A joint development provision:

Professional Development Unit. BUPA. Radius

Clinical Leadership in Practice Programme


Registered Nurses

2016 Programme

March 8 and 22

April 12 and 26

Growing our future


Clinical Leadershipin Practice Programme

The goal of clinical leadership is to improve the quality of health outcomes for individuals, families, whanau, and communities.

For the purpose of this programme clinical leadership is defined as the continual development of required professional responsibility, knowledge, and skills that inform optimal, compassionate, safe nursing and midwifery practice.

Nursing and Midwifery Professional Development Unit (PDU), Waikato District Health Board (DHB) -2012


The PDU currently provides two courses for emerging Registered Nurse (RN) leaders. They are Pebbles, a programme provided toRNs working in the Waikato District Health Board and Lark the equivalent programme for RNs in our Aged Related ResidentialCare (ARCC) and home based services sectors.

These courses are designed to offer RNsthe opportunityto build an understanding of leadership styles and skills and use this knowledge to develop and initiate a quality change project for their clinical area.

This course also supports the Ministry Health initiative for health providers to work closer together to support improved outcomes and health service sustainability to take advantage of the recognised benefit to patient outcomes when health professionals develop relationships and understanding of each other’s context and role. By developing these relationships and understanding, it is hoped that CLiPP will also support improved health service workforce sustainability.

The CLiPPprogramme has been developed to recognise and build on the contribution nurses make in the provision of safe, effective, quality healthcare, and in shaping and directing clinical care.


The programme utilises practice development methodology to:

  • Support partnership between providers and greater collaboration and understanding by RN about colleagues from different sectors and context
  • Develop the registered nurse capability to lead and manage change in clinical practice
  • Increase the capacity to improve health outcomes for consumers through strengthening the nursing contribution to quality healthcare.
  • Introduce practice development methodology based around, person centeredness, evidence based practice and development of self and others.
  • Broaden perspective, support, promote and enhance inter-provider and inter-professional collaboration and understanding.
  • Support capacity for succession planning of registered nurse leadership in the practice area.

The programme provides a learning environment and is seen as a means of contributing to the development of nurses working within clinical environments.

It is designed to promote clinical leadership for nurses wishing to remain in the clinical environment as well as those intending to move into formal leadership and management positions.

Expected outcomes for the RN attending CLiPP

  • Be able to demonstrate how knowledge regarding political, global and organisational influences on healthcare and nursing practice will be utilised in own practice
  • Be able to articulate how increased understanding of others context will be used to support better outcomes for service users.
  • Have the ability to articulate the patient safety and quality priorities of their organisation and demonstrate how these will be implemented and supported in practice
  • Be able to demonstratehow they have identified and addressed a quality issue by leading a formal change process
  • Be able to articulate how their increased knowledge and understanding of leadership theory will be applied in own practice
  • Meet the requirements of the course and aim towards the following expectations
  1. DHB RN expected to complete proficient or expert PDRP portfolio within 12 months of completing the programme if they have not already done so.
  2. Non DHB RN will work with their managers to be able to demonstrate their development through local performance management processes or the expansion PDRP process.
  3. Both groups develop a provisional plan for own career and professional development.

Prospective CLiPP candidates are required to:

  • Be a registered nurse with at least three years but less than 10 years clinical experience, consideration will be given to those outside theseparameters if recommended by their manager
  • Be employed by the Waikato DHB or other organisation that has contracted funding with the Waikato DHB
  • Demonstrate a commitment in their own practice to developing leadership skills –

E.g. is regarded for clinical expertise, engages in peer education, has completed preceptor training, leads/initiates/engages in quality projects, is a PRDP assessor

  • Be on or willing to participate in the PDRP. DHB nurses should be at proficient or expert level or committed to achieving this by mid of 2016
  • Demonstrate the attributes required for nomination to thisprogramme as outlined on page 5
  • Be nominated by their CNM/Team Leader

Manager commitment

Release nominee for the four days of the course

Provide coaching for their nominee throughout the CLiPPprogramme and beyond.

Support the development and completion of a service relevant change project that promotes quality improvement

Ensure rostered shifts do not hamper participation when on the study day (no late or night shift prior to study day. No late or night shift following the 8 hour study day)


The programme introduces participants to a wide range of information including leadership theories and methods, Practice Development, change management, evidence-based practice and professional responsibilities required for clinical leadership.

Participants will be provided with readings, complete assignmentsand make a presentation about their area of work to the CLiPP participants and engage in a change project within their clinical area.

The overall structure of the CLiPPprogramme aims to provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on their own history, culture and practice to understand how these can affect perceptions and actions in any given situation. Participants will share personal and practice experiences to develop leadership understanding and communication skills based on person centred care

Guest speakers from both inside and outside the DHB will present at the programme.

Sessions are also informed by selected literature.

CLiPP uses the PDRP framework to provide support and guidance in relation to the individual nurse’s professional development. The central aimis to meet the needs of health consumers and improve health outcomes through advancing and sustaining RN knowledge and skills.

