medical services,” which are provided by a licensed physician. The District must provide the former (school health services) but not the latter (except those “medical services” that are for diagnostic or evaluation purposes).


Students who need school health services require special health care procedures for life support or health support during the school day in order to be able to benefit from the educational program.

Specialized physical health services means those health services prescribed by the student’s licensed physician requiring medically related training for the individual who performs the services and which are necessary during the school day to enable the student to attend school. These services include catheterization, gastric tube feeding, suctioning, or other services that require medically related training. (Education Code 49423.5; 5 CCR 3051.12)

Qualified means the ability to demonstrate competence in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, current knowledge of community emergency medical resources, and skill in the use of equipment and performance of techniques necessary to provide specialized physical health care services for individuals with disabilities. In addition, for designated school personnel, qualified means trained in the procedures to a level of competence and safety, which meets the objectives of the training as provided by the school nurse, public health nurse, licensed physician, or other programs that provide the training. (Education Code 49423.5; 5 CCR 3051.12)

Training means the preparation in the appropriate delivery and skillful performance of specialized physical health care services. (5 CCR 3051.12)

Supervision means review, observation, and/or instruction of a designated school person’s performance and of physical health care services, but does not necessarily require the immediate presence of a supervisor at all times. (5 CCR 3051.12)

Provision of Services

A student with disabilities who requires specialized health care services during the school day, as identified in his/her individualized education program (IEP), may be assisted by any of the following individuals: (Education Code 49423.5, 56345)

  1. Qualified persons who possess an appropriate credential pursuant to Education Code 44267 (service credential with specialization in health), Education Code 44367.5 (service credential with specialization in health for school nurse), or a valid certificate of public health nursing issued by the Board of Registered Nursing
  1. Qualified designated school personnel trained in the administration of specialized physical health care if they perform those services under the supervision of a credentialed school nurse, public health nurse, or licensed physician and the services are determined by the credentialed school nurse or licensed physician, in consultation with the physician treating the student, to meet all of the following criteria:
  1. Constitute routine care for the student
  1. Pose little potential harm for the student
  1. Are performed with predictable outcomes, as defined in the student’s IEP
  1. Do not require a nursing assessment, interpretation, or decision making by the designated school personnel

Specialized health care or other services that require medically-related training shall be provided pursuant to Education Code 49423. (Education Code 49423.5)

School shall provide appropriate accommodations for safety and necessary physical care services. The student’s personal privacy and dignity shall be assured. (5 CCR 3051.12)

A qualified school nurse, public health nurse, or licensed physician responsible for supervising the physical health care of students with disabilities in the school setting shall: (5 CCR 3051.12)

  1. Coordinate the health care services to the students with disabilities on the school site
  1. Consult with appropriate personnel regarding management of health care services for students with disabilities
  1. Make appropriate referrals and maintain communication with health agencies providing care to students with disabilities
  1. Maintain or review licensed physician and parent/guardian requests and daily documentation records

The licensed physician of a student with disabilities who is required to receive physical health care services shall provide a written statement detailing the procedure and time schedule by which such procedures are to be given. In addition, the student’s parent/guardian shall provide a written statement indicating his/her desire that the district assist the student in the matters set forth in the physician’s statement and granting consent for the delivery of such services. (5 CCR 3051.12)

For each student with disabilities, the district shall maintain the physician and parent/guardian statements, as well as the specific standardized procedures to be used if the services are provided. The district shall also maintain daily documentation of specific services provided and shall include the signatures of the personnel who performed the procedure. This documentation shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements for confidentiality of student records and shall be classified as mandatory interim student records. (5 CCR 3051.12)

Procedure for Developing the IEP of a Student with Specialized Health Care Needs

If a student is eligible for special education, the health plan is part of the IEP process. Whether the child is eligible for special education or not, a meeting including the parents, a nurse knowledgeable about the student’s health care needs, and members of the education team is convened to discuss safe and appropriate classroom placement, and necessary services and personnel for the child to attend school in the Least Restrictive Environment. The issues addressed include:

  • the medical problem
  • the child’s condition and needs
  • the procedure/s required
  • how the need is currently being met
  • how the procedure is performed
  • what records are kept
  • what level of personnel is required
  • what supervision is needed
  • whatthe educational impact is
  • where the educational placement should be

The information from this meeting becomes a health plan that is a part of the IEP of a student who is eligible for special education.

The school nurse is legally responsible for school nursing procedures. He or she can delegate that responsibility by training and certifying other school staff. All staff having contact with the student should be informed about the student’s needs and given training for services it is appropriate for them to provide. Review of training and caregiving should be evaluated regularly as needs change and information and technology are updated.

There may be private nursing services that have been prescribed by a physician. During a transition period, a nurse from a private agency, who is supported by private insurance or other non-school funds, may provide nursing services. This transition period allows school personnel to be trained in the procedure that is needed. Private nurses on a school campus follow the same requirements as school volunteers, including providing the school/district with current fingerprint clearance, certificate of negative tuberculosis, and emergency information. In addition, the private nurse should provide the following: certification information, and name and address of employing agency.


Each LEA provides transportation as a related service if the student requires this service in order to receive special education.

Transportation issues are addressed on the student’s IEP and may become a part of the Health Plan if school health services are required on the bus.

Legal References:


44267Services credential with specialization in health

44267.5Services credential with specialization in health for school nurse

49423Administration of prescribed medication for student

49423.5Specialized physical health care services

49426School nurses

56000-56606Special education programs, especially:

56001 (1)Provision of psychological and health services

56345Individualized education program contents

56363Related services


2700-2837Nursing, especially:

2726Authority not conferred

2727Exceptions in general


3051.12Health and nursing services


1232gFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

1400-1482Individuals with Disabilities Education Act


300.1-300.818Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, especially:

300.34Related services


Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garret F., (1999) 526 U.S. 66

Clovis Unified School District v. Office of Administrative Hearings, (1990) 903 D.2d 635

Taylor v. Honig, (1990) 910 F.2d 627

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Management Resources:


California Department of Education, Health Services and School Nursing:

California School Nurses Organization:

Legal References:

The Medically Fragile Child in the School Setting, A Resource Guide for the Educational Team, American Federation of Teachers, AFL_CIO, 1992.

Medically Related Services: Did the Supreme Court Change the Tatro Standard?, Charles L. Weatherly and Kathleen A. Sullivan.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Law Report, Vol. 29, Iss. 9, April 1999.

U.S. Supreme Court Ruling No. 96-1793

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