West Lafayette Junior/Senior High School
Course Guidelines
Mr. von Werder – Chemistry

Expectations of students

Good attendance / The attendance policy as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct will be enforced. This includes a 2% grade reduction for each truancy. Additionally, each class missed because of a school suspension or unexcused absence will carry a 1% grade reduction.
Punctuality / You should be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. You are expected to work efficiently, but safely, during lab activities so that there is adequate time to properly clean up at the end of the class period and get to your next class on time.
Preparedness / Foremost, come to class prepared to learn, with a positive attitude. Each day in class you should have a writing instrument (on test days you will likely need a No. 2 pencil), a notebook/folder/paper, a scientific calculator, and competed assignments. A class set of textbooks will be available in the classroom.
Honesty / Anyone caught cheating (or helping someone to cheat) on homework, labs, quizzes, or tests will receive a zero for the assignment. Repeated infractions may result in withdrawal from class. If you are unsure what is considered acceptable, particularly with homework and/or lab reports, please discuss it with me individually.
Respect / Respect yourself by demonstrating appropriate behavior and self-control. Respect other students and teachers by being cooperative in the classroom. Respect the equipment, and chemicals you will be allowed to use, as well as the property of those around you and of the school.
Responsibility / You are responsible for completing assignments on time. In general, late assignments will be reduced by 10% of the maximum value per day. You are responsible for finding out about missed work due to absences. You will be allowed as many days as you were absent to make up work. Tests and labs need to be made up within the limits of the Student Code of Conduct. Please see me to make arrangements.
Safety / This is a lab class, and you will be working with materials that can be dangerous if handled improperly. Proper behavior, as outline in the Safety Guidelines, is a must for your protection and the protection of others in the laboratory. In particular, you must wear splash proof goggles while in the laboratory (a pair of goggles will be provided to you for use throughout the year).

Other information

Grading / Each individual nine weeks grade is based on chapter test grades (60%), and a composite grade (40%) including homework assignments, quizzes, and the lab work portfolio. The actual weights of these grades are approximate and are at the discretion of the teacher.
The grading scale below will be used for this course. I will round to the nearest ones place. For example, 89.65 will round to 90 and earn an A-, while 89.35 will round to an 89 and earn a B+.
100-97A+ / 89-87B+ / 79-77C+ / 69-67D+ / 59F
96-93A / 86-83B / 76-73C / 66-63D
92-90A- / 82-80B- / 72-70C- / 62-60D-
Semester grades will be based on the nine-weeks grades (40% each) and the final exam (20%).
Tests / There will be 3-4 tests in a nine-week grading period, each test covering one chapter (occasionally two chapters). Tests typically contain a multiple-choice component, and a written component.
Quizzes / Quizzes will usually be based on homework problems and/or labs. The quizzes will be announced at least one day in advance.
Homework / Homework will primarily be completed and graded electronically through the online homework service WebAssign. However, there will also be the occasional written homework assignment.
Lab Work / Labs and demonstrations are common in-class activities and almost all will require a lab report of some type. While most labs are performed in class with partners, each student is individually responsible for completing his or her own lab report, and keeping a lab folder/notebook.
Help / The time will likely come when you may need additional help with understanding a topic or with homework questions. I am here to help you. I am usually available after school in my classroom, room 3228 for additional help. You can make arrangements with me ahead of time, or you can just stop by after school to see if I am available. I have high school lunch supervision this year, so my availability at lunch is more limited than usual this year. If you can’t make it after school due to sports, meetings, etc. talk to me and we’ll try to work out a time to meet. Although WebAssign has an “Ask Your Teacher” function, it is not always “turned on”, and I much prefer that you bring questions directly to me if time permits.
Contact Information / Mr. Peter von Werder

Phone: 746-0400, Ext 4747
Mr. von Werder’s schedule, 2015-2016.
1st 8:05 – 8:55Chemistry I
2nd 9:00 – 9:50Chemistry I
3rd 9:55 – 10:45Chemistry II, AP
4th 10:50 – 11:40Chemistry II, AP
5th 11:45 – 12:35Lunch
6th 12:40 – 1:30Lunch Supervision
7th 1:35 – 2:25Chemistry I
8th 2:30 – 3:20Prep