Mrs. Laura Maynor

Room 204

238-5228 ext.2253

Planning 1st block-7:15-8:33

English 12

English 12 is an eighteen week course which also includes the Senior Project. The literature is British and will encompass many periods. In addition to writing, reading and analyzing literature, students will learn skills that will prepare them for employment and college. Class attendance is expected and rewarded for those who miss only two days during the term. With a C average and only two absences, students are exempt from the final exam. When students are absent, they should check with peers for work missed and schedule with the teacher time to make up tests or quizzes.

Students are expected to be seated before the bell and begin work. Just as your boss won’t ask you each day to begin work, the teacher should not have to ask either. This is excellent preparation for the job force. Students should demonstrate to the teacher that he/she is ready, willing, and able to perform the task in front of them. This is extremely important to seniors who need recommendations for college or employment. Cell phones should NOT be used in the classroom without teacher approval. Phones should be turned off and put away during the class. If phones are needed for an assignment, then the teacher will let students know. Videoing of other students is not allowed.

Students should

  • Respect one another verbally and physically
  • Be prepared for class each day
  • Keep hands to self and respect the property of others
  • Act in a courteous, polite, and respectful manner
  • Be on time to class

The textbook is available online for reading, remediation, studying or make up work. To access the textbook online 1) long on to 2) Username is student25980 3) Password is n3t2d If you are absent, then you should log on and catch up missed work. For those without access to internet, public libraries and other family members are helpful for providing access to the internet.

The Senior Project is embedded in the English 12 class and a portfolio of student work will be kept. The elements of the Senior Project are:

  • Narrative- based upon the essay selections from the Common Application
  • Resume- a professional resume for the Senior Interview and to build upon for the future
  • Email Thank You Letter
  • Cover Letter
  • Employment or College Application
  • Senior Interview

Students must pass each element of the Senior Project with a 70 in order to graduate. If a student fails one component then he/she must redo the assignment to a 70 with the original grade still standing.

Students who choose the Honors English 12 course should be aware that they will be writing essays, and creating projects throughout the term. The project will be due the day before the unit test. Students will have a packet of selections for the projects and must sign up for project approval and overview beforebeginning the project. Students working in pairs (some projects allow for more than one person to complete) must also gain project approval at the same time. Testing for Honors students will reflect the more rigorous standards and will be more demanding . This will require more insightful, supported, responses and could be in the form of providing contextual information about a quotation, short answer questions requiring support and thought, literary analysis type essays, and cultural connections and/or influences. This is not an inclusive list, but one to give students the necessary information to determine if he/she is willing/capable of meeting the demands of an Honors course. Failure to complete any project will forfeit the project option; therefore, the student will be required to complete an additional literary based essay of no less than 800 words of the teacher’s choosing.

This is the general outline of the course. The instructor reserves the right to adjust the course and curriculum as necessary.

Unit One-Business Communication and Conduct

The purpose is to fulfill TN State standards and prepare students for work and work culture.

Resume (Professional writing, ethics, culture)


Employment Application (Professional writing, ethics, culture)

Cover Letter

*****Narrative (Essay 1) (Honors students will have Essay 1 and project 1)

Unit Two-Emergent Period-Anglo Saxon-Middle Ages

Read pp 20-39

“Beowulf” pp 38-70

Handshake (Professional Behavior)

Prereading to the Prologue pp140-143

“Prologue to the Canterbury Tales” pp144-166

“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

******Essay 2 (Honors students will have Essay 2 and Essay 3 or project 2)

Unit Three-English Renaissance

Interview questions and dress

Read pp 288-311

“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” Marlowe p 312

“The Nymph’s Rely” Raleigh p 316

“Sonnet 30” Spenser p 318

“Sonnet 75” Spenser p 321

“Sonnet 130” Shakespeare p 330

“A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” Donne p 516

“Holy Sonnet 10” aka: “Death Be Not Proud” Donne p 521

“To His Coy Mistress” Marvell p 530

“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” Herrick p 534

Macbeth Shakespeare pp 348-431

******(Honors students will have Essay or Project )

Unit Four- Romanticism

Prereading pp 750-767

“Songs of Innocence” Blake p 768

“The Lamb” p 770

“The Chimney Sweeper” p 772

“Songs of Experience” Blake p 774

“The Tyger” p 774

“The Chimney Sweeper” p 776

“To a Mouse” Burns 782

“Lines Composed a Few Miles AboveTintern Abbey” Wordsworth pp 798-798

“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” pp 814

“Kubla Khan” Coleridge pp 840-841

“Ozymandias” Shelley p 860

“Ode on a Grecian Urn” Keats pp 886-887

******(Honors students will have essay or project )

Unit Five- The Victorians

Prereading pp 910-927

“My Last Duchess” Browning p 944

“Porphyria’s Lover” Browning p 949

** Literature selections may change according to class needs.

Supplies List:

  • Three ring binder for class work, notes, and handouts
  • A Flashdrive to save documents which need editing
  • Black inkpen
  • Highlighters
  • Paper
  • These are not required, but are extremely helpful to our class and helping keep the cost for the teacher down: Classroom supplies: Kleenex, Clorox wipes, Whiteboard markers (black), Ream of paper and Paper towels