CLiPPaligns with research and the Waikato DHB Nursing and Midwifery Profile and Plan (Strategic Aim 1) which identifies the need for the preparation and support of preparing RNs for leadership roles.

CLiPP aligns with Ministry of Health,and those of the Chief Nurse, strategies for health and older people

Nomination process

Nominations are called for through Inspire Website, Contract Managers mailing list to ARRC managers, the CNM or Team Leader network.

These are now open and we invite CNMs/Team Leaders and managers to nominate staff for the February and March 2016.

RNs who wish to be considered for nomination will need to discuss this with their CNM/Team leader or manager.

There are 14 places available on each course. In the event of more than 14 nominations, a selection process will be instigated.

Please complete the attached nomination forms and email or send to Lindsay Duncan.

Nominationsfor this cohort close on

December the 18th for DHB RNs with selection process completed prior to Christmas 2015

January the 22nd for non DHB RNs. Selection process will be completed by January 29th

Programme dates2016 March 8 and 22 April 12 and 26

Venue to be confirmed


The programme is evaluated throughout the course and as part of the requirements for a Masters thesis. Participants will be asked to complete an anonymous pre and post staff satisfaction survey and participate in a post recorded discussion.

Information and consent will be sent out prior to the course.

Participation in the research is not a requirement of attending the course.

Additional information

Further information is available from programme facilitator, Lindsay Duncan or any member of the Professional Development Unit.

Lindsay Duncan
Nurse Coordinator Practice Development
021 549 807 / Kate Yeo
Associate Director of Nursing
Phone: 021 220 6344


Session 1 / March 8 / 0830-1630 /
  • Introduction and Overview
  • Health and the ‘big picture’
  • Leadership theories and methods
  • Evidence-based practice (I) (library visit)
  • Building teams and collaborative relationships

Session 2 / March 22 / 0830-1630 /
  • Nursing and professionalism
  • Change management
  • Quality and Safety
  • Professional/career development

Session 3 / April 12 / 0830-1630 /
  • Change management narratives
  • Utilization of evidence-based practice (II)
  • Vision and change
  • Resilience and self care

Session 4 / April 26 / 0830-1630 /
  • Keynote
  • Clinical leadership in practice presentations
  • Closing session

NB: Programme may be subject to changes due to availability of speakers etc.

References (Includes but not limited to)

Baxter C, (2014) Exploring the Acquisition of Nurse Manager Competence. Nurse Leader.

Gorman D. (2010) The Utility of idealised patient journeys as a centre piece of health workforce planning. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management 5:2

Harvath T., Swafford K., et al. (2008). Enhancing Nursing Leadership in Long –Term Care. Research in Gerontologicalnursing Vol 1, No

Huston C. (2008) Preparing Nurse Leaders for 2020. Journal of Nursing Management 16, 915-911

Manley K, McCormack B (2003). Practice development: purpose, methodology, facilitation and evaluation. Nursing in Critical Care, 8 (1): 22-9

Shirey M. (2009) Authentic Leadership, Organisational Culture, and Healthy work environments. Crit Care Nursing Vol 32. pp189-198

Nomination for:
Clinical Leadership in PracticeProgramme
NB: There are two parts to this nomination:
  1. Completion of the nomination form by the CNM/Team Leader with written recommendation and examples
  2. Information written by the nominee outlining practice outcomes for themselves, health consumers and the team in their area of practice

Clinical Nurse Manager/ Team Leader to complete:
People seeking to participate in this workshop series need the nomination and support of their CNM/Team leader. In addition to the person specs noted on page 2, please consider the following attributes when nominating a person for the programme:
  • Professionally committed and dedicated
  • Demonstrates active commitment to and participation in the ward / unit
  • Role models commitment to provide quality care
  • Adapts to new circumstances with flexibility and creativity.

Applicant details:
Applicant Name: / : / Place of work:
Nurse leader/nurse manager written recommendation
Clinical Nurse Manager/ Team Leader
Name / Date and sign
Clinicnal Leadership in Practice Programme
Nominee information and personal statement. (Nominee to complete)
Please provide the information requested below and also a summary of approx 150 wordsoutlining why you believe the programme will be of value to your nursing practice. Include likely outcomes for consumers and the clinical team in your area of practice.(You will need to take into account the information provided about the Pebbles programme)
Area of work:
Email address
Mobile phone number / Other certifications / qualification
Currently enrolled in academic study?
If so what?
Date of registration:
Number of years in current role?
Attained PDRP Level
Applicant reason for participation in the CLiPPprogramme:
Please outline why you believe the programme will be of value to your nursing practice.(approx 150 words)
Sign: / Date:
Please email/send completed forms to Lindsay Duncan, Professional Development Unit, Waikato Hospital, Private Bag 3200, Hamilton 3240, Email:
Closing date 22ndJanuary 2016 places confirmed by 29THJanuary 2016


Issued by Kate Yeo 31st December 2015

A Clinical Nursing Leadership Programme based on the principles of Practice Development