10.00 – 12.00 Friday 11 December 2009
Notes from the last meeting 18/02/09
Murray Leys updated the meeting on two items outstanding from the notes:
· Consultants OLM have been engaged to conduct the ‘fair costing’ exercise and will be contacting providers for details of their costing models after the Christmas holidays. It is up to individual providers whether to respond, but Murray was keen to encourage co-operation since the eventual model would be adopted by the council: he felt that under the circumstances, providers would want to have input into how it was constructed. The outcome would be shared with providers individually: group feedback may not be appropriate because some of the material gathered is likely to be commercially sensitive.
· The assessment of individual packages of care for people with learning disabilities has been taken forward, with interesting results both for the council and for providers. Feedback has been given at various events and to individual providers. Murray pointed out that the council applied the same process to its in-house services. The exercise has resulted in a number of positive developments, with individuals’ care and support being reconfigured for better outcomes.
Presentation on the draft commissioning strategy
Pete Richmond presented the draft strategy to the meeting. A copy of the presentation is attached to these notes. Pete was keen to emphasise that the draft strategy sets out the direction of travel for the council, and does not contain detailed planning information, which is still to be developed. He also acknowledged that the council has not been particularly good at communicating with providers in the past, but expressed the hope that the strategy might represent the starting point of a more positive relationship, where the contribution of providers to the future shape of care and support in Aberdeen is welcomed and valued. Pete and colleagues made it clear that they are prepared to be held to account for the commitments set out in the strategy.
Following his presentation, Pete and colleagues responded to a number of points and questions from providers. The general thrust of the strategy, with its emphasis on personalised services, innovative responses to need and a focus on individual outcomes, was welcomed by the meeting. Particular points raised related to the link between the council’s high level outcomes and support for individuals; the outcome measures to be adopted; and ways in which the council might provide incentives for providers to reduce levels of service as people became more independent and self-managing.
Aberdeen City Council budget position
The meeting was joined by Fred McBride, Director of Social Care and Wellbeing. Fred explained that a recent meeting of the council Finance & Resources Committee had identified a £25-26M shortfall between the settlement for 2010/11 and projected expenditure. The council has looked hard at making efficiencies in its processes, but it is likely that social care and wellbeing will nevertheless have to make cuts to the tune of £6M.
Fred assured the meeting that cuts will not be made ‘across the board’ but that priorities would be drawn up. He pointed out that there would be cuts and redundancies within the council, and that some in-house services may be tendered. He acknowledged that voluntary sector budgets are going to come under pressure but was keen to emphasise that opportunities for the sector will also arise. He said that the scale of the budgetary constraints ahead made it all the more important for the council and providers to work together to reshape care and support in Aberdeen.
Fred invited questions from the meeting, and points raised included the role of other council departments and partners (eg. health) in responding to the financial challenges ahead; the need for the council to take account of the ‘added value’ activities of voluntary organisations beyond contracted service provision; and the application of the shared services agenda to Aberdeen.
Community engagement strategy
Murray Leys drew attention to the council’s recently-published community engagement strategy, which is attached to these notes, and encourage providers to respond with comments.
Closing the meeting, Annie Gunner Logan on behalf of CCPS expressed appreciation for the candid and open approach taken by ACC officers and particularly to the Director for attending in person.
It was agreed that the next meeting should take place in April 2010: the date and venue will be arranged and communicated to members.
December 2009
Sam Sinclair, Camphill Scotland
Lynn Scott, Crossroads
Ken Thomson, Crossroads
Graeme Henderson, Penumbra
Jane Cumming, Penumbra
Bob McDonald, VSA
Brenda Stewart, Alzheimer Scotland
Aileen Hossack, Cornerstone
Jayne Findlay, Cornerstone
Cath Avery, Inspire
Morag Harris, Inspire
Alex Pirrie, SACRO
Garry Sutherland, Turning Point Scotland
James West, Sense Scotland
David Strathearn, SAMH
Sarah Gordon, Capability Scotland
Annie Gunner Logan, CCPS
Murray Leys
Pete Richmond
Fred McBride
Graham Hossack
Michael Annand
Jim Currie
Anne Swash